I was 9 weeks pregnant when I was told to rush to the endo for further lab work… this was followed by a diagnosis 2 days later of Graves Diisease.
My levels are as follows (none of it really tells me much, hoping you all can help me)TSH .006
Triiodothyronine free serum – 11.0
T4 Free – 2.58
Thyrotropin receptor AB, serum 7.46
T4 – 16.9
T3 uptake – 34
FREE Throxine Index – 5.7
T3 – 368Are these levels normal, mild or severe for graves disease??? I don’t know about any of it I guess they are high but are they mild, moderate or severe. I would really like to know.
I was put on bed rest for 2 weeks with those nasty PTU pills 100mg in the a.m. and 100 at night.
I am now scared because I read all this crap on the internet that stress can lead to miscarriage and I have an EXTREMELY high stress job. Maybe I should take extended leave from work??? Im not sure, I had more labs done today and will know new levels by Monday.
Thanks in advance… hope someone answers,
SarahHi Sarah,
We can’t interpret lab results, we’re just volunteers and fellow patients ~ if you have the lab values in front of you, then there should be a "normal range" reflected on the report, and you can see how far your levels fall outside the normal range. Even so, one thing we have found is that the numbers never tell the whole picture ~ some people can be wildly out of normal range, and still feel pretty well. Others can be out by just a couple of points, and feel totally miserable. In other words, the important thing to know is that your levels are imbalanced, and focus on getting them back into balance, rather than trying to figure out "how sick you are." Thyroid levels don’t equate exactly like that.
Stress is something that we have to manage carefully. We will never go through a day without stress. It has more to do with our REACTION to stress than the stress itself, so whatever you can do to calm yourself will be a good thing. Taking time off work can be helpful, but if it adds to your financial stress, you could just end up stressing out at home rather than at work, and with less income. The PTU should act relatively quickly to bring your levels down, so I would take a cautious approach at this point ~ let your employer know what’s going on, and tell them there may be some days when you need to either come in late, or leave early, or take a big break in the middle of the day, and see how well that works for you, for now. As your levels normalize, you should find yourself feeling much better, even if it’s not completely "normal." If you ultimately decide that a leave from work is necessary in order to fully protect yourself and your pregnancy, by all means, take advantage of that. It’s all YOUR choice.
As far as other things to manage your stress ~ hot baths, funny movies, knitting, painting, walking, yoga ~ whatever YOUR favorite thing is, whatever feeds your soul and makes you feel deeply content, THAT is what you should make time to do. A lot of times we find those are the things we "save" for a special day, but right now you need to understand that every day is a special day, and the things you do to soothe your soul today will feed you tomorrow as well, and help get you through this.
Try to be grateful you got this diagnosis when you did ~ you have a very good prognosis, and your pregnancy will be more successful having known this and managed it. I know it’s difficult to feel "good" about having Graves’, and maybe that’s not what I’m suggesting ~ feel good that you KNOW you have it, and that you are heading down the right road to health. Many patients go far too long without knowing, and that’s frustrating, debilitating, and dangerous.
We’ve got lots of people here who have gone through pregnancy and treatment at the same time, so hopefully some will chime in and ease some of your worries. In the meantime, I’m so glad you found us! Let us know how it’s going!
Hi Sarah, well, it is good that your ob doc ordered thyroid labs. As You did not say much about how you feel regarding symptoms of Graves’, but I am assuming that the Graves’ feeling of being hyper is competing with the pregnancy feeling of being sleepy? Although it is a bit early for you to feel the sleepiness of pregnancy! I remember falling asleep on the bus, and once I fell asleep at a red light! If this is your first pregnancy, all my neighbors have loved the book "What to Expect When You’re Expecting." As Ski said, it is great that you have an early diagnosis. It will be important for your endo and your ob doc to be in contact about you. Sometimes, depending on a lot of things, a high risk ob doc is recommended. You can ask the question for your own information, but it sounds like you are getting very good care.
As you take the PTU, you may feel a lot better (less stressed, slower heart rate, decreased tremor if you have one…) but generally, better and more like yourself. I suggest keeping close contact with the endo, for he/she may want to reduce the dose. Ask you endo the general plan about that, what/when they want to hear from you. When we have Graves’, all of life is more stressful. It will be less so with the ADT.
Be sure you understand everything, and a good way to begin with two NEW medical conditions, pregnancy and Graves’, is to have the dictated copies of all your visits and all your labs. If you have not done this already, ask at the front desk of each office for a medical release of information form to sign, and direct that all visits and labs be mailed (or faxed) to you. Begin a file. In answer to your question about the labs, the normal ranges for your lab will be listed on the lab sheet.
As Ski said, we really can’t interpret labs in detail, but as you already know, your symptoms and your labs say that you have Graves’If you have a question about being on bedrest for two weeks, call you ob and ask what activities you can do, and understand why you are on bedrest.
Regarding your job, at this time, take it a day at a time. You have had a big week! I think once Graves’s settles down a bit, you will be like anyone else who is pregnant. Maybe needing some dill pickles and some crackers, but basically, ok.
I would not make any decision at all about your job. It is entirely possible that you will decide to continue working, and as Ski said, there are lot of things to consider when contemplating this. Do continue to write to this site, it is reliable and trustworthy. There is a lot of cr.. on the internet, along with the good stuff.I’d read Ski’s post again, for it is right on, accurate, and very helpful to you at this time.
