hi,,my name is amy,,i have hyperthyroidism(graves disease) i have been dealing with this for ten years,the hard part about this disease is it doesnt always show up in a blood test especially when you first get diognosed,not in a scan ,ultrasould,nothing,,then it just hits you ,,symptoms off and on,,back and fourth,,after ten years of trying different medicines,going without medicines,,then having it go dormet for a while after i had my kids,,then it came back like a bad storm just recently,so my endo decided it was time to have the radioactive iodine treatment,so i did,and i am currently secluded in my room right now,its not easy i have kids.but once this works and kills off my thyroid completly then i will finally be better.but just know that if you do have hyperthyroidism ,,it never just cures itself,ive learned the hard way about that,and in the end if you dont get it taken care of it can potentionaly be fatel,because it causes your heart to beat irraticaly..