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  • Boomer
    Post count: 110

    Thanks Alexis!

    I appreciate your having taken the time to repond in such great detail.

    I’m also very glad you were relatively comfortable afterwards.

    Remain awesome!



    Anyone else? Feel free to chime in :-)

    Post count: 110
    in reply to: Hi #1179374

    Howdy Barbra!

    Welcome to the best place around to find answers to all of your questions. I’m really new to this stuff myself but I’m learning a lot. Stick around and you will too!

    I’m really wiped out tonight so I’m not my usual long-winded self. See? Things are getting better already ;-)

    Just wanted to pop in, say hello, and thank you profusely for forever associating me with frequent BMs.

    Just teasing- I literally laughed out loud! Oops! Gotta go hose off… (not really- things are much better in that department).

    Love and courage to you,

    Sir Poopsalot

    Post count: 110

    “Abby-normal”… is that a Young Frankenstien reference? If it is ooooh the irony: Marty Feldman suffered from Grave’s…

    One of my big concerns, should I opt for surgery vs. RAI, is the pain issue. I’m a recovering addict and pain meds probably aren’t the best thing for a fool like me.

    I’ve been clean for 23 years but I’d hate to get a taste of honey-dipped opiate goodness and be off and running. While I feel I’m mentally strong enough after so long it is still a concern of mine.

    Do you feel that, should every go right, the pain level after surgery would be tolerable using over the counter meds?

    Of course eveyone handles pain differently so I’m not asking for a definite here- just wondering if you *had* to go without pain meds how would you rate the pain level? 1 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain ever?


    Fantasic thread by the way. VERY encouraging to hear of a win! I’ve read this whole thread and I’ll read it again- it’s THAT good and so are YOU.

    You are my new hero by the way. Your new ridiculous yet fashionable cape is in the mail- check your email for tracking number…

    Now go ON with your badass self!

    Good energy to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    I can’t speak for Hypo but Goiter is common in those suffering from Hyper.

    I have a slight goiter that only became visible upon weight loss. Rather than a puffy-looking Goiter as some appear mine is simply an enlarged gland. Moreso on the right but a bit tender on the left. If I lay my head back you can see the butterfly shape of my thyroid quite clearly.

    Sounds like your doc called it huh? He must be a smart cookie too ;-)

    Remain oustanding,


    Post count: 110
    amosmcd wrote:
    Hi, Boomer!

    I’ve been off the forum for a week while not feeling good, but …

    I’ve been good for about 5 days now.

    Anyway, probably TMI, but I think sharing even the “unspeakable” stuff really makes people feel less alone.

    Thanks again for your posts, and welcome to the forum!


    Thanks so much Amy- I appreciate that you appreciate my lame attempts at humor ;-) . TMI? Not in this boat that we’re all stuck in, huh? It’s all good by me.

    I just read your story and wow- you really bring things to light- you’re a great writer! I want to thank you for taking the time to detail your journey towards health. Informational articles are great but hearing it right from a patient really makes a difference. Thanks :-)

    Thanks for the warm welcome and I hope things keep moving in a positive direction for you. Keep us posted and I’ll do the same.

    Love to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Of course it’s not good news to hve surgery bnut it sure is good to hve a comapssionate doc adn the sound knowledge one needs to make an informed decision. Beats being in limbo I’ll bet.

    I wld not only ask my surgeon how many he’s done but also what percentage had complications both minor and major. I don’t think that is unreasonable to ask- it’s your body. You might consider making a list starting today and include any and all questions that pop up. That way you won’t have to try to remember everything in such a stressful situation.

    “Optional” Ha! I supposes it is an option between being miserable and in limbo and waiting for the other shoe to drop, or being restored to health. Your body, your life, your choice. Naysayers? Nope I can’t hear them either. Their noise falls on eaf ears as far as I am concerned.

    Funny you mentioned “fat (I prefer comfy) and happy”; I just had that conversation with my buddy today. I told him I’d rather end up overweight than looking, feeling, and frankly being on the edge of starvation. I also told him I’ll take overweight over ups and downs and tremors and pounding heart ANY day.

    You’re a sharp cooklkie- don’t be manipulated into second-guessing yourself. I know it’s not much but I support ANY decision any of us makes regrding their health as long as it is based on sound reasoning. In my eyes you’re as sound as they come.

    Rock it!

    Big love,

    Post count: 110

    Well it’s about time a feel-good story popped up around here!

