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  • vanillasky
    Post count: 339

    Thank you, you are very kind.

    Some women have an easy time with menopause. I just don’t. My mother didn’t have a hard time, but her hairdresser is 42 and is just as bad as I am at 54!

    My mother used to know a woman that kept the bedroom window open when it snowed, because she was so hot during the night. And she did not have thyroid problems, just menopause! LOL! It was snowing in her bedroom and she felt great!!!!

    I can’t wait for the snow to accumulate here. I’m going to go make snow angels in the backyard with my dog. It sounds so re-freshing. I keep dreaming about it!

    Post count: 333


    I completely hear you. I have felt that hot myself. I have stuck my head in the freezer several times to cool down … lol!! It works. I hate the feeling. I’ll be seating at my desk and all of the sudden I’m burning up. Its terrible!! I too have day dreamed of many snowy days and open windows :) I’m so happy the weather is gotten cold now. I’m enjoying it a lot. Especially at night. A cold glass of water right when I start to get hot helps me a lot. I attribute my heat intolerance to my thyroid but it could be my female hormones as well. It all seems to go hand in hand.

    I don’t recall my Mom feeling hot during menopause but she didn’t share much about it. She tried to be strong about it.

    Hope it snows soon.

    Caro :)

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