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  • angeleyes1117
    Post count: 1

    Hi everyone i am new to this site and i am seeking help dont know if any one can help me but i have got to get some answers. So hear we go i will be 30 years old in november and i have had my tubes tied for almost 9 years. I am having mood swings so bad that my husband wants to leave me, i have woke up 2 times now soaked from head to toe, when i am at work i will start sweating every where ( i work at a food lion. Not a hot place to work!) a week before my cycle starts i take a nose dive with my hormones i cry, i pick fights, yell,scream, every one around me knows when my cycle is going to start and they try to stay far away. I am on med for depression but nothing helps when my cycle gets ready to start. I feel like locking myself in a cage alone so i cant hurt friends and family. Also my periods are heavy and long and some times they are light and short and never have a regular schedule. can someone please help me this is not normal and no doctor takes me serious because of my age. All of my family has either had hystorectomys or gone in to menapause in their late 30’s early 40’s. Last thing i have lost all my energy.


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