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    Post count: 1569

    Beautifully put. Thanks, M. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 199

    Boy – you all know what it feels like!!!

    I decided this week – after thinking about it for a few weeks – to try an anti-anxiety med. My doc suggested it several weeks ago, but I was resistant to it. Until my Dx, I hadn’t taken ANY meds since my childhood. But I’ve been having such a hard time with anxiety and trying to separate what I am feeling and what I am worrying about, that I thought if it can give me some relief in the short term, then it may not be such a bad idea. Of course, I’m still second-guessing my decision, especially since it’s making me very nauseous and dizzy. I’m hoping that’ll go away after a few days. My son (9) says I’m nauseous because it’s poison, which I agree with. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Smart kid. But I guess I decided that I feel so bad anyway, why not try it?

    We’ll see how it goes.


    Post count: 8

    I know exactly how you feel. Just diagnosed recently myself and I have the same symptoms. I can only hope it gets better. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 127

    I know I’ve posted once already…sad part is unless I go back to re read it I don’t remember it….I’m on 2..count them 2 anti anxiety meds…plus the Lopressor..a blood pressure med..that is supposed to help with that….of course my stroke didn’t help much with the anxiety, so I was pretty much just on one of the meds before my Dx.

    And of course the steroids that I have to take for my headaches just compounds everything and makes the anxiety worse. But the best part..*LOL* is when my PA tells me to stop trying to be a super mom…and I inform HER I’ve never been a super mom…very involved in my kids life and for the most part a stay at home mom…but not a super mom. I know the difference between the dust that can wait and the kids that can’t. But I also know the difference between….oh my gosh I can’t decide which will be easier to make for dinner and do I even have the energy for that!!!!! And if I don’t do a load of wash they won’t have school clothes tomarrow…very nerve racking and a far cry from when my 21 and 19 year olds were little….now I have almost 8 and almost 2…Hope and Heaven…both of whom were early babies with medical needs so keeping a clean house isen’t just important…it can be life altering.

    So I decided that if my kids know they are loved, that is my best goal for the day. Anything above and beyond that is just "GraveY" *LOL*. Sorry I couldn’t resist.

    Update on my RAI…I had it on the 29th. My TSH F3 and F4 and antibodies are relatively in the normal range right now. I decided if I was gonna do it, now would be the time. I got really tired from it after about 24 hours. My mouth got really dry and hot, and my bp and pulse are all over the map, but that could be due to the steroids also. So using me as an example for typical RAI might not be the best idea. Plus my white cell count if off the charts from the steroids and my red cell counts are high and they are send me out to oncology to find out why. But… so far I feel ok…3 days out. No puking like I thought maybe..and I took a shower yesterday and didn’t loose anymore hair then I normally do. My eyes haven’t gone bulgy yet, altho I have the added benefit of already having steroids on board for my headaches. They are dry and itchy tho…but then again after my mouth feeling so dry I’m not real surprised. Honestly the hardest part has been staying away from the kids, besides a quick hug 2 times a day. Hubby has been a help, and yesterday just from being locked up in the house…my 21 year old stayed with the kids long enough for hubby and I to run to Pharmacy and I stayed in the van, just had to get out of the house and the walls were closing in.

    I told my endo I wasen’t going to go thru RAI again, so let’s not just tickle it, I want it graveyard dead..sorry for the pun. I can take meds for the rest of my life, but if I can get the antibodies to die off somewhat from not having so much in my body to attack…so much the better as I can see at this moment in time.

    Now I’ve had the ability to accept one day at a time, one hour or minute. This is not an easy thing to do, especially when those times are the anxiety ones. Plus, I have osteopenia, not sure if that is what causes the chronic pain in my body or not, but just hugging the kids or holding them sometimes hurts my body, and as much as that stinks…for the moment it is what it is and I just have to get thru it. Luckly, I found Marpo early on, and she has a coloring book for kids that describes "mommy has graves" and really helped me to deal with it also. As soon as I told my 7 year old I was gonna have to take the pill just like in the coloring book..she knew exactly what I was talking about. And it talks about why mommy is so tired and can’t play like she used to and has to take naps. Also talks about how mommy can loose her temper and that she doesn’t mean to…just a part of mommy being sick. Up to the point I found this…..I had no resouce out there to help me explain it to her….believe me I looked.

    Ok sorry….apparently "rambling on" is a post RAI thing also..*LOL*. Keep your head up, and we are all here for each other. I just love this board and all the members in it. We are all so Blessed to have each other!!!!!

    Post count: 27

    Hi Emily, hmmm end.. it’ll just be different something you’ll have to get use to.
    I know when I was first diagnosed with GD, and given Methimazol felt like myself within six months I ran I did everything, and before that I had trouble walking up three steps or carrying anything. I had no energy, I hurt all over, and yet I looked like there was nothing wrong with me.
    It wasn’t all glory, I still felt like crap 85% of the time. Then it went into remission, can that happen. My Dr said I was not the norm with GD I didn’t lose weight, but my weight was stable but I was overweight. Then I almost broke up with my bf, and within a month I lost all excess weight and was down to my normal weight again… the stress triggered weight loss. Wish it had stayed off cause within six months it was all back on again.
    WIthin a year GD was in hypermode once again…
    After three years I was radiated, I had had enough. I am on 75mc synthroid now… My DR told me the radiation killed my thyroid,he couldn’t feel it, but I still felt hyperthyroid symptoms. I even had slight but not bad shaking. I knew cause my voice was different, I felt tired after talking only for a few minutes like I was out of breath. My T level was in six weeks up from 13 to 20 now I understand it will fluctuate, but thats getting up there. I also know now that it takes the medicine a while to normalize your system..but still I don’t feel normal.This time being HYPO I"ve gained more weight, my eyes are were diagnosed with GD a week after I had taken the radiated iodine, it was like a bell went off in my body and my eyes were saying what about us… we get left out? not on your life lets get the party started… Even now I still get the feeling of overheating, that going to combust in my sleep.. I am also prone to insomnia; waking up at the precise time of 330am almost every morning. Like clockwork, now I’m wondering if its caused my inner clock some twisted sense of time. I will layawake there for hours… so tired I cry, but unable to sleep. How the heck am I suppose to work when all I want to do is sleep till ten am after that? Grouchy, miserable, crying emotional, angry, un predictable, irrational… anyone have any more that I’ve forgotten…see forgetfullness.. can’t remember words…. call things the wrong thing..or is that something else?
    Normal is not what I’ll ever be again… I don’t think. So I have to learn how to work around what I am. Make the most of it….
    I dont like it one bit. Conquer it? I would love to.
    I know this didn’t help, but maybe it helps knowing others out there are also feeling the same way.

    Post count: 1569

    Remember that your dose of replacement hormone needs to be "dialed in" to find YOUR normal point inside the normal range ~ whatever dose the doctor decided upon at first was just a guess, and after that it’s up to you and your doctor to consult and find the point at which you feel best within the normal range. The range is enormous, simply because people all around the world feel normal at varying points within the range. If you don’t have thyroid hormone tests from before you were sick, then keep a symptom diary and talk with your doctor after keeping it for a month or two to discuss the possibility of adjusting your dose slightly to find out if it helps with your symptoms. Many of the symptoms we experience while hyper also occur while we’re hypo (sleeplessness and anxiety being two of those), so blood tests have to be at the core of your decision-making. We can’t rely on our feelings when they could be pointing us in the wrong direction.

    Once you find YOUR normal point, and your levels stabilize, I think you’ll see why you fought to get there. Being off by even a tiny bit can have a big effect on you over time. It’s kind of like pointing a ship just one degree off. You will not end up in the right place.

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