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  • oahz
    Post count: 29

    about to see my surgeon on thursday.

    need to compile some questions to ask about OD.

    what are some that you asked?

    Post count: 1909

    I’m traveling today, so not much time.
    Most of the practical questions and answers, you’ll find on the forum if you do a bit of searching.
    My quick answers are these:
    How long do I need help after surgery? Again, I suggest you scan the posts, ask the name of a nurse in office who is more familiar, this is not a great surgeon question.

    Doc questions=
    *how many TT’s do you do a year? What complications have you seen, if any?
    -estimate of how long the surgery takes,
    do ask to be medicated for nausea, although this is so common, i am sure it will be done. The anesthesiologist handles this issue anyway.

    Ask for a copy of the POST OP instructions before your surgery, that really helps.

    Risks-you can ask, but they will be sure to tell you the risks and etc.

    I had fewer questions about before the surgery and many more about after the surgery. Surgeons are pretty good at telling you stuff about what they are going to do. Take someone with you, have them take notes,and ask right then while you are seeing him/her if you don’t understand something.
    Hope someone else chimes in, I have no more time right now.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – As Shirley mentioned, many posters here have been great about documenting their experiences with OD from pre-op through post-op.

    If you use the “search posts” feature in the top right-hand corner of the screen and do a search on the word “decompression”, you will find a lot of helpful information.

    Take care!

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