Lewis – I don’t know your area but would suggest a couple of things. First of all, she may want to check with the Medicaid office in your State to see if she is eligable for benefits through them based on income. She could also check with the County Health Dept to see if they offer any services that would benefit her – or if they can refer you – they often have a good idea of what services exist for the non-insured in your area even if they don’t offer these directly. Last, as I believe Ski has mentioned, is to check to see if there are any university clinics in your area that provide care to uninsured.
This is a huge issue – I know there were a couple years in my life where I was working 3 part time jobs (fortunately I got insurance through one of them most of this time) – but I was working more than full time between the three and had to chip in a ton towards my benefits due to being "part time" so scaled down my health insurance coverage due to cost. I am thankful I had stable benefits when Graves hit. (The osteoporosis med I am on is 800-1,000 a month for 24 months – I pay $45.00 a month). I have also had my own patients refused care (when I knew they needed to be seen and referred them) due to insurance. I have some idea the cost of not having insurance and wish you the best. Please let us know how it goes.
If you have any teaching hospitals (attached to med schools) you may find some luck in having her treated there. For the most part, the initial phases of the eye disease are treated with "wait and see" technology (you can make the symptoms worse with things like surgical treatments), but it’d be good for her to at least have an initial consultation, because there are other treatments for keeping the inflammation to a minimum during what we call the "hot phase."
It may be worthwhile to call a local doctor’s office and see what they know about in terms of help for those without insurance. Besides aid organizations, some doctors may be willing to either work out a payment plan or waive part of their fees.
Welcome to Graves’ Disease Foundation,
My name is Diane and I have dealt with the same problems your going through. As Ski recommended, you should get as much information from you State and Medicaide and Medicare. The County Health Department was extremely helpful for me. I was able to use them to have my thyroidectomy and they paid for the doctors, pre op, time in hospital, surgery and just about any and everything else you can think of. For me I was allowed this privilage just one time. You can see their GP’s and nurses at no or little cost. Please note that due to the demand for places such as these, that it may days or weeks before you can get in and there is usually a wait when you get there for your appointment. Teaching Hospitals are a great place to try and get help as long as you don’t live in Florida. Here the requirer you to live in the county where they are located. I was unable to use any of them. Also in Florida it may take a very long time to get SS Disability. Once you have been approved it takes a long time to get medicaide or medicare. In my case I was put on Medically Needy for Medicaide which meant that most of my SS check had to be used on doctors and such before they would kick in to help pay for anything. I was also told that I could not get Medicare until 2 years after my approval date from SS Disability. Luckily that means that I will be getting my Medicare this January 1st. As for my eyes, this was a very difficult task however I was able to find a group that was willing to help. I used the Knightss Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. If you would like more information on this let me know and I can either email info. or post it here. In Florida there is a wonderful teaching hospital in Miami that has helped many in this area. I was unable to attend because I didn’t live in their county and because I couldn’t afford it since I have no insurance. I hope this helps a little. Trust me when I say there are many qualified people on this site that can help you as well. You made the first step by posting and asking for help. Good Luck and if you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask.
A friend of mine has been diagnosed with graves disease. Actually only one eye bulges out, but it’s causing her many problems; vision wise, headaches, can’t see to drive, can’t see to work, etc. She has no insurance and just to get in to see a specialist will cost her over $600 to walk in the door. Are there any doctors out there who donate their work for this disease? She’s been told she probably needs to have surgery but financially it’s not possible. She lives near the St. Louis area. If anyone knows of anything please let me know. Thank you.
Hello, when I was dx’d I didn’t have insurance either. I received tx, including RAI through National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. I did live in the area, so I didn’t have to travel. I don’t know if the study is still going on, but it seemed like it was a long-standing study. If interested, contact/go to the website for NIH and find out if there is a Graves Disease study that is open. If you are accepted into the study, as I was, all your treatment and follow up is free. At the time I was in the study they had some reimbursement for travel if needed (I didn’t). Good luck.
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I agree with asking your state about medicaid and medicare. I am on medicaid and it’s the best insurance EVER! It covers just about everything and I have no co-pay. All my prescriptions are free. I have Midwest Health Plan but you can also have straight medicaid etc…. Whatever you do, don’t give up. You may have to make a million phone calls but it will pay off.
Best of luck.
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