Please say a prayer for me. I have surgery Friday afternoon. I am very scared and upset. It’s not thyroid surgery for my Graves’ but they are doing biopsies of my uterus for cancer.
I’ve had to stop HRT and it’s been almost 2 weeks. I feel very sick. It never worked that well anyway, but I’ve been feeling almost hyperthyroid (and I’m not, TSH is 2.6_ as of last week) Everything is set for the surgery. Hot flashes are HORRENDOUS AND FROM HOLY HELL. I was told my body is going through withdrawals from the HRT.
Doctor said it would get “better.” when? I feel horrible. Burning up and it was 81 degrees here today with bright sunshine. I wish it would snow!
Pretty depressed and worried too. Feel like crying and tomorrow night I will probably be cramped up into a little ball because they are giving me Cytotec which is an abortion pill to dilate my uterus! I’ve had this pill before – very painful cramping and told it’s similar to having a baby. I’ve never had one so I guess this is what it’s like? (note to all you moms out there)
Hopefully, everything will be okay. I’m very nervous. Doctor told me to take my Klonopin. I feel at times like my back is burning up and I remember this symptom before I started HRT.
So that’s about it. Please hold me in your thoughts. I could use a bunch of friends (which I have here) right now.
Karen (Vanilasky)OF COURSE! Thinking of how you will soon have this chapter behind you!
I bet this time will be better and easier for you in every way than your previous experience. So much better to move forward, get this behind you.AND-we are all behind you, and your new best friends! This website )and YOU!
I know many others will chime in, and we want to hear a lot from you.
love, ShirleyKaren:
Deep breaths….know that we will all be wishing you well!!!!
You are not alone! WE are all here for you! Let us know how it goes!
Sending prayers and thinking of you from across the seas! Will have you in my prayers and thoughts while you navigate through this crap detour. I know words are easily said, but my thoughts are deeply heartfelt and I, together with all your fellow Warriors wish you all the best. You have been through so much and have been so strong that I am confident that you will get through this. I wish I wasn’t so far away so I could be there holding your hand or just giving you a hug when you need it. Stay strong and remember “Today is the tomorrow we were worried about yesterday”
Cheers, hugs and kisses,
DebGood luck and HUGS to you Karen! You will get through this!
Thank you all for wishing me well and keeping my spirits up.
I love you all.
It’s a funny thing because after reading and hearing about actress, Angelina Jolie and having a double mastectomy, I realize that what I have to go through is a piece of cake after what this remarkable woman has done. She has more courage in her pinkie finger than I do in my whole body.
I am thinking of her and how brave she is/was. And still another hurdle for her as she worries about her genetic ovarian cancer link.
Never met her, but I think she’s a great inspiration for me. I just kept thinking “if Angie can do this, I certainly can get through my surgery.” But all of you are helping me because I have someone to talk to.
My mother is being abit disappointing I must admit and it is hurtful. She hates my husband so much, she won’t come to the hospital and she asked ME to call HER when I get home.
I don’t know how I’m going to be able to call her. I may not be up to it and you know when they knock you out, you are out of it for quite a few hours. I thought she should bury the hatchet. My husband is willing to, but she is not. I feel pressured to have to call her when I am the one that is having the surgery and she mentioned going out for lunch with her cousin. I feel like she doesn’t care, but I know in her way, she does. Wish my father was here. He’d care, I am sure.
So having all of you is a Godsend. I have been on sites before but never as many friendly and giving great people as I’ve made cyber friends with here. You are all so wonderful!
I will write all about it when I can.
KarenHi Karen – Sending thoughts, prayers and cyber {{{hugs}}} your way!
Interestingly, I’ve heard from two different people lately who used meditation practices before/after surgery (one had thyroid surgery, the other hip surgery) and they felt that it reduced anxiety and helped speed healing. I actually plan to check this out should I need surgery in the future.
I’m sorry the drama with your mom and husband is adding to your worries. My suggestion would be to ask your husband call anyway as soon as the surgery is over and take this off your list of things you need to do. The worst your mom can do is hang up before he can fully get out “Everything’s OK”!
Please keep us posted!
Very much hope that your surgery goes well. Let your husband and mother duke it out while you are “under.” Take care of yourself first; the rest will fall into place. Or it won’t, but you will be well.
*susan*Hi, Karen–
I hope all goes well for you on Friday and the biopsies are negative. You will get through this. Don’t worry about your Mom and husband, just worry about yourself. I know it sucks when you need support from family and they are not there for you.
We are all pulling for you and wishing you the best.
Take care,
AmyHi Karen.
I feel your pain…. it’s totally natural to be nervous and upset before a procedure like this…. you wouldn’t be human if you weren’t scared!I’m betting the dilation will be less painful than last time… if it’s already been dilated once, the tissue is going to be more elastic and less stubborn. Ask if you can take something for pain before hand…. when I had a uterine procedure done they told me to take Ibuprofen an hour before I got to the office to help reduce the pain.
I’m sure everything will be fine and in just a few days this will all be over and behind you, but I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
And no, don’t call your mother. If she’s letting her dislike of your husband get in the way of showing concern for her daughter, you don’t need to be talking with her right after surgery. I like the idea of having your husband call. If she doesn’t like it, she’s either going to have to get over whatever is bugging her or she’s going to lose you and your husband. Sorry about the added drama to your problem but please try to put it in it’s place: at the bottom of your priority list.
Thanks everybody. I’m surprised I’m still able to type. Kimberly: trying to keep my mind off of it but damn these hot flashes are horrible. Withdrawal, I guess.
thank you Sue! And everybody’s right. She’s not acting the way she should be. He should call her. I will run that by him.
Well, just took “abortion” Cytotec pill about 1 hour ago. Have slight cramping. That’s par for the course.
Hospital called. Told me to be there are 1:30! I hate afternoon surgery! Wish it was in the morning. All the more reason to get more nervous!
I’ll keep you posted.
Karen… wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Tomorrow, hopefully, this will all be in your ‘rearview’ mirror and you can focus on recovery..
Best Wishes,
Karen (lots of Karen’s on this forum!)Good luck Karen! You are stronger than you know and will get through this! You are in my thoughts today.
Good luck and big hugs Karen!! I will be keeping you in my prayers!!
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