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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Yours is a unique question here, since we deal with Graves’ Disease, and it appears that was never your issue. Your uptake test may shed some light on what’s going on. If you don’t need Synthroid, you shouldn’t be taking it (it would make you hyperthyroid), but if blood tests didn’t reflect a hyperthyroid state, that’s extremely odd, and something we could not speak to.

    The one thing that MAY be of help is that we know the range of normal thyroid hormone levels is enormous, and what that means is different people feel normal at many different points along that range. If YOUR normal is "low" on the scale, then having your levels in the upper part of the scale would lead to YOU become hyperthyroid.

    I am certain that you need to be a team member in this process, so make sure you learn all you can about what’s been going on, and what the doctors are proposing in terms of tests and treatments. No one cares about you as much as you do, I guarantee it. No one is going to put as much time into figuring it out as you will.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think we can provide much guidance for you. We do wish you luck!

    Post count: 2

    Thank you Ski. I am just searching for some information and answers. My levels have flucuated. Levels were high during the holidays. That is when they took me off "cold turkey". My levels are "normal" but still having hyperthyroid symptoms. Thank you

    Post count: 2

    I was on synthroid for 9 years. They think a viral infection attacked my thyroid in 1999. My antibodies were never checked (in which I just found out) and I was kept on Snthyroid (.75) for all those years. I went into hyperthyroidism ( weight loss, tremors, etc.) in December but blood test never displayed it. I was recently taken off (cold turkey) from this drug and have been off of it for 3 1/2 months. My blood tests are all normal but I feel terrible. Little energy, pulling on back of eyes and nose,insomnia,wet sensation around eyes, weight loss and no appetite. I have attempted to find out some information on what the withdrawal of synthroid does to your body but have been unsuccessful. Can you help me? I do go for a "uptake test " next week in which my internist ordered and my endrocologist did not suggest. This situation has toatlly stopped my life. Can you please help me? Thank you in advance.

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