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in reply to: MRI Triggers Graves Symptoms #1063766
Hi Ann Marie,
I was dx w/ GD about 8 months ago. I’ve had 4 MRIs in the last 1.5 yrs or so, including two this week. I had one of my face/sinus area on Monday, and it was w/ and w/o contrast (gadolinium). The second was on Wed, and was a liver MRI w/o contrast Ferriscan (iron content study). The first two were brain, one w/ and w/o contrast the other w/o only.
I’m always anxious during an MRI and find my symptoms a little worse before and after it. For me, I think it is the stress of worrying about what I’m having the MRI for that worsens my GD symptoms. However, the last one on Wed was my fourth MRI, and I was very, very dizzy afterwards. I thought it was because they made me hold my breath so many times towards the end of it, but the techs said the dizziness was a common side-effect of the MRI. This was done at Johns Hopkins, so I assume they know what they were talking about, but I’ve never felt anything but nervousness w/ my other MRIs. The contrast agent used w/ an MRI does not cause problems for most people, unlike CT contrast dye, but maybe it, or something about the magnetic field caused you trouble. I know either the breath holding or the MRI made me very dizzy this time.
By the way, about a year ago I also had an ENG. They used hot water in each ear, and it made me so unbelievably dizzy I would not even let them do the cold water. So, I’m sure your ENT or audiologist will want to follow-up on you if it did not provoke significant dizziness.
Sorry to hear you are having these multiple problems. The last year plus has been an unpleasant one for me w/ the GD and all these tests…went from feeling very healthy to being a mess, though I’ve improved w/ ATDs lately.
Good luck to you.
in reply to: TSH changed CRAZY in 2 weeks??? #1064212Hola a usted!
I can’t address your other questions, but I can tell you that recently my TSH was 21.010 and exactly 28 days later it was 0.060.
I was ds w/ GD earlier this year and the dr over-blocked w/ too much methimazole, causing the high TSH. He then took me off it completely, and in just 4 wks it dropped dramatically. I was then put on it at 5mg/ reply to: kinda personal…but going to ask anyway #1064398snelsen wrote:…
Bluewave, I have no idea of the relationships of testosterone and Graves’ sounds like your doc doesn’t either!snelsen: The endo said the hyper state increased the liver’s production of the sex binding globulin hormone (SBGH), which binds to free testosterone, thus lowering the bioavailable testosterone and causing an increase in testosterone production, resulting in high total testosterone — 2500 in my case, which is evidently off the charts. I don’t know how common this is or isn’t w/ GD, but that’s what the endo’s told me, and tests of SBGH, total test and free test were consistent with this.
While the body tried to balance the bioavailable test, I definitely felt the changes, mostly when it made me feel like a teenager again
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in reply to: kinda personal…but going to ask anyway #1064394I was dx w/ GD about 7 months ago and have been on ATDs since. My levels have gone from hyper to hypo to hyper again, but I have not noticed a change in libido, other than a lack of it because I felt really sick some days.
I haven’t gotten stable yet, so I’m not sure what will happen, but so far no libido change. I’m male; maybe that makes a difference. And, for some reason, the GD caused some other hormone changes, including a dramatic increase in testosterone for me — dr’s asked if I was taking some — haha, so maybe my case is different.
Hi Stephster,
I’m sorry to hear that it took so long to get dx. With elevated bp, an increased heart rate and family history of thyroid disease, a med student should have known to run a thyroid panel. I was undiagnosed myself for at least 11 months, and my endo couldn’t believe my other Drs missed it.
Only your dr can decide what dose is right for you, but you are pretty hyper. I was on 40mg methimazole for about a month after having been on 20 and then 30 for a few months. It took time, but it is helping and now I’m on 5mg/day and no beta blocker. However, the beta blocker really helped control my heart rate, heat intolerance, and even my nervousness in the first two months.
I think you shouldn’t worry too much about a thyroid storm since you’re on meds and under a dr’s care for your thyroid, but again, this is something to speak to your dr about to get his guidance regarding this.
Maybe you could get another opinion regarding cipralex. You said you have or had nausea and diarrhea — did these start only after the cipralex? These are possible side-effects of it, but I had both quite a lot while hyper, but the diarrhea went away very quickly on treatment; the nausea not so quickly. Also, I found my nervousness greatly reduced on the ATDs.
Hope you feel better soon.
in reply to: methimazole makes me feel worse #1064676marta,
I am fairly new to Graves’ also. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago, and your experience sounds similar to mine.
I was/am sickest in the mornings (bad nausea, heart beating fast, shaky and nervous). It slowly improves as the hours go by, and I can feel completely well by later in the day. But several times it has lasted the entire day.
I stayed very ill the first several weeks after starting Methimazole and Atenolol. I got better after months, so I’m glad I stuck it out with the meds. I did notice subtle improvements each week. However, I still have problems with the morning sickness, but it is definitely worse when I am hyper or stressed.
I still don’t know if the nausea is from the Graves’, but it started along with the common hyperthyroid symptoms, and I saw posts on youtube of a girl w/ Graves’ who also had nausea, loss of appetite, etc. My thyroid levels have not yet been stable, so I really can’t rule out that Graves’ is the cause of my morning sickness, though no Dr has felt confident it is.
I can completely understand not being able to work if one has these symptoms — nausea is disabling. Fortunately, I’ve managed to keep my job, but I’ve taken many sick days in the last year.
I’m really hoping to get this morning nausea figured out for soon. I have to see my GI again soon. He gave acid preventing meds, which helped some, but he didn’t want to put me through invasive tests yet because my thyroid levels and meds were changing frequently, and he suspected they may be the problem.
I’d like to know how things turn out for you. Let me know if your GI or other Dr finds another cause, or if it all goes away once you control the Graves’.
in reply to: Graves and Stomach Issues #1065659I’m having the same problems as you, and they seem to have worsened since being on the ATDs.
