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in reply to: Not Stabilizing on Tapazole #1172264
Okay– it is a pdf, but google “Perioperative management of the thyrotoxic patient” and it will come up and you can open it. It has good information.
in reply to: Not Stabilizing on Tapazole #1172263I have read about thyroidectomies being performed on people who are mildly hyper with a preparation of betablockers and SSKI drops (even though I’m in range right now, I still am supposed to take a minimum dose of the above for a week before surgery). I will post that link for you when I find it- it is a pdf about preparation for thyroid surgery that I’ve read way too many times!!!
I also have read that emergency surgery on a person that is very hyper is dangerous, but it can be done. I think the bigger danger is operating on the thyroid itself when someone is in a very hyper stage. Emergency surgery on an appendix while hyper isn’t as dangerous as cutting into a hyper thyroid for example. Again- I got this info. from pdf’s online written for doctors. I really try to stay away from reading too many forums, people’s stories and opinions because they only serve to freak me out in general! I will look for the links for you so you can check them out too.
in reply to: Not Stabilizing on Tapazole #1172260The good thing though is that you have a plan to get normal as fast as possible to be ready for surgery. 40 mg. is a lot, but I know that ncpatches (here on the forum) was put on that amount to prepare her for emergency shoulder surgery. Even though my liver enzymes went high, as soon as I stopped the methimazole, they went down. They are back to normal now. The good thing about the liver is that it does regenerate quickly. My guess is your endo. doesn’t have a plan to keep you on that dose for too long, but just to get you stable enough for surgery. Are you talking with surgeons yet? Maybe he/ she can get that ball rolling for you with referrals just to be a step ahead so that when you’re ready, you have your surgeon set, you’ve talked with him, and he knows that you’re kind of “in the wings” waiting to get in there. Prayers for you. Lots of support for you here.
in reply to: My decision #1172319Hi Gigi,
First, congratulations on getting through being hyper and dealing with Graves. Congratulations on having a wonderful daughter, career, and husband. Unless someone has walked in YOUR shoes, they don’t understand and they don’t have any right to make you feel guilty about anything! We have to do what is best for our particular situation and not worry about those thinking they know it all. Easier said than done, but the fact that your husband supports you and you have a strong relationship is what matters. Yes, it’s good to hear opinions, but that is just what they are: opinions.
I can sympathize with you. I was diagnosed with Graves about 3 months after the birth of my 4th child. Yeah, I hear you- what a nightmare. I too tried to pretend to be happy and normal, but admittedly, at my worst, I spent my days in bed crying- too physically, mentally, and emotionally unstable to do much of anything. Fortunately, I have very good in-laws and my husband’s work let him work from home when my in-laws couldn’t help. My dad came out and helped too. I did get on methimazole for 7 weeks and got my thyroid stable, but as it was damaging my liver, I’ve been off it one month. I am scheduled for a thyroidectomy next Friday. The thought of going hyper again is very, very scary, and I never want to see that beast again. So, I understand your desire to not tempt fate so to speak and go through it again.
Even though child birth is a big trigger, realize that anything could trigger a relapse into a hyper state. It is good to feel better (and I feel that way too right now; I’ve actually had a few moments of thinking should I just wait and see and not go through with the surgery??) but, I do know that the possibility of going hyper again– at some point, whether in a month or a year- is likely to happen (especially after only 7 weeks of meds). So, that played a big part in me making a definitive decision regarding treatment. Are you going to consider RAI or surgery? Did the meds. work well for you? Would you take them again if needed? These are all things to think about.
We don’t plan on having any more children either, but the truth is, I told my husband that if we ever DID get pregnant again- the idea of going through pregnancy, labor, delivery and the 1st year with my thyroid, knowing the possibility of going hyper to be a very real situation (especially with not being able to be regulated with methimazole) scares the crud out of me. I’d have a hard time enjoying the unexpected joy of a new baby (again, not that we’re planning on that, but surprises do happen). I also homeschool and that is very important to me. I’ll tell you, my in-laws taught my boys for a few weeks when I was going through the worst of the hyper, but I managed after awhile.
It sounds like you and your husband are at a good place in the Graves journey. Stay strong
in reply to: Cannot Believe it… #1172310YAY! I lost a lot when I was on methimazole. I’m hoping, if the Synthroid does its thing post surgery, I won’t lose too much hair.
That’s great & congratulations- we take the small victories when we can get them!!!
in reply to: Not Stabilizing on Tapazole #1172256Just a big cyber hug to you. I’m truly amazed at how much of an impact our thyroid can have on our entire being. Who would’ve thought? Before Graves, I took for granted all my “normalcy”- whether it was physical, mental, emotional- then when I went hyper, I was like, “What is happening to me????!!!!!!” I was convinced I’d never be “me” again. Really scary. I was on methimazole (it did help my thyroid), but it beat up my liver, so I’m going into surgery next week. My numbers are stable right now, but I know I have to take the next step so that the hyper monster doesn’t return. I’m just hoping I don’t make too much of an acquaintance with his twin, “hypo monster”! Stay strong.
in reply to: Okay. What would you do? #1172226Thank you all.
