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  • Boomer
    Post count: 110

    @ Sue and @ Shirley:

    Wait… You mean you guys actually touch those shelled critters? And here I thought I wasn’t afraid of nuthin’ HA!

    Back under my shell as well,


    Post count: 110

    I definitely haven’ t and hopefully won’t.

    Make that “definitely’ won’t.

    I’ll bet you regret that whole thing about “Thanks for any input you might have” right about now, huh?

    Be healthy!


    Post count: 110
    amosmcd wrote:
    Hi, Karen–

    Glad I’m not scaring you! Had to LOL at your singing comment. If I listen to my iPod with headphones on and sing along (pre-TT) my boys would tell me to stop because it sounded so bad. Insensitive louts! :P I keep singing anyway. heheheheheh!


    That expains those wailing noises rolling in from the west a while back…

    I you must sing try the ones everyone always requests from me:

    “Softly” and “Far Away”. Never heard of them but they *must* be pretty popular. I’ve also been told I sing in the Key of C-Nile. Perhaps a duet is in order…

    Courage and healing to you,


    Post count: 110

    It sounds like you’ve made a very informed decision. I hope you’ll keep us updated with your forward progress!

    Those fears and worries? I think it’s normal and, in fact, I think that were one were to NOT be concerned that would be a sign of trouble. While I doubt there is anything anyone can say to take those fears away sometimes just hearing ourselves talk or writing things out can really help. It certainly helps me.

    Hang tough, continue being brave, and when those fears creep in know that you’re not alone okay?

    Okay! Now carry on in your usual badass fashion.

    Love to all,


    Post count: 110

    Looks like I dodged that symptom. Nyah nyah!

    Having always been a metabolising machine I found that I feel much better (in many ways) breaking away from the “three meals a day” thing and eating 5 smaller meals with lots of healthy snacks in between.

    I know five “meals” sounds like a lot of extra work but it’s not- I carry some leftovers into the next meal, add something new, and instead of 4-5 things I just have two or three. It’s really quite managable and maybe those who feel that “drop” might benefit from it.

    Something else that *seems* to help prevent that drop (could all be in my head- not sure don’t care!) is I try to avoid sugar and use honey as a sweetener if one is needed. As I said i could be in my head but it seems like I don’t feel my sugar drop an hour later from it.

    If ya’ll are worried about having too many leftovers ship ’em out to me. The way I’ve been eating a shoe with a little lemon and pepper sounds GREAT right about now.

    Stay awesome one and all,


    Post count: 110

    Thought I’d update as I saw my Endo today:

    My levels have come down but since they were so high when I was diagnosed we upped my ATD to twice my current dose. I have to have blood work every ten days until I am mildly hypo at which time I will stop the ATD for a week and take the RAI.

    We have tentetivlty planned the RAI (pending the right numbers of course) for some time in August. Not nearly soon enough but what else can I do?

    I feel like I got lucky with my Endo- he was attentive, interested in me, communicated great, and respected my input. He went thorugh all three ways of treating this and agreed with me tht RAI is the least intrusive and that surgery can always be done later if need be. Neither of us felt that ATD were the way to go for me in the long-term.

    He aso hesitantly prescribed me 5mg Ambien (20 tablets only as a one-time thing) as I’ve been SO loopy from lack of sleep. While I’ve never been a long sleeper 1.5-3 hours just isn’t enough. He said that as my numbers continue to drop I should expect much better sleep. Makes sense to me.

    I also got the “okay” to use Imodium if needed and Pepto Bismol. With so many possible interactions I’d rather clear things with him before taking any OTC meds. The whole concept ot taking meds is new to me as I’ve not had so much as a cold in decades. Guess I better get used to it eh?

    That’s it. I’m on hold until my numbers drop and I continue to gain weight. All in all I really couldn’t ask for more from my doctor and consider myself VERY lucky in that regard.

    Oh yeah one more thing: As we were going over the precautions for when I take the RAI he was adamant that I should NOT breastfeed. No wonder I like the guy huh? I shot him a blank stare and said ‘Can I go now?” and he waved me outta there…

    Hope all are doing well, hanging tough, and staying positive.

    Love to all,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: To Boomer #1179541

    Wait a minute: No cake and ice cream? I knew it was a trap!

    Thanks so much to ALL of you great folks. Yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery so it’as time to get back down to biz…

    I’m speechless right now so enjoy it- it won’t last ;-)

    Crab-walkingly yours (or is that crabbily walking?),


    Post count: 110

    My open apology to The GDATF as a whole, the moderators, and of course the members:

    I wish to apologise for handling thinsg in such a poor fashion a few days ago. I could have done many things differently. I’m sorry for any distress I may have certainly caused EVERYONE here at this great site.

    I offer no excuses – I could have been much more gentle in my approach.

