Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179144SueAndHerZoo wrote:Oh my, sorry about your mis-hap…… but add another to your list of people who have “been there, done that.” Were you home when it happened or out in public?
This should make you feel better: I have colitis AND Graves. As they say on the colitis forum “Happiness is a dry fart.”
Almost missed your reply Sue.
No, thank goodness I was home. Just a short crab-walk out back to hose off (thank goodness it’s summer and the neighbors are blind)
Love to you and all,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179143Kimberly wrote:@Boomer – Thanks for sharing your story…and your sense of humor…with us! You might ask your pharmacist about the taste smell issues with the Methimazole. I notice a slightly bitter taste with the methimazole if I don’t get it down quickly enough. However, it’s actually much more common to hear complaints about that with the other anti-thyroid drug (PTU).Well if PTU is worse than I’m gonna quit whining, put on my Big Boy Pants™, and take my medicine with nary a complaint!
I’ve never had to take medicine in my entire life so I’m just not used to the whole mess that this godforsaken disease has brought into my world.
Hoping you and yours and all the brave spirits here are doing well.
On a more positive note, though, I have thus far managed to not poop my pants. Today…. Yet…
Small victories woo HOOOOOOO………….oops…. I got a little too excited there- time to go hose myself off and take a nap in the dog kennel.
Big love to all,
in reply to: Newly diagnosed – help! #1179224I’m going to let the more experienced and therefore more knowledgable folks answer your questions as I am newly dignosed as well and learning myself.
I will suggest that a GREAT alternative to soy milk is Almond milk. It comes in Unsweetened (my favorite!), sweetened, vanilla, and chocolate. Give it a try- if you like soy milk you’ll love it!
I’m glad to hear that you are asymtomatic. Keep talking like that and I’m gonna start to pout. Again… Nah just teasing you- I’m happy for you!
Stick around- the folks here are great. I mean they haven’t run me off yet so that speaks very highly of them
Glad you found us and I look forward to getting to know you a little better.
I hope you feel better right away
Peace to you and yours,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179140Well now go ON with your badass self Shirley. Thanks so much for the kind an welcoming words.
Feeling so out of sync with, well, the whole damn world right now, it really feels good to have like-minded badasses like you around who “get it”.
I live alone with my three dogs and have a couple nice friends (my elderly folks have been amazing too) but since I’m in the country I’m sort of isolated. In the past that wasn’t a problem but now it’s tough. The Beta Blocker I am taking makes me feel spaced out and I made a big mistake driving today so I’m gonna be off the road for a while- gotta play it safe. This board really helps to fill the hole of lonesomeness.
Regarding your encouragement – particularly that part where you said “It all gets better” really helps. What I mean by “helps’ is that should your promise fail me I will have help washing my drawers cuz I’m sending them to you. Just a little “heads-up”
And a “Thanks!” in advance.
I do have a wee bit of a bulging left eye but I’m hoping I can stop it in it’s tracks once I’m treated. No two eyes for me. Nooooooo we can’t have that, huh? No such luck (wait- both eyes bulging would not be “luck” would it?). Just one goofy eyeball poking out looking at you. And you. I’m cross-eyed you see…
I play guitar in an old-man punk band so I guess it’s a pretty cool look. Great fun to scare kids and elderly alike.
This topic stinks- I’m outtie this mess.
Have a great night you and all!
Love and peace,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179138All of my joking, positivity, and small victories probably grind some nerves around here so here’s alittle something to take myself down a peg:
I pooped my pants tonight!
Have a great night all.
Peace, love, and poop-free pants to all,
P.S. Note to self: Mind EVERY fart.
in reply to: new labs after CT with contrast #1179241No rest for the weary huh?
Hang tough and stay positive and hopeful in spite of adversity. I know it is easier said than done but we’ve all got to try or at least fake it and trick our brains into believing it.
I’m rooting for you and vibing good stuff your way.
Love to you and all,
in reply to: Heat Intolerance #1179237I’m here to help
Love to all,
in reply to: Heat Intolerance #1179235I’m feelin’ ya today!
It’s a mere 85F outside but man oh man I’m out of my mind with the heat today.
