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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    A wonderful hospital with a stellar reputation. My mother went there
    for her eye problems and there was no more that they could do; she has
    macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts. No GD
    ophthalmopathy. However, they were wonderful to her and have the latest
    tests, equipment, and research.

    Post count: 93172

    I had my appointment with the Ophthalmologist last week and (as I posted previously), it was good news. He saw the dryness, but no other signs of damage from Graves. He seemed to know a lot about Graves. He set me up with the Optometrist in his office to try to find some contacts I can tolerate.

    I was a little concerned about choosing an Ophthalmologist because I’ve read so much about Ophthos who have little experience with Graves. I was pleasantly surprised today when I learned that my eye doctor did his residency at Wills Eye Hospital, which I’ve seen mentioned so often on this board. The Optometrist said it’s one of the best eye hospitals in the world.

    Anyway, I thought that was kind of ironic since I had never heard of it before GD.


    Post count: 93172

    I go to my wonderful Ophtho-surgeon and radiologist, who are at Wills Eye and PA Hosps.for a check-up tomorrow. I’ve been on the BB giving up-dates on the radiation and trying to show some positive news.Once again, for those new to the board, radiation, in the early stages, for protruding eyes,double vision,puffiness and retracting eyelids should stop the progression.It’s best to do it before any scaring occurs, however it’s been done for those whos eyes are still getting worse after a couple years of waiting for the “hot stage” to burn out.The problem is not with the radiation, but finding good doctors.That why I’ve been raving about Wills Eye. I feel so assured that they are doing the right thing.And my eyes have not progressed since my last treatment July 17th. They were getting worse very quickly.I have been giving out my Dr.’s 800 number to anyone asking. Tomorrow I will ask if she’s sick of getting calls.Origionally she didn’t mind,but I’ve been a bit over zealous about the treatment.I have been giving out the radiologist’s number too, so I’ll find out if he’s ready to strangle me.I will report on my check-up,and if it’s good news, it would be nice if it were acknowledged.I mention this to back-up Debby Jass’ comments regarding the BB.Without the BB, I would never have known what was going on with my eyes. My Endo never prepared me for this.If it wasn’t for the BB, I wouldn’t have known about double vision or where to go or what to do.But on my last “good news” post, there was no comment what-so-ever.Let’s give each other the pat on the back when something does go right. OK? Thanks for letting me mention this….gwen

    Post count: 93172


    Good luck with the next visit….your information sure has opened a lot of eyes around here…so to speak!! Be sure to let us know the results!

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