I feel pretty confident about the surgery- as confident as I can be. My endocrinologist is willing to prescribe brand name Synthroid (as opposed to the generic) 100 mcg. I kept going back and forth about Nature Throid vs. synthetic, but my endo. says he usually prescribes synthetic- so, I figured I’d give it a try and hope it works well for me. What are your experiences on Synthroid- those of you who are on it? I read a mixed bag online. My worry with Naturethroid was some people have hyper like issues because of the T3 I guess. So, maybe I’ll take my endo’s advice from the get go (for once!) and try the Synthroid.
I’m also really worried about gaining a lot of weight. I have to admit that is a big worry. I’ve always been fit, in shape, and a good weight. I used to dance professionally (for 6 years) before having my babies. Before I got sick, I worked out a lot, swimming, spinning, weights. The horror stories of people gaining 20-100 lbs freaks me out immensely. Vain and stupid no doubt, but still real for me. Then reading how no matter how much they exercise or how well they eat, they still gain huge amounts of weight worries me. Can anyone calm that fear for me? I’ve only read about a few people who didn’t gain much. My endo. is a good guy who is ready to order bloodtests and monitor me and work with me- so I am grateful for that. I just don’t want to balloon up.
in reply to: radioactive iodine or not help please #1172248Hi Stacey
I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of this; it’s no fun, that is for sure. Congratulations on having 2 children though- a beautiful blessing. I think most people will tell you that you have to decide what is right for you, your circumstances, and what makes you most comfortable. Both surgery and RAI have risks; I’ve gone back and forth for a month now. I was on methimazole (like carbimazole), but it was hurting my liver, so I had to stop and make a more permanent decision. RAI just didn’t sit well with me (even before I knew the methimazole was causing me problems). So, finding a surgeon was what I wanted. I am still as nervous as all get out. My surgery is scheduled for June 15th. I’ve managed to stay stable thyroid wise for a month off the methimazole; so, I hope to hang on 2 more weeks. Take time to research your options and then do what sits best with you as long as you are a good candidate for the option you want. My endo. wanted me to do RAI, but he does support me in choosing surgery. I don’t know much about cancer probability from RAI; I don’t think it is very high. I know for my situation (because I’m breastfeeding), if I chose RAI, I had to wean, stop lactating and be dry for a few months before they’d treat me bc of the possibility of the radioactive iodine pooling in breast tissue and causing breast cancer, but that is a different circumstance. I think RAI is considered pretty safe for most people. The links to the treatment options on this website are thorough and helpful. I’d check them out and talk with your doctor, then do what feels right to you.
in reply to: Okay. What would you do? #1172222Okay. I have a surgery scheduled for Friday, June 15th- 1st surgery of the morning with my mom’s surgeon. Phew. Now, I just have to pray that my thyroid levels stay normal until then; it’s been a month off the methimazole, so I hope I still have some time. This past Friday my TSH was 1.28 (normal .3- 4.0) Free T4 was .91 (normal .81- 1.54) I hope they will- 2 weeks needed to hold… We’ll have to travel to CT- probably the 13th. So, that is my decision.
I asked my endo, for the levothyroxine to bring with me- we’ll see… Kaiser does the generic, so I’ll start with that and then go from there. If it doesn’t work for me, then I’ll talk with my endo. about what to do about it. But, I’m going to give it a go and see how it works I guess. Try to follow my endo’s advice on something, poor guy! I really do appreciate him.
in reply to: Okay. What would you do? #1172220Yes, Bobbi, you are right! I’m hoping to hear from my mom soon. I think her surgeon will be my best bet. He does have a very good record, but also, being my mom, and the amount of time she’s worked in the OR. I trust her. She admitted she’s spoiled bc she really knows who to go to and how to assemble the ideal team of surgeon, anesthesiologist, surg. tech. just from spending 25 years working with them all. My dad is fortunate, as anytime he’s needed surgery, she’s made sure he’s had who she thought was best for the procedure. Not that anyone is perfect, and things can’t go wrong- that I know.
in reply to: Okay. What would you do? #1172218I haven’t had any heart issues since having my thyroid levels normal (thankfully). I do notice it do faster 90’s- when I’m anxious. For example, when I get the email saying my bloodwork is in for the week!!! Only lasts a little bit though.
I’m starting to be comfortable with the idea of surgery; now I’m debating on the surgeon here and the surgeon in my mom’s area that she’s worked with a lot. I’m hoping the surgeon my mom knows can take me soon. He was able to take me last week & this week, but I wasn’t ready to make the decision then & I’m not prepped- so, I’ll hear today hopefully about when he could see me. Hopefully I’ll have a decision made solidly today and will move forward with that.
