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  • Boomer
    Post count: 110

    I checked- you ARE a superwoman. I have the documents…

    Already thinking you should be doing more.. That seems to be a common theme among the gals here. Personally this guy would be whining like a little girl and eating popsicles for months!

    But seriously- it seems like the ladies tolerate pain SO much better. I know that’s easy for me to say having never walked your road but give yourself some credit. You’ve earned it.

    I’m glad to hear you’re following up with your doctor- it’s important for many reasons. Good call!

    You’re a trooper for having battled this darn thing for so long now. Give yourself break.

    Thanks for joining us here and I hope to read good news from you very soon. Keep us posted!

    Peace and health to you and yours,


    P.S. I want your bed with Shirly’s mattress but it’s probably for the best that I do without – I’d never want to get up!

    Post count: 110

    Thanks for the update!

    I’m sorry your energy level is slow to improve but hang int here- your body has been through a lot. Maybe that is it’s way of telling you, no forcing you, to chill out and rest up. Too bad life can’t be put on hold in the meantime huh?

    I’m gonna do my best to have a good weekend as you ordered and I’ll expect a sound effort from you on that same note. So hop to it and, well, hurry up and rest!

    Now go on with your badass self,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: Causes #1179742

    @ Laurel

    You mentioned Psoriasis… I’ve suffered from Eczema for years. They *think* it is an auto-immune disorder. In the pst year, as Grave’s symptoms begin to rear their ugly heads, my Eczema has been in remission. Not a single bit of dry skin, itching, etc.

    This might be a bit simplistic (I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. Yet…) but I wonder if, now that my immune system has been attacking my thyroid, it stopped attacking my skin. I was SO happy to finally have relief from the itchies but in hindsight I would much rather deal with that than this Grave’s baloney.

    I have no idea what I’m talking about here but it sounds good in theory. If, later on, medicine somehow confirms my theory, I’d appreciate an honorary doctorate (with full salary of course). You heard it here first folks.

    Good health and love to all,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: Causes #1179740

    Howdy Suzzanne!

    You know what? That’s a good question! While I don’t have an answer (but now very curious) I’ll say this as it might help a little with all that second-guessing (which is normal by the way):

    Graves has been successfully treated for many decades now. As my Endo put it to me, as well as in my study of this disease, the treatments be they medication, RAI, or surgery, are very well-established and most often successful. Although this disease is new to us it is not new to medicine and there isn’t much, if any, guesswork involved.

    As soon as I heard “auto-immune” I freaked out a bit as, well, we hear a lot about that these days in regards to HIV, AIDS, etc. Naturally I was shook up! As I began to educate myself, though, the shock subsided and things began to look and feel much more hopeful.

    Spend as much time as you need to read up and maybe it would be a good idea to write down any questions you have for your doctor. In addition this site has a wealth of solid info. I would not be surprised if before too long someone will come along with an answer to your great question and clear things up for us.

    In the mean time treat yourself good- eat good food, drink lots of water, and follow your doctor’s orders and I’ll do the same!

    Health and happiness to you,


    Post count: 110
    in reply to: Ibeuprohan? #1179729

    Hey there Ann!

    I’m gonna echo the other folks here and suggest that you talk to your doctor and phamacist. No sense taking any chances.

    I hope you get to feeling better rght away!

    Peace and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 110
    Ann1960graves wrote:
    My husbands first question was, “Is your life insurance premiums up to date?”

    Humor can go a long way when you are sick.


    My daughter asked me the same thing! I told her that I cashed it out years ago and spent it on fast cars and booze and fed the rest to the squirrels. She actually looked shocked for a second and then she punched me in the arm. I told her to stop as I’m like a delicate flower.

    She punched me again.

    Humor helps but the playful arm-punches? Not so much.

    Stay positve and keep smiling,


    Post count: 110

    Good morning Karen!

    What a pleasure it is to read your good news first thing in the morning. You sound fantastic!

    By the sounds of it things couldn’t have gone much better for you. VERY encouraging indeed.

    Take your time wiht the Xanax – best to taper off sloooooowly over time. Challenging? Sure. Doable? You bet! As you said: Baby steps. For some guidelines/infor for quitting benzos, written by a doctor, do some research on “The Ashton Manual”. It has helped many people ease their way off benzos gently.

    Thanks for the update- can’t get enough of that feelin’ better stuff!

    Peace and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Doctors sure take a verbal beating now and then. Some deservedly so. When we’re sick, though, we sure are glad to see them, huh?

    I thought this was pretty appropriate for this forum:

    A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley
    motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.
    The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?”

    The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix ’em, put ’em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?”

    The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic:

    “Try doing it with the engine running.”


    I actually pulled this old one on one of the ER docs that treated me during diagnosis:

    Once the dust had settled and I was somewhat stabilised a young doc (by my old guy standards anyhow!) came in and was talking to me about Graves, my prognosis, etc. After the serious biz was done I mentioned my awful hand tremors and asked him if I’d be able to play piano in the future. (Good thing he was young and therefore not wise to this tired old joke).

    He said “sure- the beta blockers will block the excess adrenaline and you should be able to play just fine”. I said “Cool! I’ve never played one before!”.

    He said something about sedating me and leaving me naked in the hallway so my comedy career ended as fast as it started…


    Another real-life story from my past:

    Myself and partner owned a busy sales and service company. I took a call one afternooon from a very rude and pushy fella who identified himself as a doctor. He asked me if he could make an appointment “as his time was very valueable”. I politely told him that we handled things on a first come-first served basis and that he coud bring his item in any time that was convenient for him. He again stated that he was a doctor and I again told him that he could come in and wait his turn like everyone else. We closed the call and I didn’t give it another thought.

