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  • Bella1
    Post count: 23


    I’m going thru the same thing with meds, being newly diagnosed, and everything feeling out of control. I haven’t gotten mine figured out yet, so all I can tell you is the same thing I’m telling myself. Hang in there and we should be able to get something figured out soon, if we keep fighting for answers.

    I wish you the best and hope it helps to know that you are not alone.

    Post count: 23

    To: Catstuart7

    Thanks, and I will try to get in for labs before the appt.

    Here are my lab’s normal ranges:

    TSI: less than 140% mine: 412%

    TSH: 0.30 – 5.00 mine: 0.00

    FT3: 2.3 – 4.2 mine: 9.7

    FT4: 0.71 – 1.85 mine: 3.43

    I-123 Test

    3 hrs: 4 – 10% mine: 18.2

    24 hrs: 10 – 30% mine: 46.1

    Post count: 23

    Can anyone explain what these results mean other than that I have Graves?
    Are they low or high, and is this what most Graves’ patients values look like?
    My endo really didn’t explain anything to me.


    TSI: 412%; TSH: 0.00; Free T3: 9.7; Free T4: 3.43 and my

    I-123 test results were 18.2% at 3 hrs and 46.1% at 24 hrs.

    I also have a normal-shaped thyroid (no nodes) with greater uptake on the right side. So, I don’t think it’s any kind of cancer.

    Post count: 23

    To snelson:

    Thanks for your support. I would have thought I had Hashimotos too, but I have been tested for all 3 antibodies, and only came back positive for TSI, which indicates I definately have the Graves antibody. I also do not have diabetes, which I’m really glad about.

    This is unreal. How do you guys deal with this so long and so well? As I posted earlier, I’m going to find a better endo and push for the surgery since the effects of hypo are not so directly debilitating. I can deal with being tired, not crazy.

    Post count: 23

    To catstuart7:

    I have been most confused by my conflicting symptoms, so it’s helpful to know that others are going through the same. I too am disappointed that I have a disease that is supposed to make me thin, but I’m not. That would have been a nice benefit.

    And thanks for the info on the 3 weeks ’til effect, because I’m starting to feel like the Mad Hatter. I’ve developed some phobic-like feelings of dealing with anyone, so my husband has started going with me everywhere. I feel confused because I am so outgoing, confident, gregarious and opinionated, but suddenly I’m reduced to a terrified, paranoid-like person who can’t make a decision.

    I think I’ll get moving on the surgery because living like this is unbearable.

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