Keep in touch with us!
ShirleyThere has already been some great advice given!
I was diagnosed before getting pregnant but was on PTU when pregnant and was taken off of it when I was 3 months because my levels were leveling off and the pregnancy was taking over and the dr. feared that if my TSH level went over 4.0 there was a chance it would go even higher and could miscarry. I went off the PTU and was fine the rest of the pregnancy BUT I was tested every 4 weeks to make sure.PTU is best taken with a mouth full of milk first then put the pill in and swallow quickly. That stuff tastes like crap!
DO NOT take your renatal with your PTU, it will make you wanna puke!It was already said to ask the dr. what you can do while on bedrest, if you crochet or knit this would be a great time to work on something for the baby.
Maybe a good book OR start a journal for the next two weeks so you have a keepsake for yourself and the baby!I taught myself the basics of crochet while trying to get pregnant and it was a bit frustrating at the time but I am happy I did it. If you get upset easily do not attempt learning something new right now.
Maybe you can organize paperwork you have not been able to get to. Ask dh to set up a table for you so you can have him bring some in and you can access it easily and work while in bed or the couch.Symptoms for me for Graves and pregnancy were kind of similar so when in doubt speak to the OB and ask them. I remember at 4months pregnant while riding in the sidecar of a motorcycle, we had stopped and I was very very dizzy. We weren’t sure if it was Graves because I had not gotten my test results back (it was my 4 week testing time) so I called the dr. and he said it wasn’t the TSH level, and it wasn’t from being in the sidecar. He said it might be that I am low on sugar(i have no sugar issues), and said to drink a soda and sit down and see what happens. So i did and it worked. I did that my entire pregnancy and my Graves was in check the entire time.
I have had 4 pregnancies and 4 babies, 3 of which I had after being diagnosed, so if your thinking in your head you can’t get pregnant after this one and are afraid, trust me yes you can! I also went to a reproductive Endo as well for help.good luck and keep us posted!
Congrats on the baby!!!!So glad you wrote, mama bear! Meant to mention you on my last post. Sounds like your are doing well, other than the extremely busy life of being a mom/wife/taxi driver/keeper of animals. I am sure that it will be nice for you to keep in touch with Renee.
ShirleyThank you for all the replies, you all had great advice and I will keep you posted. They called today and want to see me tomorrow at the endo for the lab results. I am hoping the levels came down and I can return to work. Things sound like they are crazy there so I think my return will help settle things down a bit.
I’ll post the good/bad news whatever it is tomorrow after the appt.
Thanks, SarahI was just diagnosed with hashimotos and graves today at my appointment. levels are starting to normaloze but not quite. 2 more weeks off and then all should be well. Thanks for the support I will keep posted!
Shirley, thank you! I am yet again questioning another kidney stone and of course being the mother I am, I am very much in denial. BUT will be going to see dr. for the inevitable cat scan that I need to find out if it is true!
Sarah, I am sorry to hear about this. The only thing I can say is that although it stinks and it’s a crap load of info you are craving, at least you know now and can kick it’s butt !
I know you are not feeling this way right now but when you get further into your pregnnacy and info your diagnosed I would HIGHLY recommend a lot of laughter! Because one thing is for sure, you can not change what you have, you can only hope that you go into remission and take your meds. There is a plan for us that we don’t know about and we have to stop trying to figure it out and just go with it. Laugh a lot and when you feel like you are going crazy ……….ask others I they would like to go with you!!!!!!!
I am serious!!! I have 4 kids and usually travel with one during the day, she isn’t in school but will be come september for about 3 hours a day(can you tell I’m counting down!). She comes with me and when I’m at my wits end and we are shopping I ask her if she would like to go crazy with me and if someone else is around I’ll ask them too! It lightens the mood and helps you remember that you are not perfect and neither is anyone else!
You WILL be fine, baby steps is all it will take! You are carrying around a beautiful gift and your body will protect it at all costs. So you take care of your body and eat well and do as you are allowed to do and all will be fine. If you have a moment of doubt you just PM me! Crying, venting, laughing is always welcome in my PM box, no questions asked!
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Welcome to the wacky world of having both diseases. This board is great for information. Makes you feel you aren’t as crazy as you think. I have been on this rollercoaster for almost 2 years. Numbers on tests have not been a great help for my endo because my symptoms will be different than what tests show. I went to the endo last Friday because I was so tired, cold, achy, etc. My TSH is being suppressed is what he told me, but am headed back to hypo. If I go hyper again, the thyroid dies. I am hoping you don’t have to be on the rollercoaster that I have been on, but just learn the symptoms of each disease so if you start to feel different, you can let the doctor know and head it off at the pass. I tend to be more hypo than hyper so I am only on Levothyroxine and adjust that med as needed. If you ever want to send me a PM, go ahead. I don’t know anything about being hyper and prego, but I do know about having 2 wonderful diseases. Good luck and keep us posted. These people are wonderful and have great stories and advice.
Hi Sarah,
One quick point, if no one has mentioned it ~ typically, during pregnancy, our immune system "quiets down," in order to protect the new "foreign life" inside. That means your symptoms MAY remit during the pregnancy. After you deliver, symptoms can return with a vengeance, so be VERY vigilant about symptoms and blood tests, because that can be a real shock, especially when you’re caring for a newborn.
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