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  • AngelaD65
    Post count: 3

    Thanks so much, I will call in the morning and see what they have to say :)

    Post count: 3

    Hi, I also fond out that i have Graves at the end of April..I decided to just do the RAI, and I took in June 2nd thus far, the only side affect i had was a really swollen thyroid for about 24 hour’s and every hour after that it shrunk. it is smaller now then it was before I took the RAI. I sipped on water all day, taking a drink every 10 mins or so. I also drank Coffee and Cola. I ate what I wanted.the only food’s i was told not to eat was shell fish.
    was told I could Tylenol if i had any pain, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. I was given (17mci). Hope this help’s:) I am still new to it..helpfully my heart rate will go back to normal being hipper, it was beating like crazy! not so bad now. hopefully I will be able to go off my bata blocked soon. I go back to my
    Endocrinologist July 3rd to have my blood work done, then we go from there.

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