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in reply to: Tomorrow’s the Big Day! #1172478
I will ask the anesthesiologist when I see him. Zack (baby) did pretty well with the bottle. The 4 day weaning for the uptake scan was way harder. He made a face at first, then he was fine with it (even from me). So, that made me feel better. I’m hoping he’ll be happy to nurse again; I think so. We’ll see. Well, better try to get some sleep. I will let you all know how it goes.
in reply to: Scared and panicky #1172405I haven’t taken the atenolol- my heart rate is 72 today and I slept 7 hours last night without any bed bolting! I think the other night was because I heard the baby crying and panicked for some reason. I’m not as anxious today; my husband is working from home, so that’s helping. So, we leave tomorrow first thing in the AM. Pre-op is Thursday & Friday AM is the surgery. I’m not going to take the atenolol unless my heart rate goes higher than it has been. Sometimes I’m in the 60’s, normally in the 70s. I remember my doc. saying if I went below 60 to stop taking it, and as I’m close to that without it, I’d rather not start it. I am taking my drops though! Hopefully that will help.
in reply to: My decision #1172326I too am curious if there is a way to know? It at least would be good info. to have to keep an eye out for symptoms as they grow older. I wouldn’t say anything to my kids until they were adults, but information can be a good thing.
in reply to: Recently Diagnosed #1172376Hi!
I just wanted to say welcome and yes, you’ll find great support here. I was diagnosed after having my 4th baby and postpartum thyroiditis was ruled out with a scan. I’ve never had the hyper/ hypo swings- all hyper for me. I started methimazole which worked really well on leveling out my thyroid. It was damaging my liver though, so I have opted to have surgery. My surgery is next Friday, so I’m prepping for it now and getting ready.
Maybe they’re saying it’s “Early Graves” because your symptoms are “relatively” mild. I say relatively because my endo. said my Graves was mild (my TSH was .01 with elevated Free T4, T3 & antibodies present/ high.), but it didn’t feel so mild to me! But, when I hear other people’s stories, I can see how it would be considered mild. One thing I know is I never want to feel that way again, so I’m going through with the surgery.
Keep us posted on how your journey is going.
in reply to: Tapazole reaction??-now what?? #1172362If you can get more opinions, that is a good thing! I know many people can be okay with ATD’s for a long time. But, I have read that even those people who do well on them, a lot of times opt to get surgery or RAI to get off (what can be) a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs with thyroid levels. I read on another forum a lady who had been in remission for 20 years!!! Yet, at 50 years old she is getting surgery done because she had a relapse! I’ve read about relapses becoming worse each time after remissions- I don’t know if that is an “across the board” type of thing, but it wasn’t something I wanted to risk, even if I could tolerate PTU. I know that the potential side effects of thyroid supplement are not as risky as ATD’s, but I know that too will take time to balance out, find the right dose and so forth. But, I’m willing to do that because the memories of being hyper… well, I just don’t want to go there again. The idea of a hyper relapse is scary. And, my endo. told me that my hyper stage was actually mild (as it was my 1st time with Graves and we caught it within a few months of it starting). I believe that when I read other people’s stories, but the idea of a worse hyper stage….. no thanks. Keep researching & getting opinions & praying— eventually the right answer will come to you.
in reply to: My decision #1172322I believe the genetic part. My mom & aunt deal with hypo & my great grandmother had goiter. One of my friends- both her mom & sister have Graves. But, like all things in life… you never know what will or won’t happen. Grab life by the horns & live it- don’t let fear paralyze you. Should take my own advice! Haha
in reply to: Thyroid Surgery #1172343Also… I forgot to mention… we have 4 boys and don’t plan on having more children, but surprises happen. I know that you’re supposed to wait 6 mo- 1 yr. before conceiving after RAI. One can be careful, but you never know. If I got pregnant before that 1 year was over, I would worry. So, Stephanie, I’m not sure if you’re married or planning to have children soon, but that’s something to think about too.
I hope you feel better soon Annie!
Let us know how you’re doing as the levothyroxine kicks in
in reply to: Thyroid Surgery #1172342Shirley,
The surgeon doing my surgery next Friday is also a general surgeon, but specializes in neck surgeries. I decided against RAI also because it didn’t sit right with me. But, yes, I do respect those who feel that RAI is right for them. There is no “right or wrong” answer in my mind. Granted, if someone is having a hard time getting their thyroid levels stabilized, doing surgery (at that time) wouldn’t be recommended and there are different life situations that make one choice better than the other, but in general, I think a person needs to be comfortable with his decision. I’m also breastfeeding my son and that is important to me. I couldn’t continue that doing RAI. I do have to wean him for 7 days while I take the SSKI drops to prep, but it is temporary. I’d have to be away from my family for 8 days with RAI, and that was hard for me as well. The idea of waiting for something to die inside me and then it just sitting there, dead.– that was kind of odd too. Then, yes, I wondered what if I would need a 2nd dose if it didn’t quite work- I thought about the eye thing (even though I don’t have eye involvement that I know of). My mother in law knows someone who had RAI and she said it caused her digestive issues that she’s still dealing with (20 years post RAI- although maybe RAI was done differently then, I don’t know). I have a friend at church who did RAI for Graves and told me she wouldn’t recommend it. So….. I guess my initial thought to go with surgery was really what just sat best with me. Again, for some people RAI does sit better with them and it works really well. I’ve read positives (and negatives) for both RAI & surgery. Although, in my research anyway, I read more negatives with RAI— but again, you really never know how things will go, so you just do what seems best. Take the time to think it over and then do what you think will be right for you.
