I understand your reluctance of the RAI. I was diagnosed w/ Graves a year ago-but probably living w/ it for several years before. My resting heart rate at my first endo visit was 132. RAI was offered but I was adamntly against it. I have a great endo and she was willing to work with me. After a year of trying EVERYTHING-traditional medicine and homeopathic- my Graves is still uncontrolled. It was explained to me that my thyroid could burn itself out-which is what the RAI does for you-or I could continue like this and have a heart attack. I had the RAI on Thursday.
I am not happy about this option but….I have been "sick" for so long. I am an active person, jogging,surfing, etc. I miss the old me. My endo assures me that it is much easier to regulate a non working thyroid than it is an out of control one.
Do some research-on-line, hang at the bookstore etc-try to keep things in perspective. I know it’s hard, especially when you have the Graves anxiety!