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  • Amanda
    Post count: 11

    It only took six months of being on methimazole before my GD went into remission. I remember my endo telling me I had about a 20-30 percent chance of it giong into remission. My experience with Graves wasn’t as severe as it is for some people, so for me it made sense to try the meds first before destroying my thyroid and I’m glad I did.
    My thyroid levels have been normal for the past eight years, but I have recently acquired the eye disease which has been more difficult for me to deal with than the abnormal thyroid levels ever were. I’m waiting to see what happens with all this and will probably reconsider disabling my thyroid if goes wacky again.
    Best, Amanda

    Post count: 1324

    One thing you should remember when you are reading boards like ours, though, is that it is dominated by people who are ill, not people who are well. So the input is a bit skewed in favor of more problems than the ultimate outcome will contain. I used to tell people to go back into the archives of the board and look at the posts during one period of time– then to go back six months and look at the posts there. The names would change, the stories would be the same. People who have gotten well (except perhaps for Ski and I) do not spend their time reading and contributing to these boards.

    There are pros and cons to the treatment options, and what is wise for one patient to do may not be wise for another patient. In addition, getting someone’s advice from a board like this is not particularly wise. Your son’s doctor is going to be your best source of advice. We can help you with terminology, or any concepts that you find confusing. But we are truly not qualified to weigh in with advice, because we are not doctors, and we have no first-hand knowledge of your son’s medical condition. You need experts, not amateurs.

    Please know that Graves is a very treatable condition. You should expect your son to get well again, and enjoy good health. If one option does not work, another one is likely to. The main enemy you should be focussed on is hyperthyroidism. All of our treatment options are safer than remaining hyperthyroid.

    Post count: 71

    Amanda…thanks for sharing. You’ve given me more hope.

    Bobbi…your advice is very wise and I appreciate it. I hadn’t thought about the Board in those terrms but it makes a lot of sense. Thank you!


    Post count: 71

    My son was recently diagnosed with Graves’ and his Endo wants him to be on methimazole for 2 yrs. in the hope that he will eventually go into remission. If not, we then need to considerdisabling his thyroid with iodine or remove his thyroid. This sounded very "cut-and-dry" but, from what I’ve read on this Board, it doesn’t seem to be that easy. For those of you that have made it through the 2 yrs, how many gone into remission? Should we skip this step and go
    directly to disabling his thyroid? What’s your opinion on removing the thyroid or disabling it with iodine?
    Thank you!

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