in reply to: SSKI Drops without ATD’s? #1172372My doctor said long term use (over a couple of weeks) can cause problems and make a thyroid hyper, but short term use to control bleeding in surgery is fine. Okay, so I guess I’ll start them tomorrow then. Man, I’m a chicken. I haven’t started the betablockers yet as my heart rate has been fine, but I need to start those in the next few days too.
in reply to: Newbie here….questions #1172351Hi Adele
It took about 2 weeks for me to start to notice feeling better on methimazole (Tapazole)- 5 mg. daily. I decided not to take the beta blockers either. My heart rate came down from hovering around 100 to 62. I did lose hair and it thinned out. Unfortunately the big kicker was I am the 1% (hee hee- excuse the poor attempt at humor) and the methimazole was damaging my liver- so I had to stop taking it. I did not experience any of the symptoms you’re supposed to look for (yellow skin, sore throat, fever etc). I asked my doctor to order a liver function test at my first labs- 7 weeks after starting the meds- just to check- and low and behold! Anyway… again it’s only 1% who have that happen, so I wouldn’t worry, but maybe order a liver function test just to be sure. I’m going into surgery next Friday bc I didn’t want to risk trying PTU (especially since methimazole is considered the safer of the 2). I’ve been off the meds. 5 weeks and I’m still normal thyroid wise, so that’ encouraging. Hopefully surgery will go smoothly! I have to take the betablockers for a week or so before surgery- so that will start soon just to protect my heart; my heart rate is in the 70s these days- not too bad. I did cut out high iodine foods- I even limited my dairy (has iodine) and didn’t eat any seafood. I figured it might help some.
in reply to: Tapazole reaction??-now what?? #1172358Hi!
I’m sorry you went through that; you just never know what meds. are going to deal out- huh?? I took methimazole as well (for 7 weeks, 5 mg daily). It got my thyroid under control, but I had side effects too. I didn’t experience what you went through (I actually didn’t feel too badly except for my hair falling out and thinning), but darn medicine was damaging my liver!!! (liver function test showed elevated enzymes), so I had to stop taking it. I’ve been off it for over a month now, and am (fortunately) still holding well as far as my thyroid levels are concerned. But, I am going to get a thyroidectomy next Friday, the 15th. Everyone is different, so I wouldn’t say one form of treatment is right for everyone. I wasn’t comfortable with RAI (even though my doctor thought it was a better choice in general- less invasive, less risk of complications etc). He supports my choice for surgery though, so that is good. I am nervous about the surgery and the journey on the other side of surgery as far as the Synthroid and how I’ll feel. But, I know for certain I NEVER want to be hyper again. That was some scary stuff. I have 4 boys, the youngest being 6 mo. and the oldest 8 years old & we homeschool, so I need to be as healthy as I can be. Of course, we ALL need to be as healthy as we can be! I just know that being a physical, mental, and emotional mess isn’t good for me or my family. I’m hoping the surgery & Synthroid will all go fairly smoothly and I won’t have the fear of being hyper again hanging over my head. Know that whatever choice you make, will be right for you. And that is what matters.
Hee hee! I can’t – bummer! Kaiser does everything electronically. It’s nice in that I get to see my labs online very quickly, but I can’t tweak anything.
My endo won’t test my T3 after my surgery. He only ordered TSH & Free T4; he said it won’t make a difference w/ my dose. I asked if he could order the T3 to see how my body is converting the Synthroid (when I start it), but he said no. Is that okay? Not that I have much of a choice; I can’t go to another endo. bc it’s Kaiser. Maybe another endo in the same office, but probably not- you kind of get who you get. He’s been pretty good so far, so maybe the T3 doesn’t matter- but I wondered. What do you think? Thanks
NLBatten: I noticed your T3 is low- is your endo willing to prescribe a T3 (I think Cytomel? or Armor or the natural stuff?) Is that a good idea, or does the body eventually “catch up” with the T3? Any info. on that would be great, as I am curious going into surgery.
in reply to: Thyroid Surgery #1172333Hi!
I haven’t yet, but my surgery is schedule for next Friday- the 15th. So, I will let you know how it goes.