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  • barbsie
    Post count: 6
    in reply to: smoking #1178943

    Hi magpie22,

    Did you find someone to talk too?

    Never give up hope.

    take care,


    Post count: 6
    in reply to: Leg swelling #1179088

    Hi Gerical,

    Yes I had swollen legs and ankles for about 6months before i was diagnoes..i have was diagnosed graves 16.12.11. I remember legs being so heavy i could barely walk upstairs and I would walk a short distance accross the room and be puffing and panting. Endo said it was because of rapid heart rate that was causing ankles to swell and I was put on beta blockers. She also explained that Graves Disease was inflammation in the body. My legs were inflamed for months afterwards and my ankles stayed swollen for for a good year, and they still come up and go down. But the doctors cant tell me why this is happening now that my thryoid levels are within the “normal” range.

    I hope this is helpful, one of the volunteers will respond to your message soon .

    Cheers from downunder..

    Post count: 6

    Hi Catherine,

    Yes, I had an itchy throat/and base of the throat. It lasted a few months, and would be itchy in the evening. The itching started after starting the meds and then stopped suddenly.

    I mentioned this to the doctor and they were hesitant to prescribe any anti histamine.

    Hope the itching stops soon.


    Post count: 6

    Hopefully one day we the GD patients of Australia will have something like these Patient & Family Conference with guest speakers.

    Post count: 6

    blood tests, meds, soy milk, diet, weight watchers, relaxation/vacation

    Hi Bobbi,

    Thankyou for your response and I do feel welcomed to the board. Your detailed reply has helped and I have remembered some information on soy that my GP and Endo told me, which I mention later in my post. I saw my endo 3 days ago and had a blood test, she rang me this afternoon and my levels are still high but that my T4 levels have come down from 70 to 24. i cant remember what she said about T3 and TSH but she will post the results to me. Endo suggested to stay on same dosage but that I may have to change meds as my liver is a little inflamed (& too look out for signs of hepatitis) she will monitor liver function closely and i will have a blood test in 4 days. I feel properly looked after by both GP and Endo as they are both very thorough. I will have another thyroid function test in 4 weeks. I started counselling for the depression and nocturnal sleeping patterns that have occurred since taking medication and being diagnosed. Regarding the soy milk I have since remember that when i was first diagnosed my GP explained that a brand we have in Australia called “Bonsoy Milk” which in Oct 2011 has been found to have High Iodine Levels, I found this article that may be of interest for you

    And then i remember that the Endo advised that Soy milk has a bit iodine in it and to stay off any vitimans that contain any iodine. Luckily I love broccoli, and thanks for all the info on the foods relating to diet. I have started to eat more purple and blue foods auberinge/egg plant, purple cabbage and blue berries, as I read they help in fighting all kinds of diseases. I have been a member of weight watchers for a year now and the endo is encouraging me to keep going as is I find it very useful and it will help keep in tune with nutrition even though the being treated for an overactive thyroid could make me regain the weight i have lost (6 kilos in a just over a month). Of course if I keep up with weight watchers I may just be able to keep some of the weight off. I have decided to not go on the o/s trip, the 6 hours flights would have been exhausting and stressful. The high heat and humidity of the destination temperature would have knocked me around and sent me running and resting for hours in the comforts of air con. A different kind of relaxation/vacation at this time is much preferable, one that involves no queuing for hours at international airports. I read that stress can worsen GD so I am focusing on relaxing and rejuvenating events and positive calm people, to give me the extra support and help that I need.

    My question is:

    Before I was diagnosed with GD my endo she said that I probably developed the overactive thyroid somewhere in oct/nov 2011. As Graves’ disease is one of the causes of hyperthyroid, is it then possible that I had GD for a good year or more before the thyroid became overactive. I am just wondering as all through 2011 I was so sick with some of the symptoms of GH, I had Achilles since april/may, dependant oedema in legs ankles and feet when legs are down since july 2011 in one instance in late Sept 2011 i was off work for upto 3 weeks with chronic fatigue, flu like symptoms – foggy head, sweaty sleeping all time, constant nausea, only up and out of bed for a few hours a day with is similar to how i have been feeling since i was diagnosed with GD.

    P.s new website is looking great and is easy to navigate around.

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