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in reply to: Shingles now, what’s next… #1180546
Hi, Karen==
I’m sorry to hear about the shingles! My step-father had them back in the 70’s and suffered horribly. Now they have great treatment for them. My brother recently had shingles and he pretty much breezed through it, although they were painful at first. No lasting effects.
It’s frustrating when our bodies decide to pile on crap on top of other crap! Why wouldn’t our bodies just say, “Okay, I’ve been through enough recently…let’s do some self-healing…”, but no it’s always the pile on stuff!
Maybe it’s the body’s way of telling us to slow down and relax. Either way, I hope you are feeling better soon and the anti-viral med knocks this down quickly.
Take care,
Amyin reply to: Sue’s TT – July 16, 2013 #1180382Hi, Sue–
Hope you are feeling better today! Anxiety is such a debilitating thing to have. My anxiety has always been pretty low level. The only time I needed a tranquilizer is if I have to take Prednisone, which makes me feel like murdering people. Fortunately, it’s been a few years. Mine is just sort of a being a worry-wart about stuff. It wasn’t until I got hyper symptoms the spring before last that I felt badly anxious. And that was caused by being hyper. I think the anxiety caused by thyroid issues is one of the most unpleasant things a person can go through. It makes it really hard to figure out how much is thyroid or med issues and how much is just being anxious. And why do docs lean toward the psych aspect of it? How does having a medical degree suddenly make them be able to tell just by looking at you that it’s psych vs thyroid?
Anyway, I’m sorry to rant about that. I really do hope that your recent anxiety is temporary, no matter what is causing it. I think we just need to get to our sweet spot sooner than later. The sour spot is not fun!
Take care,
Amyin reply to: Hello again, and another post-TT update #1180502Well, saw the hematologist this morning. Since he’s also part of an oncology group, they have a lab right in the office that runs lab results in minutes, so I got my CBC results back right away. My hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal, so in spite of the low ferritin, I am not officially anemic. That said, the doc said he was fine with trying an iron infusion (4 treatments) to see if it helps. But he doesn’t really think that’s the reason for my fatigue.
He of course lists all the reasons that I could be feeling this way–stress, grief, depression, poor quality sleep, and of course–thyroid med adjustment issues. I would have to say that since this started pretty quickly after my TT, that the med adjustment issues are the problem. I had all the other stuff before that, and really was feeling very good at the time of surgery. I think all the other issues are now magnified by my not having any energy to deal with things and that makes me anxious….and off we go!!
So we’ll see if the iron helps and then if not, thinks looking into the sleep issues (waking up often at night, frequently having nights where I have trouble going back to sleep if I wake up) maybe getting a sleep study to see if I snore. I have never been told that I snore. My boyfriend had really bad sleep apnea, and snored loud enough to shake buildings, so I think my boys would notice if I snore.
I’m not surprised that the doc didn’t find anything specific. It’s discouraging, but I’ve just got to keep plodding forward, hoping something will get adjusted so I’m feeling better. Feeling permanently better was why I got my thyroid out, so I feel like I’m starting from scratch. Makes me just want to cry. So I guess I’d better put on my big girl pants and suck it up. Nothing else to do!
Thanks for being there and listening.
in reply to: Hello again, and another post-TT update #1180500Hi, Kimberly!
I’m hoping this will pass soon, too! Thanks for always being there with your support!
in reply to: Hello again, and another post-TT update #1180499Hi, Sue!
Your post really cheered me up! Thank you!
I read where anxiety and depression can be caused or worsened by low ferritin. I think for me it’s more just seeing everything I need to get done and just can’t do it. Anything for anxiety would just sedate me and make me feel worse. If a medication can make a person drowsy, it tends to knock me out.
I’m feeling a little less anxious since making the appt with the hematologist. Hopeful I’ll get some answers!
Take care,
Amyin reply to: Hello again, and another post-TT update #1180498Hi, Gabe!
So far no change in how I feel with the increased dose, but that of course can take a while. I’ve been hypo before and never felt this bad, but maybe it’s different once the thyroid is out.
