Forum Replies Created
Ann1960graves wrote:Thanks boomer. Real quick, my son who was in the navy drove the billion dollar nuclear sub. However, he has yet to drive one of our cars!!! Lol
So far my drug tx is 10mg methimazole & 60 mg propranol. I have been on it since 4/25 and little to no improvement. Patient?
Thanks so much for taking time to respond.
Toss him the leys, close your eyes, and cross your fingers!
To be totally honest I’m not even close to qualified to answer any questions about meds. I will, however, give you the answer that you already know you’re gonna get: Talk to your doctor – make him earn his keep
If we were all exactly the same one med/dose would fit all but fortunately we’re all a little different so, well, there you have it.
I do hope, however, that you feel improvement right away. No matter how fast it might come it won’t come soon enough will it? Hang in there.
Let us know how things play out, okay?
Good vibes comin’ atcha!
in reply to: A Cyclist’s Two Days until TT #1179305Hey there Cycle!
You’re a wonderful writer and you really bring forth your feelings and thoughts with clarity and in a way that I think all of us can relate to.
I think fear, specifically the fear you’re feeling, is prefectly normal. Uncomfortable, yes, but 100% normal. I’m only recently diagnose and will have to make a tough choice as to which treatment I’ll receive, be it surgery or RAI, in eight days. I’m feeling the same fear that you expressed. Ugh…
I don’t know you but I know this about you: You’re a trooper! It’s been a long road yet here you are, articulate, twenty-five years sober (outstanding! 23 years off drugs myself), and still fighting onward and upward. That speaks highly of your strength and character. You rock!
I’m glad you found this site- for me it’s been an incredible source of strength and inspitration and I don’t feel quite so alone though this ordeal. I hope you’ll stick around because I need brave fighters like you to hold my cyber hand during the rough spots.
As Kimberly so kindly noted above- there are tons of GREAT resources here. The more I learn the less I fear for knowledge truly IS power. Take advantage of the incredible knowledge base that is the GDATF.
I’m glad you didn’t opt for the steak knife option although it sure beats the hare-brained idea I had that involved a grapefruit spoon, some stout twine, a pencil sharpener, and a potato…
Hang tough you brave soul and keep us posted as things progress. You don’t have to go it alone
Peace to you and yours,
Ann1960graves wrote:Thank you Boomer. I like your positive-ness!Why is your name Boomer? Were you a submariner for the Navy?
You really think they’d let me anywhere near a piece of expensive and dangerous gear such as a submarine? Heck no! The only sub I’ve worked with is a sandwich…
I got tagged with “Boomer” years ago. That was my busness partner’s nickname. Over the years customers would come in, approach me assuming I was him, and they’d call me Bomer in error. After years of saying “No, sorry, he is Boomer and I’m Eric” I just started answering to it when they’d call me Boomer as it was much easier then explaining it for the umteenth time.
My partner eventually retired and I bought out his half of the company and the nickname “Boomer” has stuck ever since.
No cool story. A total *Yawn*… The next nickname story, however, is a little more interesting:
Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s in Detroit we all watched a Saturday afternoon movie host who dressed like Count Dracula and played cheesy old horror movies. He and his crew did silly skits and contests in between segments. Most big cities/TV markets had similar movie hosts back in those days. Cleveland, for instance, had “Ghoulardi” who was cut frm the same cloth.
It was a Saturday afternoon ritual in the winter and on rainy days- every kid in Detroit was inside watching the b-grade scary movie at 2:00pm. I never missed a show except when it was summer and I was outside playing.
I liked the show so much that my folks and my sister would call me by the host’s name.
Here’s the “spooky” part:
It was hosted by none other than……
Are you ready for it?……
Sir Graves Ghastly!
Yep, to this day my family still affectionately calls me “Sir Graves”.
Oh the irony indeed….
Love ya’ll!
Boomer (the artist formerly known as Sir Graves)
in reply to: Heat Intolerance #1179239Naisly wrote:Naisly wrote:Anyone know why Las Vegas has so many fountains?(I know the answer)
I guess no one knows the answer? Surprised, since most of you are from the US.
Water regulates temperature.
You all can figure out the rest since no one here bothers to talk to me anyways.
