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  • billyb
    Post count: 10

    Thank’s for the replies, it always hard to put your feelings into words, they can never accuratley describe how you feel. I understand what Graves disease is, and I can only respond to my experiences. I remember a time in my life where I had no symptoms of graves or hyperthyroidism. I never had any symptoms as a child or a teen. I was a heavy set kid and at the age of 18 to 21 I was about 280lb. I have a lot of muscle wieght because I exercise as a hobby and I played sports, but still 280 none the less, thats pretty heavy. I went on a diet to cut wieght , and it was around this time that I first regonized the symptoms, looking back. I know Graves is autoimmune, so it’s in my blood. Im trying to understand if events can trigger symptom’s, why did these things happen when they did in my life when they did? I guess that is really what i’m trying to understand. I was not hyperthyroid at 280lb. If I had undiognosed graves disease from childhood, thats what the doctors say, why didnt I have any symptoms sooner? can anyone help me with these questions please,

    Post count: 10

    I have never been married and have never really even had a successful long term relationship. Trying to understand GD has been very difficult for me and as I look back on my life I realize that my overall mood and the way i feel inside, from my earliest childhood memories have been feelings of depression and stress. I grew up in a very intense household, alot of drama and stress. I have great relationships with people, very personal friendships, I am the person who who is close to everyone, and sometimes that hurts me because I take every thing very personal. people tell me that I am very sensitive and defensive and when to women and dating its difficult to be understood. I come across as needy, co-dependent, neurotic, crazy,weird etc… to some of the women I try to date. And now I find myself wanting to be in a relationship, but I just push women away when they get to close or are very interested in me, Its very confusing, its a contradiction. I fell misunderstood, people who don’t have it cant understand it, but they wonder why you are the way you are, I just tell them I’m crazy. I Know that having this has kept me immobilized, and has kept me away from people and experiences that I need, all because of the way I feel inside.

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    I know how important the medication is to treatment when I said " throw some drugs at you" I was speaking of my my own experience with all the drugs I was prescribed after my thyroid storm .I was taking 27 pills a day at one point and I know that it was all necessary but my doctors never mentioned counseling or any of the psychological effects that go along with Graves, or having a thyroid storm ,or being 25 years and having to take 27 pills a day for your health. the meds made me feel sick all the time,I felt strong and healthy and having to take several meds made me feel sick. I know its up to me to do my own research and few years prior to the storm I was going through depression over a break up and other personal issues in my life ,during the same period of time I was having a dramatic weight I lost about 80lbs I figured I was losing weight because I was depressed but obviously its was the hyperthyroid,when I was in my darkest hour with depression I was the thinnest Ive ever been. Maybe I have other issues in my life that need to be addressed, but I know that when I was losing weight I was in an deep depression,so I figured there is a connection between the two.I’m not saying that being depressed caused me to get graves, but I believe that being depressed during that period of time contributed to the weight loss. During this period of time I know there was somthing psycosomatic going on because Ive never felt that way before or been in that kind of condition physically.

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    I just typed my whole story and lost it. But yeah it was quit the experience I remained calm through the whole ordeal or as calm as you could be with your heart racing at 160 bpm. I had my grandmother with me,and I had to put all my trust Gods hands and in the hands of those people who were there to help me. For a brief moment the thought of death entered my mind when I was Lying alone in the ER waiting for them to do the procedure,and then I felt a calming energy and I knew I was going o.k.but I was still scared as hell.3 tries didn’t work during the last aversion I was coming out of anesthesia and I remember feeling the power of the electricity. What do you know of graves being psychosomatic disease? when I entered psychosomatic in the advanced search on this web site it wasn’t in any post which surprised me because that’s how I developed it. basically psychology manifesting itself physically.

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