I am really surprised that I have not gained weight at all. I’m still a couple pounds underweight, but my weight has been the same for almost a year since the “Great Graves Weightloss” of last summer.
I hope you get more energy soon, too. I really appreciate your support!
in reply to: Hello again, and another post-TT update #1180497Hi, Shirley!
I’m sorry to have worried you. I was sure I had a CBC done fairly recently, but after checking MyChart and calling my docs, I haven’t had one done since at least before 2009. So I’m sure the hematologist will be ordering one. My hct has always run on the low normal side, but I never paid attention to hemoglobin.
I woke up this morning, got into my recliner, and nodded off to sleep again almost right away. Typical morning for me. Have to get ready for work soon.
This almost reminds me of when I had mono back in my 20’s, although that exhaustion was more debilitating (was bedridden for 6 weeks) but it’s the closest thing I can compare it to.
How long did it take you to get back to normal after your energy level dropped?
I’ll check in Friday to let everybody know what the hematologist said. I’m sure it’ll be next week before the lab results are back and he knows more, though.
in reply to: Just when things seemed okay, vitiligo? #1180402I also have vitiligo. It appeared last summer, right before I was diagnosed with Graves’. It’s like you said–it seemed to appear overnight! It’s on my armpits and abdomen. Luckily it’s nowhere that can really be seen, and in the winter when my tan fades, it’s not really noticeable.
I have also had psoriasis (it’s been in remission for decades.) My dad had that, my maternal grandmother had really bad vitiligo, where she lost all the pigment in her skin. And some maternal cousins have thyroid problems. So the whole autoimmune thing is absolutely genetic for me, although I’m the only one of 4 siblings to have autoimmune issues. I do not like being special in that way!
I think the severity of vitiligo varies from person to person. Once mine appeared, it never spread. I hope yours stays put, too!
in reply to: Sue’s TT – July 16, 2013 #1180373Hi, Sue–
I’m glad things are going okay for you. I’m sorry the hospital and post-op time were hard for you.
My incision was swollen, too. It looked like I had a shelf in the middle of my neck. I was very self-conscious at first, but got over it after a week or so. The swelling really went down after a month and is now gone. I actually forgot to do the massages I was supposed to do, but since I put on sunscreen to the area every day, I guess that counts. My endo says the incision looks really good. So give it time. Once the steri-strips are off, it looks better, too.
Take care,
Amyin reply to: Post TT Rides and Scars #1179770Karen, my incision was itching like crazy after a week, but I’m sensitive to adhesives. So glad when the steri-strips got pulled off. I still don’t like having anything touch my scar. It’s getting less sensitive with time, but still can’t wear shirts that aren’t v-neck or open collar. I think when the ridge under the scar finally goes away it will not be so easy for fabric to rub on the incision.
in reply to: Post TT Rides and Scars #1179769That’s a long ride! You must have felt great! The ridge and redness will go down. My surgeon has me doing gentle massage to the scar, which is helping. She also recommended covering the scar to prevent permanent redness caused by sunburn or tan.
I’m glad your energy level is good. I’m starting to feel a bit hypo, but get labs drawn Tues and see endo Friday.
Thanks for keeping us posted on how you’re doing and best wishes for a continued positive recovery!
in reply to: My total thyroidectomy journal #1178842Hi, Talley!
Ill post another update on labs and neck protection. I would have not thought of sun protection at all, so I’m glad my surgeon mentioned it!
in reply to: My total thyroidectomy journal #1178841Hi, Karen–I was started on 100 mcg of Levo and 3 weeks later I was hyper, so it was dropped to 75mcg. Could be that 88mcg is where I need to be, but we shall see…
in reply to: Reaction to PTU #1179737Hi, Misslex–
I’m sorry you’re having these reactions to the ATD’s. It’s smart that you’re looking into all options before switching to another type of treatment. Hope you are able to stay on MMI with Benadryl. Sounds like that was working well for you (aside from the reaction!) Keep us posted on what’s happening with you, and hang in there!