Hi Barb…
I know what you are going through, I am 31 years old. I was diagnosed in December 2011 (2 mths after getting married and buying a house) I was always exhausted, couldn’t concentrate, my heart was racing, had major hot flashes and had pain everywhere. All I wanted to do was lay down. I thought the stress was making me tired. After being diagnosed, I started on meds right away. I never thought i’d get my energy back. After being on Methemazole and now on a low dose of PTU, I am finally back to being myself. I slowly intergrated exercise back into my life (started by just walking around my neighborhood) and i feel back to myself again. Please don’t give up on yourself. Keep a positive attitude and when you can, try to get just one thing (even something small in the house) done every day and you will be happy you did. You have to make small goals for yourself in getting better, and you will acheive them, it just takes some time. I wish you the best!