    Sounds like you scored Great Endo, huh? Still though, I hate to think about how much he charges for hugs. Then again it’s worth it huh? YOU’RE worth it!

    I’m happy for you :-)

    Good vibes to all,


    Post count: 110


    Thank you for the link! Gonna go study right now.

    Love and gratitude,


    Post count: 110
    CycleColo2013 wrote:
    Thank you all for these encouraging thoughts…I am going in less anxious because I am taking them with me. I will let you know how it goes!

    Sending big love your way brother.

    Be well,


    Post count: 110
    Ann1960graves wrote:
    Hi. The rabbit diet with cottage cheese is just “the sugar drop” pick me ups. I have been eating a little crazy because I can. I do like chocolate milk shakes.

    I talked with the nurse today. She’s not the smartest. She said this “drop” has nothing to do with graves.

    I need to get back to beating my head against the wall. Got a 10 year old with lots of homework.

    Oh okay I understand much better now- I was worried that was all you were eating! You mention milkshakes and I’ve been craving chocolate malts (extra malt please!) EVERY day. Can I have one for breakfast? Yes I can. You can too!

    A more healthy way, though, to kick one’s blood sugar up a notch or two is to have a fresh juice. I’ve got an ancient Champion™ juicer (In lovely avocado green. Who else misses the 70’s?) and when I’m jonesing for sugar I jam a bunch of carrots, an apple, and whatever else will fit into that thing. Fresh juice tastes and feels SO good! Maybe there’s a juicer in your future?

    Raspberry wrote:
    Oh man you guys are lucky! Coming from someone who gains weight when hyper, aaaargh!

    I blew right past “lucky” and went right to “walking skeleton” in the past nine-ish months. I know weight gain bothers the ladies more than the men. In fact I kind of miss the little belly that sprouted right before I went full-hyper. I’ve been eating at east 3500 calories a day for a long time trying to keep the weight on. I got on the scale this morning and I’ve gained 5 pounds since I started on meds!

    I know you want to lose it – I hope I find it!

    Stay beautiful,


    Post count: 110

    Wow y’all are amazing…

    Go figure: last evening was the worst but all night I slept SO good. I’ve only been catching an hour here or there but last night I slept for almost seven hours straight! This morning I feel back to the way I’ve been feeling for the past week- hungry, a litle hyper, and once again hopeful.

    I’ve never in my life ben a moody person- same guy every day. Maybe that makes me hypersensitive to hormonal changes? In any case I’ve got a whole new respect for what ladies go through hormonally. I’m not man enough to feel this weirdness every month.

    I was awoken by the phone- my buddy called at 6:30am (he knows that usually I’m an early bird) to make plans for later as he offered to come till my garden for me this year since I’m not supposed to do any hard labor (gotta keep my heart rate down. Sucks!). Good friend huh? I’ve never been one of those people that gets angry if woken up early but this morning I must have barked at him or sounded angry because he responded to me with “Spotting or a heavy day Boomer?”. My guy pals and I always tease each other about being on their period if someone is ornery. Needless to say I guess I qualify this morning. All of a sudden, too, the joke just dosen’t have the same “ooomph” that it used to.

    Let it be known I will NEVER joke about what women deal with hormonally. That one is played-out for me!

    I’ve got a blood draw next Wednesday and my Endo appointment Thursday and it is then I have to choose whether to have RAI or surgery. He said my case is so severe that he does not recommend treating it with just meds as the high doses needed could be damaging to my liver. I’ve been clean for 23 years but my liver was taxed pretty hard back in my using days so I respect his advice- it makes sense to me.

    At first I was sure that I would do RAI but for the past few days I’ve been flip-flopping between that and surgery. Maybe it’s best just to get this thing out of me. I’ve got a list of questions for my Endo next week so for now I’m just gonna keep flippin’ and floppin’ and I’ll figure it out when my questions are answered. I’m impatient- I’ve never been sick – I just want this to be over… The reality is that it’s not gonna be “over”. It’s (my body) just going to be different.

    According to the E.R. doctors my levels were “off the charts” and my Endo diagnosed me as “severe” so maybe it took this long to get for the excess hormones to be eliminated. I know the medication is working- I’ve gotten some relief from symptoms in the past week. I think I just felt a big decrease yesterday. This monring I feel about the same as the past week again. I hadn’t been sleeping so maybe I just felt it all at once from being wiped out. Seems reasonble to me. And really, does the “why” matter? Not really- all that matters is I feel like the funk I was in is lifting.