    An hour later in walks a guy in full-blown “Hey look at me- I’m a doctor” regalia. Lab coat, scrubs, shoe covers, even a stethescope around his neck. This guy wanted the world to know that he was a doctor and was, in his mind, so important, that he actually cut the line, bellied up to the counter, and interrupted my partner as he was speaking with a customer. The nerve of this guy! I was speechless (rare huh?).

    My partner never missed a beat: He look up at the rude doctor over his reading glasses, looked him up and down, lowered his eyes back to the receipt he was writing, and I’ll never forget what he said in perfect deadpan:

    “Why don’t you strip down to your underwear and have a seat over there” as he motioned to a table over in the corner.

    I fell out with laughter as did all the folks waiting in line. The doctor looked at me, at my partner, at all the people laughing, adjusted his lapels, and walked out in a huff.

    It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


    Hope ya’ll are hangin tough- weekends can be rough. Thanks for the laughs and I hope I managed to get a little laughter out of you guys too.

    See ya in the funny papers,


    Post count: 110
    Kimberly wrote:
    You know your body – and if you feel like you are slipping further into hypo territory, don’t be afraid to be the “squeaky wheel” and request a more timely appointment!

    Solid advice indeed. Had I really listened to my body and not made excuses (stress, aging, etc.,) I might very well have caught this dang disease long before things got as bad as they have.

    While I’m not going to call a doc every time I sneeze I am definitely gonna listen closer to my body and respond according if something feels “off”.


    @ Steph82

    Be it personality (or lack thereof, culture, or the way they part their hair) if your doctor isn’t a good fit for you by all means look into hiring a new one. Notice how I used the word “hiring”? I think we often forget that doctors are our employees. We hire them to do a job. If they are not performing then it’s time to find a new one.

    I’m not sure I’d take eye-rolling and laughing as kindly as you did- this is serious biz and if a doctor fails to respect that it makes one wonder what else they aren’t doing right. I sounds like you’ve aleady got this sorted, though, and good for you!

    No matter the case I’m happy to hear that you’re feeling good- that’s GREAT news! Enjoy every moment of it!

    I hope you continue to feel better and all goes well with you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Good day to you!

    I’m sorry but I’ve got no experience nor knowledge on this topic. Just wanted to say hello and offer ya’ll some moral support.

    Sounds like a call to the surgeon might be in order to answer your questions and put your minds perhaps at ease. In addition maybe you’ll get some input here as well. In the mean time keep yours and your mothers spirits as high as possible.

    Rootin’ for you guys!

    Peace and health to all,


    Post count: 110

    @ Naisly

    Typo on the MMI dose! I corrected my post for accuracy- thanks for catching that.

    I was taking 10mg every eight hours and am now taking 20mg every eight hours making a total of 60mg per day.

    Health and peace to all,


    Post count: 110

    Hey there Misslex!

    Lots of great suggestions here for sure. My experience with others has been similar to yours:

    My friends are interested and informed as is my sister. My folks, bless their hearts, don’t really grasp what I’m up against. While they have been supportive in some ways I feel a bit hung-out-to-dry in others. They’re both elderly and, being children of the Great Depression, they’re pretty stoic and tight-lipped. It’s okay.

    I gave them a few links to some of the articles here and some handouts from my Endo and I think that will help- after all there is a LOT to absorb when learning about Grave’s. Maybe you could do the same- allow them to read at their leisure rather than overwhelm them with loads of verbal info.

    No matter the case out there in the wild you can always come here for support, info, and shared experience. Good stuff!

    Hang tough, be patient, and we’ll get through this. After all it’s “just” a little Thyroid issue.


    Love and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    If I knew then what I know now…

    I’ve have ordered a new body a loooooong time ago. Everything was great until right after the warranty expired. Go figure…

    Sorry about your diagnosis but there is a bright side (in a dark kinda way): yoo caught things early. That’s gotta count for something huh?

    LOTS of great reading here, as noted by Kimberly, and as you read I’ll bet lots of questions will come up. I make a list every time I have a queston and then study that topic here and elsewhere. If I am not satisfied with what I’ve learned I take my list with me to the doctor. Maybe that will work for you too.

    I began to feel some relief after about a week of starting MMI. I hope you will too. Be patient, be informed, and be strong. No problem right?
    Right! You CAN do this!

    Oh yeah- welcome to the messge board!

    Hang tough and be well,


    Post count: 110

    Howdy Ann! A message so nice you posted it twice! ;-)

    It was just about three weeks ago I felt just like you do. I wanted thngs fixed and to feel better NOW. Unfortunately that’s just not the case.

    As it was explained to me I need to have my levels low, maybe even slightly hypo, because I have to stop meds for 5-7 prior to RAI and they will begin to rise (go hyper) in that time. My Endo also told me that once the RAI begins to shut down the Thyroid it will go hyper again as a last dying gasp. Therefore levels MUST be under control beforehand.

    My case is deemed ‘severe” as well. My timeline is as follows after 2.5 weeks on meds: We raised my MMI dose from 10mg every eight hours to 20mg. every eight hours. Blood work in ten days, adjust meds as needed, with a projected date of August 6 office visit, do RAI uptake test that week, and take RAI 5-7 days later.

    I’m sorry you’re disappointed in your Endo’s communication. If you have concerns regarding your treatment talk to your Endo. Remember- they work for US!

    Anyhow… Hang in there and be patient (as IF you have a choice right?). I began to feel a bit better within a week of starting meds and although I have a bad day here and there I feel significantly better already after about three weeks.

    Stay strong and keep us posted along the way- no sense enjoying all this good stuff on your own!

    Peace and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 110

    Solid informative post Naisly. Thanks!

    Lots of good practical information is terms that even penetrate my thick skull. Good stuff!

    Peace and health to all,


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