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in reply to: Seeking Support & Advice #1172080
Elf, Amen to that. You describe me quite well! How many people told me that I needed to slow down, rest, take care of myself, that I can’t do it all etc etc etc… I am stubborn; I’ll admit it.
in reply to: What is your (non-professional) opinion? #1172092Thanks- We’ll see what happens I guess.
Don’t be sorry. We all have those moments and they are completely understandable. This isn’t easy; dealing with the disease and the unknowns from day to day is really trying. I hope that you go into remission; that would be a wonderful thing! Try to hang in there and take it one day at a time. I have my moments too, believe me. My endo is back in the office tomorrow, and I’m nervous bc I don’t know what his opinion on my scan will be and my latest thyroid levels. I’ve only been off the methimazole 3 weeks (I was only on it 7 weeks due to the liver problems it caused me), but my thyroid levels (T3, T4 free & TSH) are all normal. Now, I don’t know if that’s residual methimazole in my system or what. Or is it postpartum clearing itself up- I have NO idea. My scan numbers were 19% 4 hour & 34% 24 hour (10 days off methimazole), but I don’t know what to think. I hate the unknowns and being up in the air- it’s stressful & I get discouraged easily about it. I don’t want to go into surgery, but if I have to, then I guess that’s what I’ll do. Well, here’s hoping that we both get positive news this week. Stay strong.
in reply to: Shirley- Surgery, lugol’s & breastfeeding #1172056Thank you! That is reassuring, and yes I will ask my pediatrician. My baby has his 6 mo. well visit on Tuesday, so I will remember to do that.
in reply to: weird eye sensations should I worry? #1172009Hi catstuart!
I’m glad you posted this! In the last week I’ve felt twitches here and there too and wondered the same thing. I guess, like most everything, it’s a wait and see type of thing. Waiting and seeing together- lots of support & positive thoughts for you all.
Hi Bri!
Just wanted to say hi & give you a big cyber- hug! Try to stay positive and strong. I’m actually still not 100% diagnosed with Graves… I had a baby 6 months ago and because of that, even though my bloodwork and scan could be indicative of Graves, only 1 doctor is willing to say that 100%. The others say that postpartum thyroiditis could be the problem- who knows… Kind of frustrating; I’m doing weekly bloodwork to track my numbers. I too took methimazole (for 7 weeks at 5 mg. a day), however, I got to be the 1% who had the meds. damaging my liver, so I had to stop taking it. I’ve been off it almost 3 weeks now; my thyroid levels are normal- so they’re doing my blood weekly to see if I start to slip towards hyper again or if I stay normal. I have a pre-op appointment with the surgeon tomorrow to discuss a thyroidectomy (which is scheduled for June 12th should the endo’s make a diagnosis)- I don’t know- it’s hard to be up in the air and not have a diagnosis and it stinks that I can’t take the methimazole (as it really was working well on my thyroid!), but I guess I have to wait and see what happens, although I need to be monitored fairly closely so I don’t get hyper or too far out of range if I should need surgery. Ah well…
It sounds like you’re handling your situation well; do your best to stay positive & it is great that you have a wonderful endo. I haven’t dealt with eye issues. Some minor twitching in my left eye (of course who knows if it’s Graves caused or not), but that’s it.
I hope you have a good rest of the week & enjoy the holiday weekend.
in reply to: Controversy over T4 vs. a T3 / T4 combo #1171976Hi!
I’m still trying to be diagnosed
(post partum thyroiditis or Graves) although it seems like the doctors are leaning towards Graves. Anyway… if I need to get the surgery done, that’s the route I’m choosing. I have it scheduled for June 12th.
I found this “Nature throid” and “Westhroid” online. I don’t know if it’s worth trying, but I have found a lot of positive reviews online for it. Does anyone know about this much?
in reply to: HELP: Could it be a misktake???!!!….. #1171934Jennifer,
Let them think you’re a nutcase
(You’re not, obviously!)- this is your health and your daily living, and it matters! Fortunately, Wednesday isn’t too far away. I hope you get some answers. Don’t leave that office without them!
in reply to: ACK! Could we get a diagnosis please??!!!!! #1171878Thanks Shirley
My endo is out of the office, but the other doctor agreed to order weekly blood tests to monitor my TSH until the surgery scheduled for June 12th. If my TSH stays normal, then the idea is that it could be post partum (it is normal now- although it has slipped since being off methimazole for the last 2 weeks). If it continues to go down towards hyper, then they’re more inclined to believe it’s Graves. If TSH continues to go down, then I will do the surgery on the 12th and hope that I am not too far out of range at that point and will hope for a safe surgery. I know everyone would like for me to wait and see for a few months, but I don’t know if that is a gamble I’m willing to place bets on. For me, it’ll come down to the weekly tests and the trend that I see; I’ll have to go off of that I guess.
On another note… if I do need the surgery, I started looking into the replacement hormone options. Do you know much about Nature Throid? (dessecated thyroid- or something like that?). There seem to be a lot of positive reviews on it. Thanks again for all your support!
Alexis- the conundrum case
(I’m interested in hearing my endo’s thoughts on the scan and everything else when he gets back from his vacation!)
in reply to: HELP: Could it be a misktake???!!!….. #1171922The disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, but…
Crikies! Yes, that does sound odd! I too was on methimazole (5 mg. daily for 7 weeks before my liver started getting damaged- so I had to stop). But, just in 7 weeks, my thyroid righted itself pretty quickly. I think methimazole is pretty powerful stuff.
Yes, do express your concerns! I honestly can’t figure out why they’d have you up your dose.
Did you have a baby recently? Postpartum thyroiditis usually manifests itself as hyper for the first 6 months and then hypo for the next 6 months. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
Good luck at your appointment and do ask what his reasoning is behind the new dosage.
in reply to: Can TSH fluctuate in 5 hours like this? #1171920The doctor emailed me and told me it can be lab variations/ calibrations- that makes sense.
So, one week at a time with weekly thyroid level testing with a surgery date of June 12th if my TSH continues to go lower each week. Well, it’s a plan anyway!
in reply to: Had the Scan Done #1171864Thanks all. I’m not a fan of supplements, no worries there. I’m going for part 2 of the scan in a minute & then meeting with the surgeon (the one where we live) after lunch. I’ll make my decision from there as my mom’s surgeon/ hospital needs to know by Monday if we’re going to come out there. He could do the surgery on the 29th. My scan percentage after 4 hours was 19%; the doctor thinks the 7 weeks of methimazole is still in my system somewhat. I’ve been off of methimazole for 12 days. So, the Graves seems to be on the rebound. Time is of the essence with this surgery, so hoping I really like the surgeon here and he could perform it even sooner, but if not; I will hold out until the 29th I guess. Not much choice there.
in reply to: Always sick? #1171836Have you asked your doctor about it and had a physical/ pap smear? I’d check it out. Are you on methimazole or PTU? Sounds like side effects symptoms of liver problems- although it sounds like it comes and goes? I would get a physical, pap smear, and ask for a liver function test if you’re on ATD’s. I hope you feel better soon!