My solution: Sit under the maple tree and mist myself with a now-empty 409 spray bottle. I’ve gotten nothing but compliments on my new cologne…
(Actually it is a brand new bottle. Are you kidding me? 409? C’mon now…)
Inside, as I type this, I have the AC on with a fan blowing on me and yes- all of the windows are open. Ya wanna know why I leave the windows open? They’re MY windows and MY electric bill so I’ll leave ’em open if I want. So THERE! :-p
In spite of my ridiculous doings I hope you find yourself cool and comfy right away.
BoomerP.S. The misting bottle really helps!
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179137The Methimazone smells and tastes absolutly horrific. I’ve never been ill prior to this so I guess I’m just hypersensitive to how it smells and tastes when it melts before I can swallow it. It’s awful *shudder*…
Sorry about the confusion!
Hope your days is good.
Love to all,
in reply to: Meds: once a day? #1179211Well okay then!
I take my MMI every 8 hours as prescribed (and harped upon by my Endo).
Peace to all,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179135Yep the toxic-tasting and toxic smelling meds ( *shudder*) must be working for I actually slept last ngiht for more than 3 hours and only dashed to the outhouse thrice yesterday.
Woo hoo! Small victories as my sister (55 suffers with MS) told me.
Small victories.
Love to all,
in reply to: Is this thyroid or anxiety? #1179194I’m wondering the same thing.
The BB I’m on (propronalol 40mg 3x/day) has indeed calmed my tremors and racing heart but I wake up early (3:00amish) in a full blown panic mode. This morning, in fact, I awoke with a feeling of near-rage. And true to form I attribute(d) it to the stress of being diagnosed rather than a symtom.
The truth of the matter is that is NOT a normal stress reaction. Thinking back on my life I’ve had many stressful periods: College was incredibly stressful. Raising my daughter had many stressful times. Buying new homes and moving, carreer issues, self-employment, etc., ALL stressors. Not one of them ever caused me to wake up like I was shot out of a cannon in full fight or flight mode let alone a feeling of internal rage. It’s not right and I’m DONE pretending things like this are “normal” any more.
Speaking for myself only, I need to stop pretending that the things I’ve been experiencing with this lousy disease are due to normal everyday life stressors. It was this same denial of reality that kept me from seeing a doctor a loooooong time ago and instead waiting, telling myself “it’s okay- it’s just stress blah blah blah ad nauseum” and letting things go too long. I need to address these things ASAP from now on.
I’m sorry for the rant/ramble here Sue and friends. I’ve read this thread twice today and only now am I accepting the fact that things aren’t as great as I wish they were and that I need to face the facts of this godforsaken disease and the effects it’s having on my body, mind, and spirit.
My Endo is a top-dollar specialist so from this point forward I’m going to make a list of ANYTHING that doesn’t seem right. He’s gonna earn his money when I’m in his office!
I’ve lived in this body a long time so I know deep down when something is amiss. I’m going in with a list and I’m going to expect answers and suggested solutions.
No more playing around.
Sorry for the hijack and thanks for all of your straightforward awesomeness.
Peace to all,
in reply to: Meds: once a day? #1179204brondack wrote:I think that this , like all questions regarding taking any medication, should be answered only by your doctor and not anyone on this forum.I’m gonna have to go ahead and cosign brondack above.
We’ll send you a bill
Love to all,
in reply to: Well, here goes! #1173627Hang tough champ and let the low-talkers go in one ear and out the other. Only cowards and bullies talk behind one’s back, ya know?
Keep your focus on you and what’s good for you. HR seems to have your back on this one so if it gets out of hand take it up with them. That’s what they’re there for.
I hope to heck you get to feeling and doing better right away.
Stay strong like an oak tree brother!
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179134Relief!
My MMI dose was halved yesterday and today, lo and behold, the mega-poops have ceased and my guts feel as close to normal as they have in a year or two. I feel so good, in fact, that I’m going to go out to dinner tonight!
Don’t get me wrong- I’m by no means ready to dance a jig here but the fact that I can stray beyond crab-walking distance (c’mon- you know you’ve walked that way on the way to the toilet!) from a restroom makes me feel like a new man indeed. Woo hoo!
Have a great evening all,