Hi Mary,
Thanks for asking! This is the 3rd time I have tried to
post this today. I go to enter it and I get booted! LOL
Anyway……I didn’t want to leave you hanging either cause
I know what it feels like wondering.
Yep, the conference was excellent from start to finish.
Those conference planners did a super job. Talk about
talented. Wow!
I learned that the Eye Disease should be called Autoimmune
Ophthamology. That a high T3 could put a person at risk for
the eye disease. That getting doctors to agree on something
is like herding cats. That there is healing benefits in
laughter. That meeting other GD patients and their families
is one of the nicest things I have ever experienced. That
they could write 2 pages on what they do know about Graves’
Disease and volumes on what they don’t or think.
I could expand on these thoughts but there is going to be
reviews/write ups on the different speakers posted here to
the BB by volunteers Nancy Patterson asked for when she
spoke at the banquet dinner.
Next year I am taking my husband with me to the 8th Annual
National Graves’ Disease Conference that will be held in
Louisville, KY again.
Michele B.