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  • BrookeRN
    Post count: 3

    Thank you for your response. My Free T3 and Free T4 are within normal limits now. My TSH was low for a few months but it is now within normal limits. I have been diligent about assuring that the right labs are drawn since I’m a nurse… a nurse who overthinks EVERYTHING thanks to GD. I have found that my doctor isn’t very helpful with the nutritional component. That’s why I thought I’d ask on this forum. I know that you can’t give medical advice but I’m looking for individual responses or experiences from people that have actually gone through this.

    When does the eye disease improve?

    Post count: 3

    Thank you all for the replies. I’ve certainly taken something from all of them – I’ve been eating a much much healthier diet. I’ve started juicing in the mornings and eating fresh foods throughout the day. I haven’t had anymore alcohol and I cut out aspartame. I was drinking several diet sodas a day and I’m curious to see if I notice a difference after a couple of months. From what I’ve read aspartame stays in the body for quite awhile.

    In regards to my boyfriend, I have told him about this website – whethere or not he will use it is another story. I totally agree men try and look for solutions and I see this in him. I can tell that he acknowledges my efforts to become well by making dietary and lifestyle changes in addition to taking the medication and that he’s being patient. I do feel lucky to have a supportive person in my corner. It’s still difficult for me to discern if my emotions and reactions to everyday things are valid or if they’re heightened because of GD. I am just trying to not react to the first feeling that surfaces and to look at the big picture.

    I went to the endocrinologist yesterday and my TSH was normal. She didn’t change my antithyroid medication yet and didn’t offer much of an explanation as to why I am still symptomatic. Is it normal to still have symptoms even though the lab values normalize? I’m still having insomnia, tachycardia, light sensitivity with my eyes/burning eyes, and mood swings. Does acupuncture help? Are there supplements that are good to take? I’ve read that balancing trace minerals like copper can make a difference but that a hair analysis is recommended first.

    To answer the question, yes I am a nurse <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Ironically I’m a psychiatric nurse so I have to be very calm and grounded at work despite all the stress and chaos that my patients are bringing to the table. I can certainly relate to them but I need to be sure I don’t let the stress affect my health… I also have to not take my stress out on my friends and family.

    Thanks again for your support.

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