Wow, this is all so overwhelming and so much to weigh. Thank you ALL for sharing…. it gave me a lot of food for thought. I am still leaning strongly towards TT, especially because of the risk of developing eye problems after RAI even if they weren’t there prior. VERY scary.
I see my endo Thursday and will see how he feels about my thoughts to do something permanent, because I can’t see living with this unknown and roller coaster for the rest of my life. If I have to go through RAI hell or surgery, probably better to do it sooner rather than later.
I agree that TT is underutilized in the states. Last visit I asked my doc what percentage of his surgery patients regretted it versus being happy with it and he said he couldn’t tell me because he’s only had a very few go for surgery.
I will get some surgeon names from him and maybe set up consults with one or two of them. The more information from several sources can only help.
Damn……. too tired and feeling too yucky to make any major decisions right now. I’d just kill for a few weeks of my old life back. 