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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had never had a problem with my thyroid or my eyes and one morning I got up and my right eye was swollen shut,by the end of the day it was down ,the second day the exact same thing had happened , third day it also happened and I went to the DR. I thought I had a spider bite. that was the beginning of the end. that was Aug 98 and feb99 they diagonosed me with graves and my thyroid was fine and had been up untilsept.
    I have never had RAI

    Post count: 93172

    I just remembered that the Dr gave me something as well to be able to take the pred. I used to have really bad indegestion every day until I got that ,whatever it is,as soon as I took it that was the end of the indegestion. I would actually take it first thing in the AM before anything else and I would be fine.

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