Hello Naisly!
I’m sorry I missed your question- my mind isn’t working at 100% capacity these days
. I’ll talk you about anything any time my new friend!
I lived in Phoenix, Arizona for a cuople years. Same climate as Las Vegas. There were many fountains there (and misting stations as well). The evaporation of water provides a cooling effect on the skin called “Evaporative cooling”. I have been using a misting bottle of H2O for the same cooling effect.
They also had “Cooling towers” that are based upon ancient native peoples’ designs and provide a cooling effect to those in the base of the tower. They work through (I believe but don’t remember 100%) cooling due to convection. They used these towers as bus stops so the people waiting didn’t dry up and blow away. The amazing part is that they actually work and use no energy whatsoever.
In spite of the heat I loved the climate there. 100F @8% relative humidity was actually quite pleasant. I remember one day, though, that the temperature reached 122F! The airport had to close because the tarmac was too soft from the heat.
Many folks who’ve never experienced the climate there say “It’s a dry heat so it’s not very troublesome”. I disagree- once it exceeded 100F it felt like I was living in a furnace!
I’m going to buy a HUGE box of Lego™ building blocks and build my own cooling tower right here over my desk if I don’t become accustomed to the heat this summer.
I hope this message find you feeling strong and brave and of course cool and comfortable
Love to you and yours,
in reply to: Become Obsessively Familiar With Your Meds #1179324Good catch- bravo!
There are numerous pill identifier sites easily found via Google or Bing search. It only takes a minute to check things out and those few minutes could save our lives.
If anyone needs a link let me know and I’ll post a couple in the AM.
Goodnight and love to all,
in reply to: My Heat Intolerance Melt down #1179334Karen!
Picturing you sitting on an iceberg. Also picturing you getting stuck to the iceberg…
Let me make a little diagram to help sort this out:
Ex. 1
____________________________HOT up here!
UU <
|^^^^^^^^^^^| <
IcebergC-c-c-c-cold down here!
Now how in the heck am I gonna get you off that thing? Hmmmmm let me think……
Spatula… Stat!
Good night all
in reply to: So what was your Graves story…. #1179275Gabe wrote:PS. Boomer, thanks for finding us on this forum…every one of your posts makes me laugh out loud and that’s really good medicine!No no no! Thanks for being here for me. I’ve never felt such a warm welcome and sense of fellowship as I do here. The GDATFoundation, the admins here on the site and forum, all of the contributors, and all of the brave fighters that came before me deserve any and all credit. Were it not for the good people here on this site I’d be feeling very much alone with this mess.
I will, however, take the blame for my often-vain attempts at humor. Laughter really is good medicine, though and I hope that in spite of my silliness now and then it is clear that I take this disease, the members and bosses here, and anyone suffering and fighting back against this dreadful disorder VERY seriously. You are ALL very important to me.
Gratitude for and love to all,
in reply to: So what was your Graves story…. #1179273My story thus far can be found here: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o
It quickly degenerages into my rambling madness so get in, get out, and pretend this conversation never happened.
Good vibes to all,
snelsen wrote:Cool photo, boomer!!
You sure are an asset (as everyone is) and a breath of fresh air, to the forum.
ShirleySurely you jest Shirley…
Lets just leave my description at “ass” and leave the “asset” tag to those more deserving. And about that “fresh air”, um, haven’t we talked about the bathroom troubles enough?
Just teasing- thanks for your outstandingness (I make ’em up as I need ’em)!
Big ol’ loving hippy vibes comin’ atcha at the speed of light: BLAM!
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179153SueAndHerZoo wrote:Wow….. I’m wondering which picture I’m seeing because you look SO YOUNG!It’s the one that looks like you have something in your mouth or like you’re pointing something at your mouth.
Thank you for the eye-candy.
SueAwe shucks, ma;’am, you’re gonna make me blush… Yep that is me just two years ago smoking my corncob pipe. If only I looked so healthy now as I have never looked worse…
I guess I’ve got some youthful genetics as my Pop is 87 now and still has a full head of hair. Mine is holding out too. The rest of me? Well, not so much. If I ever get some meat back on these bones I’ll not so importantly look better but I will feel better too.
