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  • oahz
    Post count: 29

    I don’t get it. MRI shows the soft tissue while CT scan shows bone. inflammation is a soft tissue problem.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – This would be a good question for your doc…or hopefully, Shirley or one of our other posters who have experience with these procedures can chime in.

    Post count: 1909

    I have CD’s of my orbital CT scans. They clearly show the enlarged and fibrosed muscles of the eye. And the orbital fat. I have dealt with TED for over 3 years (or is it 3 centuries??) and no MRI has been ordered.
    Check with you doc, as Kimberly suggested.
    My own experiences suggests that you might be mistaken about orbital CT’s.

    Ct’s are ordered with and without contrast. I had mine without.

    Post count: 326

    During my TED journey, I only had MRIs – one with contrast but I had a bad reaction to the contrast so a year later I had another orbital MRI without contrast. Both showed my neuro-ophthalmologist and oculofacial surgeron what they needed to see. Because my OD was done my both the oculofacial and an ENT surgeon using an endonasal approach, he performed a CT a week before my surgery. I hadn’t had an orbital CT up until that point.

    Post count: 1909

    I had the same two surgeons for my OD. Had a special one, probably like gatorgirly had, right before my OD.

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