I’ve been on ATDs since Jan 29, 2010. I was found to be hyper then and to have GD about a month later.
During the yr prior, I had different GI probs, including unbearable nausea, frequent BMs and diarrhea. Those symptoms have greatly improved on the meds, but now I have this gas/bloating prob after eating. No cramps here either.I saw a GI Dr today for elevated liver enzymes and, though I forgot to mention the gas/bloating, I did mention the yr long history of nausea, frequent BMs/diarrhea, and even some abdominal pain. He said he didn’t want me to over-analyze things. He said if the thyroid levels go to normal and the GI probs persist after that, then he’d consider other causes. But he, my PCP and my endo all seem to feel I should first get the thyroid under control before testing for other causes of my stomach probs. I told him the symptoms have been improving, and I did leave out the new gas/bloating prob, but I feel he would have considered it over-analyzing also. I have to see him again after getting lots of labs for the liver issue, so I’ll mention the bloating stuff then, and see what he says.
Good luck to you and keep us informed as to what you find out — if you are Celiac or not, etc.
in reply to: Questions about "Mild Graves" #1065695For a year, while I had most symptoms one sees in a list of GD/hyper symptoms, the ones that bothered me most were GI probs not often found in a list of hyper/GD symptoms, such as chronic unbearable nausea, loss of appetite, and more than infrequent diarrhea.
My PCP kept wanting me to see a GI (not an endo), and the GI Dr wanted endoscopies, etc. I was way too afraid to do the upper endoscopy, so I suffered months more before I ended up at an endo.
About a 1 year into this, I saw a couple of endos, and they found high FT3 & FT4, very low TSH, and plenty of GD antibodies.
After 2.5 months of ATDs, I went up to 40mg/day methimizole yesterday. The Dr said my case was bad, not mild, yet I presented w/ a mix of classic and non-classic GD/hyper symptoms, and I really only mentioned or emphasized the non-classic ones — nausea, nausea, nausea and weakness w/ general sick feeling.
I’m careful not to assume every problem is from the GD; maybe I have a GI prob, but all the symptoms have improved on the meds, and my PCP said to hold off on the endoscpy until the thyriod is under control.
You may send me a private msg for more details, or just post here again.
I think you shouldn’t hesitate to see another endo.
I was recently diagnosed w/ GD after a year of being very sick. I saw one endo back in January and switched to another a few wks ago. Their approaches were very different, the new dr being more thorough and very responsive. I’m glad I switched.
The new dr doesn’t seem quite as friendly as the first, but he is better. He runs all the relevant tests, is up-to-date on current practices, and is very responsive to my complaints — will have me come in quickly for labs if not feeling well, which has resulted in him increasing me from 20mg/day of methimazole to 40 over just 3 wks time. The first dr just had me schedule a second appt 2 months out and he never ordered FT3 labs; so, I decided to switch.Being hyper feels horrible, so I wouldn’t think twice about making an appt. w/ another endo if this second one’s approach doesn’t seem right to you. Also, my new dr said in the past they’d put one on ATDs for a year or so, and if no remission, they’d move to RAI or TT, but he said these days, they will keep you on ATDs longer, if a low dose is working; what that "longer" is, I don’t know — I don’t recall if he gave a number.
Good luck to you.
I was found to be hyperthyroid and started on ATDs this Jan 29. Subsequent tests showed the cause to be GD.
I’ve been on ATDs 2.5 months. After 7 wks, more tests were done, and my 20mg/day Methimazole was increased to 30mg/day. I also take Atenolol. My TSH dropped down to 0.007 after 7 wks of meds, which was lower than it was just before starting the meds.
Some symptoms, like my heat intolerance and frequent BMs, have improved significantly, but maybe that’s just the Atenolol. I had lots of other symptoms, and they have all improved recently, but I expected much more after 2.5 months. Maybe I should have been on a higher dose earlier. The first Dr did not do FT3, and when I switched endo’s, the new one did that and more, then increased my meds, and I am starting to feel better.
I’ll meet w/ the endo tomorrow and see what’s going on, but my overall response would be that after 2.5 months of meds, I don’t feel anywhere near like I did before I got sick, but I’m a little hopeful now.
Take care
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed — How Sick were You All? #1065840Thanks to all for your feedback.
This made me so sick for so long, I was just wondering if others had such bad experiences. Looking back, I’ve had the heat intolerance and heart palpitations for several years, but I never reported those to my Dr. since for me, my feelings of being sick weren’t the heat or heart problems, but the weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite and weakness and tremors. I think it misled the Drs, as I didn’t mention the heat or heart issues; I just focused on the nausea and weakness. Since diagnosis, I’ve seen videos on youtube of a young lady w/ GD who also had bad nausea, loss of appetite and subsequent 50 lb weight loss. I did get a major appetite after 10 months of nausea, though.
After reading the symptoms of GD, I see I have nearly all of them, except for bulging eyes (at least not yet, and hope never). I am reassured to hear the muscle wasting is common, as my legs got soooo weak, as did my whole body.
My Dr is very good…Johns Hopkins grad w/ 30 yrs experience. I switched to him after my first labs by another Dr showed hyperthyroidism. The new guy saw me, reviewed my labs, said I had GD and was very, very hyperthyroid. He scheduled a visit for 3 wks for more labs ,but ran them just days later when I called and said I was getting worse again…he called the next day and increased my dose of Tapazole.
All symptoms have improved, but it is slow going. Dr’s seem to think all the GI symptoms could be from GD and want to hold off on any GI tests until meds can have time to work. I still get nausea here and there, maybe from the meds, but the frequent trips to the bathroom are the one symptom that has completely gone for many weeks now.
Thanks again.