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in reply to: Feel like I’m going nuts….advice please #1062389
Hi , i have ahd severe anxiety since being diagnosed with gd, in February! I all ready had a underlying anxiety issue
, but i have hyperventilated 3 times since January when i went to the e.r. and was told i had hyperthyroidism
! I was put on Valium 2 times daily
” title=”Very Happy” /> , and it helps alot!! In fact I only been taking half a pill once a day or sometimes I won’t have to take one. I have chose to take atd, for @ least 2 yrs. to see if I achieve remission
” title=”Very Happy” /> , I have 3 little kiddos, so rai is out of the question for me! I will do surgery if it coems down to that. Hopefully it don’t though!! I also walk most days of the week to help relieve anxiety and I start counseling in 2 weeks
I hope you get to feeeling better!!!
in reply to: 10 Days In….. #1062677yeah patience was not one of my best attributes either
but i have been learning that is what its going ot take to get better! it took 3 weeks before i would even get out of bed to do anything. i felt hopeless. but when my endo dr. reduced my dosage on my methimazole and changed my beta blocker to atenolol. i was so much better
the propanolol made things so much worse for me. i hyperventilated 3 times and had to call the ambulance casue i though it was my thyroid problems worsening. thank-goodness it was not. i was put on valium.
it helps ALOT!! i am now feeling pretty good. able to exercise again and do housework and play with my kiddos
and my levels are improving really well
” title=”Very Happy” />
in reply to: Recently diagnosed with Graves Disease… #1062565thank-you for your reply bobbi
i will be choosing surgery the first part of May when i see my endo again, if my labs have not improved. but i have a feeling i will be o.k.
within 3 weeks of starting treatment my thyroid levels were almost back to normal
so they dropped my dosages down on my meds. i am on 10 mg of methimazole and 12.5 mg of atenolol. and 5 to 10 mg. of valium just to deal with this whole thyroid issue…… i am surprised i am hyper and not hypo, because my maternal grandmother and maternal great aunts are all hypo….. also trulydee thats how i felt @ first. it will get better
it just takes time! usually 6 to 8 weeks of being on meds. if you want i can post my lab results so you know were i am @ in the healing process. also what helps to boost the immune system.