    I am by no means “anti-religeon”. We are all free to worship as we see fit. I don’t think that came accross in my poorly written post and it’s troubled me all weekend. I care not how anyone finds comfort and peace, be it Scientology, Catholicism, Budhism, or frankly any way one sees fit. If I came off as a closed-minded jerk, well, it is certainly understandable. This is not an excuse for the way I handled things- simply a clarification.

    I appreciate the support shown me both publicly and privately. On that same token, however, I hate to think that my presence here might cause others to clam up for fear that I lash out at them. While I assure you that is not the case I think it is in the best interest of all that tip my hat you all, wish you the best in healing and life in geeneral, and bow out with a shred of dignity still somewhat intact.

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome when I arrived, for the moral support over the past couple weeks, and vast pool of real-life knowledge that was made available to me.

    Peace and health to all,


    Post count: 110

    As a token of good faith I will refrain from further participation here pending a discussion with the Moderator(s) of this site after the holiday.

    Wishing ALL a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

    Love and health,


    Post count: 110
    vanillasky wrote:
    But again, it is not my intention to convert anyone ON THIS BOARD TO SCIENTOLOGY. I was merely making a statement.

    Your “statement” hs been mentioned over and over ad nauseum over numerous posts throughout the thread. Enough is enough!

    This is a medical board NOT a pulpit from which to evangelize. You’ve offended me repeatedly with your repetiitve evangelizing and frankly it’s tired, played out, and so dead it stinks. I’ve kept out of this in spite of wishing to share some experience with the original poster. I’m done biting my tounge and allowing you to run roughshod over the rules as well as my sensibilities.

    Your statement of the “good works” of your organisation in going after 300 licensed professionals speaks loudy as to your mindset. You’re not here to help- you’re here to gloat and evangelize or so it appears. Go team Karen!

    The moderator here has noted that your science-fiction writer and leader/inventor of “Scientology” L. Ron Hubbard’s book is NOT endorsed by The GDATF. Isn’t that enough to snap you our of your zealous stance, clam up, and stop shoving it further down our throats? Full-stop: MY throat?

    And please, Karen, no more private messages disparaging other members here. I handled it with grace the first time- the next time it WILL be reported.

    I’m a very happy-go-lucky guy, empathetic, and very tolerant. If you wish to believe that Xenu brought us to planet Earth on a DC-8 by all means pray to Xenu. But do it in the privacy of your home rather than a public board meant to help educate and heal rather than offend.

    I can agree to disagree and you’d be wise to do the same.

    I hope I’m “clear”. Pun most definitely intended.

    Good day to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Thanks SO much, Shirley, for taking the time to answer in such detail! You’re the best :-D

    Well so far it sounds like 2-0 with the 2 being no narcotics. I note, however, both are women and lets face it- when it comes to pain you’re the toughies and us guys? WAAAAAH!

    Very encouraging thus far- anyone else wanna chime in?

    Love and health to all,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: An old pro? #1179445

    Howdy Andrea!

    Glad you found this site- it has really helped me in the short time I’ve been here. I hope it does the same for you!

    I’m sorry this message is so short but I’ve had a long tiresome and frankly depressing day. Rest assured, though, that I’ll be back to my usual long-winded self in no time ;-)

    Just wanted to pop in and welcome you as I was so warmly welcomed.

    Love and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: Hi #1179376

    Aw shucks, Barba, you say the nicest things…

    By all means talk to your doctor but in my limited knowledge the BP med (propranolol) in to lower heart rate AND BP. And the hunger hit me like a ton of bricks as well.

    Think about it- while Hyper our bodies were, essentially, consuming themselves due to malabsorbtion of nutrients. The food passed right on through. So now that the Methimazole is slowing The Thyroid (metabolism) down and is no longer consuming muscle mass we have to give it more food to rebuild.

    As I said- Talk to your doctor by all means. Your situation parallels mine in many ways – same symptoms same meds and now the same ravenous appetite. Now that the BMs have slowed down I’m happy to be eating so much and drawing strength from it.

    Love and comfort to you,


    Edited to corect typos (and avoid incompetence charges)

    Post count: 110
    karenz516 wrote:
    Hi Boomer,

    Anyway, was wondering how severe your symptoms are, I see that your on anti-thyroid and a beta blocker,

    Just wondering what your day to day issues are.

    Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. I’d like to keep ths thread foscused on my pain medication questions as per the title but I’ll briefly answer your great questions here.

    (I posted a thread that tells my story located here: Diagnosed @ 49 y/o)

    My case is deemed severe and parallels yours in many ways including racing heart which brought me to th ER, massive weight loss (Stubborn- should have sought help MUCH sooner). Tremors in hands, legs, and core, and basically my entirel metabolic system out of whack.

    I’m in a “holding pattern” until next Thursday when I meet with my Endo and choose a course of treatment be it RAI or TT.

    Thanks again or chiming in and I look forward to seeing you around the forum.

    Love to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Thanks SO much Amy :-)

    Stay well,


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