Bah! Rambling on as usual… Thanks for the sweet words and the smiles you brought me today.
Peace and love,
P.S. Probably more devilish than handsome given the choice
Howdy Ann
I had/have the same symptoms: Shortness of breath, loss of muscle mass, and strength. I also had a pounding fast heartbeat. Laying in bed the pounding was keeping me awake!
I went from a slim but toned workhorse who could hike 10-15 miles with a full pack (and often carried the pack of another) to a panting gasping weakling of a stick-figure who now has trouble climbing stairs. Like you I attributed these symptoms (and others) to aging.
I mean hey- this was my first time in my late 40’s so I had no point of reference as to how one should feel right? I thought this was simply “What happens now that I’m older”. Obviously I could not have been more incorrect for here I am newly diagnosed with Grave’s. At least what was happening my former friend (my body!) now at least makes sense.
For now I accept the fact that this is my new but temporary body. Once I am treated I hope to reattain my ideal weight and then gently build my strength, stamina, and muscle tone.
I am realistic in that I will most likely never be the same but I remain hopeful that I’ll get back to “next best” and will hike again. The more I study and the more I read the posts here the less I feel depressed and hopeless. I’ve found hope that I might indeed return to health. Stick around and maybe you will join myself and others in this sentiment. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, do our parts, and things can very well get better!
No matter the case I wish everything good for you and your loved ones and I look forward to perhaps knowing you a bit better as we all move forward through these challenging times.
Rest up, heal up, and keep your eyes forward and your chin up. We CAN do this!
Love to all,
in reply to: married and lost #1179265Dearest Jacquiello,
I’m so sorry to read of your struggles. Please know that the hard times upon you WILL pass and the sun will shine upon you again.
I don’t think I can offer you any better suggestions than those already offered by the good people above but I want you to know that I have you in my thoughts and am sending you all of the positive energy possible.
I’m glad that you found this amazing site and I hope you will take advantage of the solid support and fact-based opinions offered here.
I wish you and yours the very best.
With love to all,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179152vanillasky wrote:Don’t you just love people that are healthy? they don’t understand any of this. I’ve never wanted to slash my wrists, too messy. but I’ve had handfuls of pills and almost nearly downed them. I got chicken. when I told this to the doctors at integrative medicine, they looked like I was nutso.But that’s for healthy people that just dont understand and have had a happy life so good for them.
Hey now that’s some serious stuff there good woman! I’m sure all we chronically ill have thoughts of checking out but it sounds like you were a little beyond a mere thought. Should you ever feel that way again (it is normal to have such feelings. KNOW that, okay?) Promise me here and now that you will seek a professional for assistance. Sometimes, once we talk things out and hear our own voice before a caring listener, things can take a turn for the better emotionally. One bad experience from someone does not a pattern make so reach out if need be. PLEASE!
Suicide Hotlines (US) 1-800-784-2433
Outside of the US there are also similar hotlines. Feeling desperate and suicidal? CALL NOW.
vanillasky wrote:@Sue, I know about colitis. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis years ago and took drugs to stop it. Colonoscopies and the upper GI series. Yuck. My heart goes out to you.As does my heart. My dear mother has suffered with Colitis for decades. I don’t know how she carries on yet she always does. Ya’ll are amazing.
vanillasky wrote:@Boomer, I imagine you are at the end of your rope. I have been there. As a matter of fact, my Graves + menopause doesn’t mix. I HATE THE HEAT. My gyno laughed last week. I told her I wanted to go to Alaska or Antartica. Someplace freezing. I want to be on the crab boat on “Deadliest Catch.” that looks nice and cool:) I think it’s important to keep a sense of humor with this as this morning I woke up in a pool of water and so hot, I could explode. Out came the gatorade and tranquiliazers. If I ever get through this I’m going to see Dr. Drew’s rehab. He has a center in Pasadena for non-celebs. I’m going there if I can afford it, which I doubt.Humor indeed! I read that line about Gatorade as hand “grenades”! Now that I think about it they really *could* come in handy huh?
