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in reply to: tsh level? #1073141
Now I am no expert, but my tsh has been .001 for 3yrs. TSH is the amount of stuff your pituitary gland is putting out. (I think) The pituitary is also like the head command center; so if it ain’t workin then it can’t tell your thyroid what to do. Hence, hypo/hyper; it’s like planes flying with no one looking out or telling them they are about to crash into each other.
in reply to: Life insurance and Graves #1073157Back when I was working; for two years in a row I was denied long term disability. My weight fluctuates alot and at the time I had just been diagnosed and didn’t know much about GD. Well there was a mandatory section asking for weight and height. I didn’t have a place to write why my weight was the way it was; and was denied.
in reply to: Bad Thoughts #1073168Okay what am I missing here. I am taking 300mg of PTU, 80mg of Propanolol..Going to try and go to the ER today or tomorrow; have my levels checked. Thanks everyone, I will take all advice into consideration…
in reply to: Teeth problems #1073215Thank you Kimberly.
in reply to: Cushings Syndrome #1075651What are some of the physical appearances of cushing’s? Don’t think I have it but I am curious?
in reply to: Bad Thoughts #1073163Thank you,
I guess a trip to the ER is in order. I don’t have insurance or a doctor right now so that is where I end up; and have been ending up for the last couple of years. This is going to be a lot of fun, I hope they don’t try to baker act me.
in reply to: Why PTU vs. Methimazole #1075101Thanks for the insight of the difference. I always wondered why my old endo put me on PTU. As for being pregnant, I was taking a pretty high dose so with my first child I didn’t start back taking it until I was about 6 1/2 months.I delivered him at 35wks @ 4lbs 15 ozs. It really was a pain because 2 wks after he was born I had to take him 70 miles from where I lived to the nearest children’s hospital because his levels were abnormal. So with my second child I took the risk of not taking it at all. And I had him at 38 1/2 wks @ 6lbs 9ozs. I don’t recommend that decision for everyone; but I really think doctors (endo) should be more specific with their patients. Especially those thinking about conceiving.
in reply to: Terrible feeling of cold and sweating at nigh #1073983I wish I had the problem you guys have. I would take cold over hot any day. I feel like the sun is always beaming straight on the back of my neck. At night, as soon as I put covers on I am sweating. I try not to discomfort others; so I have my ceiling fan and an oscillating fan just to get me through the night.
I told my mother, with all this stuff going on menopause will be a walk in the park!in reply to: Thyroid pain anyone? #1073410I unfortunately know what you are talking about. I wake up sometimes with this throbbing pain in my neck. It is usually pretty sensitive. Like just touching the area makes my neck, head, and chest hurt.
So, know it’s a pain in my neck too…
Sorry, it really isn’t funny; but what can you do?!
in reply to: Teeth problems #1073212Oh, I understand the dangers. Being one doctor told me that I am the text of everything that could possibly be wrong with on an appearance level; I am currently taking 300mg of PTU daily. The last doctor I saw set me at that amount, I will probably go back to the ER soon. I already know this is only to "pacify" my thyroid til I can have it removed.
in reply to: Teeth problems #1073210Thanks for the response. In response to your question. My GD hasn’t been controlled in over 3 yrs. I have been basically without insurance, being treated through ER visits; at present, I’m appealing my second SSI/Disability denial. But, if any changes I will try to find someone who may be able to see me.
