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  • adenure
    Post count: 491

    Hi all,

    I saw my endo. today and asked him whether Synthroid (brand) could cause headaches. He said that it is possible, but the only way to know would be to stop Synthroid and try something else. That much I figured out! :P Of course, it could just be normal life causing my headaches and very slight anxiety (just kind of a constricted breathing feeling that comes and goes). I’m sleeping better (about 6 hours a night- falling asleep & staying asleep well). I don’t have any weight issues, my hair is falling out… but, I guess that’s more of a vanity issue. So, really, it’s the headaches. But, my TSH was at .79 2 weeks ago and my free T4 in the upper normal range. I feel pretty well for the most part, not my old self completely, but pretty good. I’m exercising, so that is good too.

    My endo said if I want to try Armour or Naturethroid, that would be fine and that he has patients on those meds., but he said of course I have to start again finding the right dose and test more often as those medications have more variety in potency among batches. I’ve read of people who feel great on the pig thyroid stuff and other people who’ve said it wasn’t good at all.

    So…. do I mess with it or not? Do I attempt to try a new medication in hopes of getting rid of headaches and possibly screw up my thyroid levels that are now normal? I don’t know what to do.

    Post count: 178


    My Synthroid drug insert says notify the physician if you experience headaches and etc., a long list as you have done that. I called my pharmacist about one of the symptoms they listed of heat intolerance and he told me it can happen in the beginning and not to worry just yet as I am on the medication now only 1-1/2 weeks.

    I heard from just my own research that it possibly takes a little while to transition from the Synthroid to Armour or Naturethyroid and with careful dosing changes from your physician; I’ve spoken to a couple of people who transitioned and they did fine; your are fortunate you endocrinologist gives this option of natural thyroid hormone as two of mine where I live said absolutely not and not even any T3. My internist who will eventually take over my post RAI care said possibly yet he is not thrilled with the naturals either. I wonder if it has to do with dosing properly and the more frequent testing needed. Plus I already know about the fact if not done properly the potential for recreating a hyperthyroid condition, etc., which here and on other forums people talk about T3. Your endo should know best though.

    Personally I feel a person has to do what is right for them working with a very good doctor which it sounds that you have that; I know of people on the natural thyroid hormone doing very well; I know of people on T4 forever and doing well; I believe whatever it takes to have a good quality of life on this post treatment journey. Good luck with all that!


    Diagnosed with Graves August 2010
    20 Months Methimazole no Remission
    RAI early May 2012
    Synthroid 75 mcg August 20, 2012
    Based on opinion personal research only

    Post count: 491

    Thanks- I’m just worried about possibly screwing up all that is going right on Synthroid just to see if I can get rid of headaches which aren’t terrible… but, a nuisance none the less. I don’t know what to do. My endo did say I’d need more testing bc the natural stuff varies more. I’m so sensitive to meds. I worry about heart palpitations and stuff like that- I asked him about that as far as getting the direct T3; he said dosed properly, it wouldn’t be an issue. I don’t know; I guess it’s my call. Just wish I knew what to do.

    Post count: 178

    Your welcome; Yes, sounds like your call and you have a good doctor there. I’m very sensitive myself to medicines, treatment, supplements, herbs, etc.; my doctors all learn that about me with time. I had palps off and on my entire life yet much worse with Graves and I understand not wanting to go there. Yet my neighbor here is hypothyroid years and had palps on Synthroid, is also a nurse and just told her doctor reduce my dosage as he wanted to send her to a cardiologist and it turned out all it was a reduction in the Synthroid dosage as she knew. In time, whatever you decide you will find your niche as so many others do working together with a good doctor. Good luck with that!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Another thought is that some people react to the color coding dyes in Synthroid. If you are currently taking one of the color-coded tabs, you might ask your doc to prescribe the non-color coded dosage and adjust the number of pills that you take so you are getting the same amount.

    Hope you can get some relief!

    Post count: 1909

    I agree with everyone! Bottom line is that all of this is very hard.
    Alexis, I sure am sorry about your headaches. It’s going to be hard to know the cause. Apparently they are not related to periods at all, huh?

    Post count: 491

    Hi Shirley :)

    No, I don’t get periods when I’m breastfeeding (even for 3 years like with my 3rd son!) so, that isn’t an issue right now. The headaches come and go and aren’t terrible, but just bothersome. Could be my life!!! :P But, I don’t know.

    Post count: 333

    Hello Alexis,

    I’m sorry to hear that you are still struggling with the headaches but I’m happy that you are able to sleep better.

    I too would be worried about changing the medication now that the #s are all good. In my opinion, the headaches can be caused by several things and not necessarily the Rx. You mentioned that you are breastfeeding. You probably already know this but when breastfeeding you have to make sure you are well hydrated and dehydration can cause headaches. Also, have you tried seeing a Neurologist? Another thing you can try is acupuncture. I know people get acupuncture for headaches and it can work.

    Going back to Synthroid, according to, headache is a serious side effect and it says to call your Dr but your Dr already knows about your headache so I guess he has already made sure you are okay taking it.

    I’m sorry to hear about your hair falling out. Is it because of taking Synthroid? Mine has fall out in patches several times before and it always has come back. I was told I have alopecia areata. I hope yours doesn’t fall out too much and starts to come back. When I saw my Endo the first time, he stated that I might experience hair loss and hair changes but that it would come back if it fall out.

    I’m glad you are doing well overall.

    Caro :)

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