I’ve certainly had my share of ups and downs but the end of this old guy’s rope is a looooooooong way down the line. Just like yours and all of the brave spirits here.
vanillasky wrote:I know I have an addiction to benzos but what can I do? It’s either that or I just can’t cope.I’m a recovering addict since 1990 so I read you loud and clear. Only within ourselves do we know if we are dependent medically or abusing drugs/medications for the wrong reasons. In spite of what the traditional recovery model tried to pound into my head I’m of the mind that in some instances a dependence on a medication is a small price to pay for quality of life. Deep down we all know if we are treating or abusing and that is something we all might have to face one day.
Best not to go into a debate here (and I judge NO ONE) but if you or anyone for that matter wishes to talk on the subject of addiction and recovery I am happy to share my experience, strength, and hope via private messages to keep this message board on-topic with minimal clutter.
vanillasky wrote:More frequent bowel movements, I haven’t lost that completely but it’s annoying to have cramping all the time like you have to go to the bathroom and then nothing much happens. So annoying.Annoying is putting it mildly. I’ll just go ahead and say it for all of us and loudly at that: It SUUUUUUUCKS!
Still, though, we perservere, don’t we? You bet we do!
vanillasky wrote:I do believe God has blessed us with this disease indirectly. I think we are special people who have gone through and are going through a test to see how strong we are. Hopefully we will be rewarded in heaven for this. I pray so!Karen
I’m agnostic at this point i my life but I respect those who have sound beliefs and, at times, am somewhat envious of those with strong faith. I feel that I am constantly evolving and therefore my feelings on any subject can change given time, knowledge, and circumstance. All that aside, if you can believe this: I draw strength from the faith of others. Sounds weird but it’s true…
Stay awesome- absolutely awesome. Why? Because you can and more importantly because you ARE!
Love to all,
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179150SueAndHerZoo wrote:Hey – Yo, Oh Devilishly Handsome One . . .
How about putting an avatar pic on here so we can all bask in the splendor?
SueSue, Sue, Sue, tsk tsk tsk….
Don’t you know you should be VERY careful what you wish for?
Many years ago, before Grave’s reared it’s ugly head, I was playing around with a program called “Photo Booth”. It is part of the Mac operating system. You can take regular pics or you can use all sorts of cool and/or silly effects.
I took a picture using a fisheye sort of lens in which I was pointing at my eye which was, because of said filter, HUGE. I used it as my avatar on another unrelated forum for years and let me tell ya- the comments and compliments never ceased.
Oh the wicked irony indeed: I *almost* posted it here as my avatar but then it dawned on me: “Wait! You really DO have a big goofy eye now and though the pic is funny, in this context it could be very hurtful to others on the forum.” so instead I shall post a normal pic of myself.
Mind you that by “normal” I mean “normal by MY standards.”…
Please sit there and hit “refresh” for the next hour or three while I upload and install my “normal” avatar.
Just for you
Big love,
P.S. If you want the “Huge eye pic” hit me up via pm!
in reply to: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o #1179146Howdy Deb! Pleased to meet you!
Since I was diagnosed a mere week ago I think it is fair to say every day has been one of those slash your wrists days. Please note that I said your wrists as I hate the sight of my own blood. In addition I’m more of a “drown in someone else’s vomit” kind of guy so perhaps that draws a better picture of who I am…
In all seriousness, though, in just this past week the ATD seems to be slowly helping as things are slowing down a bit. Other things, such as this frustrating lack of sleep, remain the same. Having never been a long sleeper I still function fairly well on just a wee bit of sleep thank goodness. I come from a long line of expert nappers so I catch a few winks any time I get the chance. When I m president naps will be mandatory.
I’ve taken vitimins for decades but my Endo ordered me off of everything except my my prescriptions during this “holding patern” I’m in as I await my next bood test and then make my choice as to which treatment I’ll use fight back at this godforsaken disorder on a more permenant basis. I have, however, noted in my journal your success with B1 100mg 3x/day should I need it in the future. As of today(which is either yesterday, tomorrow, or upside down in your location) my BM was the nearest to normal in well over a year. I could be a fluke but I’m holding out for a more long-term respite.
Thank you for sharing your tip with me and for the kind welcome you extended. Yourself as well as the other brave members here has showed me a kindness and concern previously unknown to me. Thank you kindly
Great and good energy to you and yours this and every g’day,