Where to begin.? After the birth of my first living child (Chauncey), I counted my blessings and decided to get my tubes tied. To my disbelief I wasn’t old enough and didn’t have enough children to be considered for a tubal in the state of Florida. So I decided to attempt a successful pregnancy again to meet state requirements (unfreakin believable). So I stopped taking my PTU and doubled up on the folic acid.. within a month I was pregnant. Awww, yeah more like Oh!… I was miserable, but determined. The experience I had with PTU and pregnancy with my oldest son, brought me to the conclusion that I refused to take it at all with him. I also breastfed him for his first 3mths. That was as far as I could manage; I had to get back on my meds. So now I am taking 300mg of PTU a day, just to make up for the year I took nothing. I still have my good days and bad. I suffered severely with PPD with my first, and I tried my hardest to fight thru it this time. I do suffer from Roid rage or whatever you would like to call it; suprisingly enough most of my episodes occured when I was pregnant. My fiance’ calls me by a different name when I’m upset, he’s like "can you tell the love of my life I miss her, and that I want her here not you"? We try to make light of it, and I am blessed to be surrounded by love. But, I miss me too; I wish she would come back. But, I know it’s not that she doesn’t want to, she can’t. Just hang in there, it gets rough and the whole mom thing on top of that can be overwhelming. If I didn’t have them, I think it would be much worse because they are my motivation.
in reply to: HAIR – Thank you!!! #1074219So that is where all my hair is going. Thanks for the insight. I thought I just didn’t have a good conditioner. I have dreadlocs and they are snapping off like twigs! I have been thinking about cutting them off and starting over when my GD is under control.
I also suffer from TED, compress ain’t gonna do a thing. Your best friend will be that nighttime eye gel, and artificial tears eye drops. I learned the hard way, but if you smoke STOP now! It makes it bad, really bad, much reply to: My Story- Babies and PTU #1074223DianneW wrote:What a rough time you’ve had, and I too am so sorry about your babies! All this and no insurance, and you’re so young! How are your eyes, are they affected too?Is cost the reason you haven’t had a second RAI?
Best wishes,
I appreciate the love. Well, my eyes have definitely been affected. Within about two years of diagnosis, my doctor told me that the gritty feeling yet constant eye watering was the start of exopthalmos. Within 6 mths of that, I was wearing glasses. I use the gel at night (its okay
” title=”Confused” /> ) and keep artificial tears, and tissues (they still run) on me at all times. I try to be optimistic about my NEW appearance but its hard. I try to think to myself, "If I gotta have high beams (bulging eyes), then I’ll make ’em beautiful". So I have started getting into eye shadows,etc. Then I took my kids to Disney on Ice. I was horrified at the picture we took with the characters! I haven’t taken a picture since. Sometimes even when I see people that I haven’t seen in awhile; I have to tell them who I am, and they always have this look like what happened to you? I tell em THYROID HAPPENS
On the other hand, I had the RAI back in 04, when my first son was about two months old. Got the hotel room, stayed away from him, the whole nine. Within 45 mins of ingesting the pill; me and the porcelin goddess became very well acquainted. For the entire week I was ill. The doctor told me it was all in my head, and I was like tell that to my stomach! Two to three months went by and they thought it worked. Then the jittery hands, the night sweats, the palpitations all came back with a vengeance. My levels were higher this time then before. About a year and a half went by and I had other tests done for other reasons, but it was discovered my severe allergy to iodine, and its counterparts. So pretty much a second RAI is out of the question…surgery is going to be my only saviour.
in reply to: anyone have Pretibial Myxedema? #1074911I went to my appt yesterday with the SS Disability doctor; who had an interest in me because he said I was the classic text book case of Graves’ Disease. I thought wow
” title=”Confused” /> what an honor? He then saw my legs, I said oh, yeah I have been fighting an infection since Thanksgiving; been on four different antibiotics and nothing is working. Not sure what it is. He politely told me that is because its PM. I said hmmm PM?
Mine is more of just discolored, with a waxy texture. It itches like the dickens, flakes really bad; the only thing seems to help with the dryness is vaseline. It is also very painful. I have no steady endo, so I’m not really sure where to go from here. I looked on the internet and it says hydrocortisone, or intravenous immoglubin (ck spelling) are the only ways to help this; but that is after your inital thyroid condition is treated.What do I do til I can have this thing removed? Had the RAI, but it didn’t work; made me very ill within 45 mins of swallowing that horsepill!
” title=”Confused” />