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  • annetta
    Post count: 2

    Hi hmrichards100,
    I had severe joint pain in my hands and knees when I was on methimazole after my first relapse. I remember that I had to wear elastic knee support sleeves on both my knees to lessen the pain. My GP ordered some blood tests and everything was normal.
    This happened in 2014 so I don’t remember if I mentioned anything to my endo. I really didn’t want RAI or have surgery, so I pushed through the pain, occasionally taking some over the counter pain medication. The pain did gradually decrease as my methimazole dose was gradually lowered over the course of a few months.

    In 2018, I had my second relapse and agreed to have the RAI. However, because my T3 and T4 levels were too high, I had to take methimazole for 3 months before I could have the treatment. About a month after I had the RAI,
    I went back on methimazole for about 6 weeks because my thyroid dumped its hormones all at once. I actually went hypo while I was still on the methimazole.
    All this to say that you might need to take it for a short time.

    Post count: 2

    Hi Carol,

    I was diagnosed in 2010, and I took methimazole for about 2 years. The initial dose was 20 mg/day, and the last dosage I remember taking before remission was 2.5 mg. I don’t remember if I had to take it daily or every other day.

    My doctor looked at all my lab results (T3, T4, TSH, anti-bodies) and said I could stop taking the methimazole. My lab results had been normal and stable for a long time (10 to 12 months if I remember correctly).

    Unfortunately, in October 2014 I was diagnosed as having relapsed. My last blood test prior to October was in early January 2014, so I relapsed sometime between January and October. A doctor once told me that hyperthyroidism is preceded by hypothyroidism. Looking back, I now realize that I was having symptoms of hypothyroidism since April. I was tired, had trouble concentrating and brain fog. In September, I started having muscle and joint pain, but I didn’t think it was Graves because these are not the usual symptoms. In fact, I didn’t have any of the usual symptoms. Since late October I have been taking 20 mg methimazole daily. My doctor wanted me to have RAI because I only have a 20% chance of long-term remission with the meds, but I refused. I want to try the meds one last time.

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