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in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068678
hello Hyperm, all the best to you, I hope everything will be fine for you from now on. When I had the surgery I started put on some weight. I searched the net and I found out that after treatment of graves, there is about an extra putting on of 10 kg in a year. I was very dissapointed because I was just average and I had not lost any weight during graves. Finally I put on about 6 kg and then I started a light diet. Just before I got pregnant ( five months after surgery) I thing that that I had found my rythm again. It just need time as I can understand.
Rgdsin reply to: Phew I made! I am now thyroid free and home! #1069457All the best! Take care
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in reply to: Getting Pregnant #1069750I had surgery on 29.10.08 ang I got pregnant on March 2009. Thyroid levels are monitored, TSI antibodies are negative but I am still nervous! But I guess during pregnancy everybody is!!
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in reply to: Medicine before surgery #1070121i am talking about my case. In theory, many cases may arise. Since I was asked, I just shared my true experience. And also since three doctors had the same opinion ( which in my case was correct) i have nothing else to do than trust them. All the best to everybody
in reply to: Medicine before surgery #1070119My opinion is that PTU are not safe and here are my two explanations:a) What will happen if a pregnant woman has problem with liver enzymes (like I had and that was the reason that I had the thyroid surgery). At this time she may need to thyroidectomy during pregnancy so that she will avoid thyrotoxicosis. b) During pregnancy, especially at the first trimester, hormones are ‘dancing’. That means that it will be difficult for her to be regulated regarding the dose she needs. And that is a risk because too much dose may create problems to the baby.
When I found out that I had graves, I was trying to conceive my second baby. My doctor said that I had to do the surgery for avoiding any complication and that while I was on PTU it would be safer for both me and the baby to avoid any pregnancy. I also asked my endo and the pediatric doctor of my first son. Both of them agreed with the other doctor.
Then I was told by my Endo that surgery would be better than RAI for two reasons:It takes at least six months after RAI for being safe for pregnancy and that TED will be worst in such a case. Finally I decided to do thyroidectomy and after 4 -5 months I got pregnant.
Now I am 18 weeks, until now everything is going perfect. Antibodies are negative and as much I know, since are negative there is no risk for neonatal graves disease. I just do lab tests for ft3, ft4 and tsh every 3-4 weeks, so that I am sure that baby has adecuate hormones.
If you feel that I can help any more, just let me know. sorry for me english, I am greek!” title=”Very Happy” />
in reply to: Medicine before surgery #1070116I started with methimazole (correct?) on July 2008, and I had terrible eczema after 2 – 3 weeks. Then I tried PTU and I had problem with enzymes on October. At the end of October I had the operation. It did not hurt at all and I only stayed in the hospital for one night. I stayed off T4 for a week (until I had the results of the thyroid condition) and then I started T4 of 125. I finally stopped at 175!!. My only problem was that in the first six months Ft3 and Ft4 was normal to low and tsh was low. At that time I had symptoms of hypothyroidism. Suddenly my TSH went up tp 8, without changing other results of ft3 and ft4. Then I increase t4 and after that I was feeling well. Then I got pregnant, I tested TPO, TPG, TSI antibodies and all were negative. After the surgery, my eyes were back ( I had some exofthalmos) but my right lid was swallen. No (after 8 -9 months) it is much better but not completely well. I have been told that I have to wait for 18 months. All the best
in reply to: Medicine before surgery #1070113Hi there and all the best for the surgery.
” title=”Wink” /> I was taking antithyroids and suddenly SGOT and SGPT went too high (liver enzymes which show toxic hepatitis). So my doctor decided that I have to stop antithyroids, start taking cortizon for 15 days and iodine in liquid for 10 days. After that hormones were not in range but they were just a little bit more that high normal. I had the operation and everything was OK. I hope the same for will happen for you. All the best
I am 17 weeks pregnant, and had a total thyroidectomy last October after diagnosed with GD. I was on levothyroxine while I got pregnant (T4 of 175) and TSH was 5 when I was 4-5 weeks, so I increased the medicine to 200. Anyway now I am taking 250, first thing in the morning,and at least 30 minutes before breakfast. I take calcium after 4 hours and any other vitamin like iron after more 4 hours. I test my hormones every three to four weeks and if tsh is 2.5 -5 Increased medicine by 0.25. If tsh is between 5 – 10 I increased medicine by 0.50. These seem to work for me. TSI at the first trimester was negative. I will test again at the last trimester. I hope that it will go well for both your daughter and me and I also hope that I helped by telling you what my Endo suggests. All the best
in reply to: Synthroid -questions…. #1072453I had a TT last October and then I started with 125 T4. I was feeling pretty bad for a long time (about five months) even though results of the lab were good. I finalised my dose at 150 but I did not feel good anyway. I did not know what to do. Suddenly without changing anything, TSH went up to 8 and T4 – T3 were same as before (with low TSH). I went to my doctor and he said that the problem would be this particular box of T4. So he said that I need to change the label of T4 and not the dose. I was disappointed with my Doctor and I decided to take a second opinion. I visit another doctor and he said to me that GRAVES gives to the patient some antibodies that suppress TSH. So during the first 6 months we adjust dose of T4 in connection with FT4 and FT3results and not with TSH results. That means that I was hypothyroid for all these months and that is why I felt bad. After this new adjustment (t4 of 175) I was pretty good. So, if I were you, for the first six months, I would ask my doctor to adjust my dose not in connection with TSH result but with FT4 and FT3 results. If I had done this, I wouldn’t have lost all these hair I lost, I would nbot have gained some weight, and my eyes would have returned to normal easier!!!! All the best to you!
in reply to: PREGNANCY, HELP!!! #1072350bredya, I do not know anything about it. I am sorry.
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in reply to: PREGNANCY, HELP!!! #1072349hI hYPERM, I am fine, everything is going good up to now. I am at 9th week, I had all necessary tests and were fine and my TSH now is 1.8 with T4 200 ( It is only the third week with T4 of 200. Maybe it will be more suppressed). I saw Endo today and he was happy. He said that he will see me in a month. He also asked me to do an ultrasound for my eyes. My right lid is still swallen. It is much better than before pregnancy but not completely well. So he wants to check what is happening. Baby seems to be fine. It is only 2 cm long!!!! I am also trying not to get much weight… this is really hard! Regarding the rest of graves’ symptoms, I have nothing!!!! If my eye was better, I would have forgotten the disease!!! So hurry up girls… get pregnant!!
” title=”Very Happy” /> ha ha!!! All the best to everybody!
in reply to: PREGNANCY, HELP!!! #1072344We heard our Heart!!!! Great thanks to everybody for supporting us all these days!!! All the best to all of you!
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in reply to: PREGNANCY, HELP!!! #1072342Thank you so much everybody!!
” title=”Very Happy” /> I wil let you know next wednesday after U/S. Best Wishes to everybody
in reply to: PREGNANCY, HELP!!! #1072339Hi Hyper, please tell me how do yo know that disease is active??? I mean that if you do not have a thyroid but you maintain good hormone levels, feeling better than before pregnancy, eyes have also been better, and thers is negative TSI level, is there anything else I can do? in any case, in Greece where I come from, during pregnancy you have 7 – 10 ultrasounds except blood tests, without a particular reason (medical business I call it). But I do not know what else I could do. Actually, next time I will have blood test I will also test anti TPO and anti Atha as doctor said.