Those holistic women that I saw at Cleveland Clinic Integrative Medicine recommened I take Vitex Chasteberry 225mg a day for hot flashes and night sweats. they told me it makes progesterone? It balances the female hormones?
Well, I did alittle research and I am very confused. It mentions weight gain and plays with the thyroid if I understand this correctly. Sometimes things are “over my head.” I wish someone could add some input to this because I would like to help the hot flashes but not mess up my thyroid any more than it already is!
If anyone knows, Please post! I am very confused. I certainly don’t want to start bleeding. It mentions not to take if you have fibroids, which I could have because the ultrasound was abnormal and they want to operate on me. Do you think this could make it worse?
I have to see gynecologist on Monday. I’m going to bring this up to her.