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  • anniem
    Post count: 4

    Thanks for all that info Harpy and for a good laugh. I will try the steak diet around that time. My Dr has given me a short acting beta blocker which may help around that time and we are checking hormones to make sure this is not early menopause. Wouldn’t that be fun! I told my husband if early menopause is in this picture, he’ll have to take me out back and shoot me! Lol, just kidding.

    Post count: 4

    Thank you so much for all the info! I am keeping a log of when the symptoms arise and when they stop. But what I am wondering is do the symptoms get worse because my blood levels change around that time of the month or are the symptoms just exasperated by the disease itself? Would changing up my meds prior to menses help? I will discuss it with the Dr on Friday I guess and see if he’s responsive to testing the levels when this happens again. It’s like a light switch just flips on & off. Thank God for my supportive husband!

    Post count: 4

    Yes, I have been keeping a log recently. I just need to get the Dr to test my levels when this is happening so I can see if my thyroid really does flucuate or if it is just PMS. My hunch says not just PMS. Just curious if any other women with GD have had this happen to them.

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