sorry to hear of your problems it really scares me little I am having surgery next weeks question have you tried different throid meds????? also don’t use generic they can have different effects…. good luck cb
That is a big dose of replacement.
As to why you might be having difficulty with your dose — I assume you’ve done all the things I’m going to mention, but if you have not, you need to consider making some changes, and then getting blood work done to see if it’s made a difference.
The most important aspect of taking replacement hormone (in my opinion) is to take it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, with plenty of water and then wait to eat anything for about an hour. The issue typically is getting the replacement hormone absorbed into the blood stream, and there are compounds in foods which can interfere. Iron for example, binds with thyroid hormone in the intestines, and makes for a molecule that is too large to be absorbed. There is lot of iron in breakfast foods, typically. Oatmeal, for instance. Breads are fortified with iron.
Vitamin and mineral supplements should wait for about FOUR HOURS after you’ve taken your replacement pill. The ingredients in these, too, can interfere with the absorption of your replacement hormone. I assume you are on vitamins fortified with iron for the baby — which is typical. Make sure you have them spaced away from your morning dose of replacement hormone.
Once the replacement is in the blood there’s little or no problem. But getting it absorbed is the issue.
Some medications can interfere with the replacement dose, as well. You could check with your pharmacist (chemist?) to double check that aspect of things.
If you have already been diligently following the rules above: Are you taking "generic" replacement, or are you on a brand? I don’t need to know, but if your levels are wobbling around in hypo-land, and you are on a generic, talk with your doctor about taking the brand to see if that is the problem.
Anyway, I hope one or more of these suggestions helps. I had a friend who was on a huge dose of replacement, like you are, and she got a new endo, who told her the same thing I’ve mentioned here. She was taking a whole handful of meds at the same time she took her replacement, and they totally interfered with her ability to absorb the synthroid product. Once she stopped taking the meds at the same time, her issues resolved. So it can make a difference.
Glad to hear that you are hanging in there. I am not settled yet after almost a year since my RAI. My last appointment the endo talked about adding some T-3 to my mix if this next dose change still leaves me unsettled. She said that she has patients who really benefit from it. When is the baby due?ewmb
Hello friends,
Sorry I have neglected you for so long but with being pregnant and having two little ones my time is not my own anymore.
Well I have never been off the roller coaster to be honest especially since my op last July. My TSH is constantly going up and down and never has reached "normal" range since last July. I have never had a normal TFT – in 5 years but my problem was always hyper now after the op I cannot get out of hypo. As most of you know I was even thyrotoxic at the time of surgery as they had to go ahead as it was not settling at all.
They have now increased my thyroxine to 300mcg which the pharmacist commented upon that he had never administered such a high dose. My endo has advised me it may need to go even higher. He is completely baffled by my blood results. They have reassured me baby will be fine- this is my main worry and I am determined not to read up on the effects of hypothyroidism and unborn babies as I am worried enough as it is and none of it may never come to light so I am staying positive.
Has anyone else had this problem where there has NEVER been any stability? I know my sister has had a terrible time of it too with GD and very little stability and now has regrowth of the 1/3 of the thyroid they left after her op? Is this a genetic thing where we will never settle? I am trying to stay positive and to be honest would rather be hypo than hyper, but I am loosing heart every now and then as it just seems that after going through major surgery etc.. I had hoped that all would settle down.
Thanks for listening xxx
Thanks everyone for your replies! Bobbi your post is very informative and interesting. I do take it on an empty stomach but my ferratin is only 4 (common for me although know this is very low) and on B12 replacement too. I am taking ferrous sulphate 3x daily however don’t take them at the same time as its better to take iron with a meal for absorption. I have to get my bloods done before my next appointment but I think I will pop into my pharmacist and ask about the iron and B12- thanks for your help on that!
We don’t have generic or brand over here- I have always been confused by that on this board
” title=”Very Happy” /> . We are basically prescribed levothyroxine by our endo/GP.
I am frightened Bobbi as nothing is plane sailing for me with this condiiton and I just want my baby to be ok
” title=”Sad” />
ewmb- Sorry to hear you are still not settled- its rubbish isn’t it? Baba due 9th Nov.
Cynthia- don’t be scared, having the op was the best decision I ever made regarding my health. I feel so much better being hypo than I did hyper- I felt like I was dying when hyper. I am really proud of myself having went through surgery. Lots of love and prayers.
Like you are all in my prayers please keep us in your prayers. xxx
thaks I was alittle freaked about the money involved with the surgery I do have medical disability a ppo but I knew there would be charges I would be responciable for all worked out will be on a payment plan forever but worth it…am having surgery on moday at 9am all say a little prayer for me thanks agin all cb
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