When do you normally start thyroid replacement after surgery? My endo said he’d do a blood test 2 weeks post surgery, but my mom’s surgeon said most of his patients start 3 days after surgery. Levothyroxine (generic) is what my endo normally prescribes, but I kind of want to try the Nature Throid (dessicated thyroid). What are your opinions on that? Should I start with the levothyroxine and see how it goes for me first? I’m 120 lbs. & 5′ 4″- what is a normal dose usually?
in reply to: shoulder post op and graves #1172177TENS unit! I used that on my lower back during my 3rd labor! It did help with the back contractions!
in reply to: shoulder post op and graves #1172175Just wanted to say hi & I hope you start to feel better soon. You’re a strong lady- keep at it! I’m trying to be strong right now, but I’m all over the place emotionally. Just wanted to let you that I’m still thinking about you & your situation.
in reply to: Question about Selenium&Remission #1172188I would suggest doing the uptake scan. I was reluctant to do it initially because I’m breastfeeding. So, based on my bloodwork (I have antibodies), my endo. prescribed methimazole with a fairly certain diagnosis of Graves. But, when it came down to knowing with 100% certainty whether it’s Graves or thyroiditis, my endo. said an uptake scan is necessary. So, I weaned my baby for the 4 days needed to do the scan to be sure. If you have thyroiditis, I was told that the percentage uptake is under 4% and it takes a long time for the technician to record a picture of the uptake. Normal uptake is 4-18% at 4 hours and up to 30% at 24 hours. Mine were 19% & 34% and it only took 2 minutes to get the picture. Plus, one side I saw was very dark- so I could see the iodine had been taken up pretty well by my thyroid. To be sure, I would do the scan, then you will know that, with thyroiditis, your thyroid will eventually right itself and you won’t need the medication. To do an uptake scan though, I think you have to be off your meds. for a week. I was off them 10 days at the time.
in reply to: Okay. What would you do? #1172214Thank you both for your replies
I am leaning towards surgery. I know that moms often get hyperthyroid postpartum, but the type that resolves itself is caused by postpartum thyroiditis and not Graves. I had an uptake scan to know with certainty which it was. Thyroiditis percentages are less than 4% on the uptake scan and the thyroid barely takes up any iodine & it takes a long time to get a picture of it. My percentages were 19% & 34% and my uptake pictures were easy to take within 2 minutes. The technician said with thyroiditis patients, it can take up to 10 minutes to get a picture.- so my endo. says that it is not thyroiditis. Believe me, I wish it was. Part of me is tempted to wait and see what happens, but I know that if I go hyper again, my treatments will be limited due to my inability to take methimazole. I could try PTU, but I’m reluctant. If I had liver issues on one, it seems like it would be more likely on the other- I don’t know. Surgery would be out if I go hyper, and that leaves RAI. I know for some it works quite well, but I have a hard time being comfortable with RAI. It’s hard. My husband still is hanging on to the idea that it’s thyroiditis. My endo. though is definitely 100% sure it’s Graves.
Surgery is scary, and I am worried. But, my thyroid levels are in a very good place right now so, I have a window to do this. hhchong, I was only on methimazole 7 weeks (5 mg.) and I leveled out right away after my first blood test at 7 weeks after starting the meds. Of course, along with those lovely thyroid levels were some very elevated liver enzymes- so that really stunk. I was a mess that night as I was told by the doctor on call to stop taking the methimazole right away. But, I have maintained normal levels for a month now. My endo. gives me a few weeks maybe a month. He said I could go longer, but he is sure this is Graves. So, I’m reluctant to wait until I start to go hyper. Some have suggested I do that with the idea that maybe I won’t go hyper for years and years- but with only 7 weeks of ATD’s… I don’t know. I worry about the horror stories I read online and complications, but as my husband says, stop worrying about the “what if’s”. My surgeon is an ENT who specializes in thyroid cancer surgeries, so I feel pretty confident in him. I guess as confident as I can about surgery. He is knowledgeable about Graves too. I’ve had one surgery where I was under general anesthesia before (sinus surgery 3 years ago). I did pretty well with that. Hopefully, I will do okay with this.
hhchong, what prep. meds are you going to be on? I’m supposed to start potassium iodine drops and my betablocker on Tuesday (7 days before the surgery). My heart rate is good, but I guess it’s a precaution for surgery. I’ve never taken a betablocker, so I’m nervous about that. My endo said I can take 1/2 a 25 mg. of Atenolol. Tuesday is kind of my day I have to decide as my endo said that the potassium iodine can “fuel the fire” of hyperthyroidism if taken too long- so if I take it, I kind of feel like, that’s the decision and I need to move forward with the surgery. Nerve wracking.