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  • Madame_X
    Post count: 128

    Very helpful — Wikipedia was one of the first places on the Web that I hit after I was diagnosed

    Post count: 15

    Hello everyone,

    as we all know, one of the hurdles many of us, if not all, have to overcome, especially in the beginning, is the search for (good!) information. I’ve had a long Graves road behind me, and now I want to help newly diagnosed to get immediate access to good information. Best way to do that, I figured, was by using Wikipedia. It’s usually the first step people go for information on the internet.

    But I need your help. Here’s the basic story:

    After three years of reserach, I’ve seen a lot of websites (good and less good) about Graves disease. I’ve collected the best of them (that I’ve seen), which I think will best inform people who are looking for Graves information, and I added them to the Graves disease article in wikipedia.
    ( … rnal_links)

    Now, many of the best sites I only found when my Graves journey was almost over. So I think it’s a very good way to compile the golden websites. I wish I had seen many of those websites from the beginning, that would have been a tremendous help.

    Anyway, here’s my problem. Not everybody at wikipedia (actually just two people…) are convinced about the usefullness of my approach.

    I’m not doing this for myself. Nobody knows me on the internet, so it’s an anonymous quest.

    If you want to help…. I need your opinions about this. Go to the article, and check out the external links. Think about what you see: are the websites usefull, have you seen them before, how long have you been looking for good information, etc. ? That kind of thinking.

    Then go to the discussion page about the article ( … rnal_links); (that’s how it’s done on wikipedia, things are discussed…) And give your honest opinion: helpfull, not helpfull? Any idea you have about it… Click on the blue "edit" link (upper right corner), and then just add your text below… simple as that. You don’t even have to make an account or anything.

    Oh, and if you’re gonna do it, do it quite quick, I don’t know how long I’m gonna hold on there. They want to delete most links, because they don’t think it adds anything good… I honestly believe in my approach (am I wrong? what’s your opinion?), considering that I would have loved to get all those sites from the bloody day I was diagnosed… Instead of cramming to all the garbage and enormous maze of information on the internet. Direct knowledge of the golden websites, isn’t that something that would help a newly diagnosed?

    I know it’s a bit of work, but it’s for a good cause, that concerns us all.

    kind regards, Starvee44 (aka Sevák Tzevánerig on wikipedia)

    Post count: 84

    It doesn’t really look like a normal Wiki page I’m used to seeing? More like a "work in progress" and it’s still being put together??? <img decoding=:” title=”Question” />

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