I was diagnosed with Graves disease in Aug 2015. Although I did not have my thyroid taken out I did have the radioactive iodine treatment and my doctor stated that my thyroid is dead and inactive now. I’m on synthroid and I feel like a million bucks except for my eyes. I have double vision since Dec.2015.
My double vision came about after my thyroid was taken out through radioactive iodine treatment. Why the double vision after the thyroid has be dead not while it was still active…?
Now I had spinal cord surgery that has gone very bad. The day after the surgery my double vision came into play. I blamed my double vision on my spinal cord surgery but all the doctors stated differently and all three said it’s almost impossible. My spinal cord surgeon, my primary doctor, all three of my eye doctors, and the MRI stated my double vision stems from my dear and close friend the Graves disease.
Last month I had eye surgery to correct my double vision and so far all is okay.
But my question is how and why did I get double vision “AFTER” my thyroid was killed and why the day after my spinal cord surgery and not before….?