    Sorry for shaking you folks up- last night I felt like if I didn’t address how I was feeling my head was going to explode! I feel like the boy who cried wolf now because, as I said, I feel pretty okay this morning.

    Ye gads do I ramble or what? Yikes. Time to make a good hot breakfast on this cold damp morning (we’re gonna till the garden tomorrow when it’s warmer and dryer), take loo long of a shower and try to make the most of another day sitting on my butt.

    Thanks for the support, kind words, encouragement, and for helping me feel like I’m not a circus freak.

    You guys are amazing!

    Thanks and love to all,


    Post count: 110

    Well it’s been ten days since I started on MMI and I’m feeling it.

    What, exactly, I’m not sure. I mean I guess I’m feeling a reduction in the hormones that have been piled up in my system. It hit me like a ton of bricks this evening.

    I know it is the beginning of the return to normalcy but it’s really uncomfortable. I’ve been sweating and freezing and back again all evening. I feel energetic then a total crash. Also very emotional. What emotion, well, I can’t tell you. I just feel so scatterred. Right in the middle of a tasty meal I got hot and nauseous and the food tasted gross.

    Does this make sense to anyone: My body is so used to being so out of whack that now that levels are dropping so quickly it doesn’t feel “normal”?

    I’ve been so encouraged for the past few days as I’ve felt better than I have in ages and all of a sudden now I feel like… I feel bad. I’m exhausted from insomnia, can’t get comfortable, feel almost feverish (I’m not- I checked), and I feel like the biggest wimp in the world.

    I don’t feel at all safe driving or climbing the stairs and just feel so disconnected from life.

    If this is what’s gonna go on for the next long while once I get treated I don’t feel like I can do this for a year of however long it takes. I’m usually so tough about things- worked through the flu mor times than I can remember, laugh at colds, enjoy the feeling of sore muscles after a hard day’s work, etc., but this is absolutely kicking my butt and it just hit me out of the blue.

    Never felt more “off” in my entire life.

    I see my Endo a week from tomorrow and it can’t come soon enough. Fees more like I need a psychiatrist than an Endo.

    Ugh. This will pass. Right? (this is where you say “Yes!)

    Love you gals and guys and goodnight,


    Post count: 110
    vanillasky wrote:

    , I think the bathroom humor, on my part, might be just alittle bit too much information! LOL!

    Sometimes I just feel like being alone. If I am not around for awhile, just consider me lurking. You guys are all great. But sometimes I just need to be by myself for awhile.

    Love you all

    WAY too much information indeed ;-) Never let it be said that I won’t go to *almost* any extreme to get a smile out of folks.

    I totally get the deisre to be alone. As goofy and outgoing as I am on here I am, for the most part, an introvert. I love my dogs, my books, my guitars, and I looooove to put on an album, close my eyes, and let the music take me away.

    Enjoy your peace Karen :-)

    Be well,


    Post count: 110

    Aw dang I hear a lot of defeat in your post. It’s normal to get down sometimes, for sure, but try not to feed the negative thoughts. I know- easier said than done huh? Cancer worries on top of the rest of this mess can surely be overwhelming. I honestly can’t even pretend to understand. Sometimes, though, just talking it out can bring some comfort and you’re doing GREAT so keep up the good work!

    Try not to let past performance of others dictate your expectations for the future. Who knows- maybe your new doctor will be the best doc you’ve ever had. It’s porsible right?

    I had a lousy therapist last year – her heart was in the right place and I thik she would be awesome with kids but, well, I’m a straight shooter and a recovering addict and I think she was a bit intimidated by me. Whatever the case was she didn’t serve me well. I can’t give up on all helpers though, can I? No way.

    This Grave’s business sure is tiresome but we can rise above it no matter the circumstance. The way I look at it my body might be a wreck but the guy insides falling to pieces is optional.

    Hit me up any time and we can compare bowel movements. You know- like talking about the kids and all that.

    Hey- just an idea. I tried…

    Stay awesome,


    Post count: 110

    That doesn’t sound like a well-rounded diet to me. Unless you’re a hamster of course.

    I know appetite can take a huge hit. In my case it certainly did. I supplement my meals with protein shakes and vitamins.

    Are you sure you’re eating enough? Our bodies are working extra-hard so we’ve got to give it the fuel it needs to heal.

    I’ve been spoiling myself a little bit and eating lots of my favorite things even though they are high in fat and chocolatey goodness. It’s okay to treat yourself- you deserve it and your body needs it!

    Love and full bellies to all,


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 108 total)