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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I am almost 4 months out and feel some better. I have not started to exercise yet really. I am doing more. I have not worried too much about weight right now but am trying to watch what I eat. The weight that you have lost being hyper isn’t good weight to lose, the muscle mass so you will most likely gain some of it back when your levels stabilize. There are some good posts from SKI in the past on this same topic. You need to eat enough to be healthy and keep going. The advice I’ve heard is to settle your levels first before trying to really change weight.


    Post count: 61

    Hi everyone;

    Iam having the RAI on September 4th, I am very worried about gaining weight. I plan on going on a very low carb diet. I am also worried about the side effect of the sore throat. Can anyone recommend a good diet? I have lost a lot of weight in the last month, part of that is because I have really cut down on fatty foods. I am hunger, but drinking a lot of water. I am trying to take advantage of the side effects of GD. I cannot exercise right now, because I was told by my doctor that I am losing muscle mass, my joints have become weak. I am having symptoms of athirst. I am only 44. How long after RAI will I feel normal, and how long will it take for my body to be normal? Will I always have GD? Any feel back would be great.



    Post count: 222

    Hi Julie!
    It’s been 5 weeks since I had RAI and I am also worried about gaining. I lost only a couple pounds while hyper and have gained them back plus a few. The good news is that my T3 and T4 were normal at my one month labs and my doctor okay’d me for hard exercise and I know I can lose it now. I feel just about normal. I still can’t run fast without my heart rate shooting high, and my heart rate recovery is not where it was prior to Graves’ but hopefully that will come in time. My strength is coming back and so is my muscle tone. It was weird, I think the weight I lost when I was hyper was all muscle. I worked hard for over a year getting toned abs and it was like overnight they were gone. I had a minor sore throat off and on for the past month- nothing serious and it could also just be allergies. But everyone reacts differently- symptoms and recovery have huge variations. Keep us posted on your progress, we’re here for you!

    Post count: 61

    Thank you, for the support, that is great that your levels are back to normal runlaice, my endo told me to give up carbs and eat high protein diet. I would like to start back at the gym in late September. I am hopeful. I will let everyone know and review what Ski had to say, Thanks again,


    Post count: 181

    4 years post-RAI, I’m weighing 20 lbs more than before Graves. But, I have not exercised for all these 4 years. Still planning to start exercising. Ha. I’m in my 40s, too.

    You will always have Graves (they say). Well, I don’t notice it anymore, there is nothing to notice. I am not hyper, and my thyroid supplement keeps my levels normal. I feel normal, so when I say "I have GD", I don’t really know what exactly that means. They talk about antibodies, but if the antibodies are not acting up, (because there’s no thyroid), then there is no manifestations.

    How long your body will take to get back to normal – there will be a time of a "thyroid dump" after RAI, (to me it happened 3 months after RAI, for others earlier), and after that, your body will get back to normal pretty much.

    The only other thing that may be bothersome, is your eyes. If you have Thyroid Eye Disease, it will run its own course, independently of your Graves. So in that sense, I had problems with my eyes for a year after RAI, but my body felt healthy starting about 6 months after RAI.

    Post count: 61

    Thanks for the support. I will keep everything in mind.


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