Good morning Hyperm!
Not sure if this will be of any help or not, but I did read in ‘Living Well with Graves Disease’ that people that go hypo should try to eat 3 meals a day instead of several mini-meals, with breakfast being the largest meal & supper being the lightest. Also, if I remember correctly, it said to try not to eat more than one type of meat at a time (such as steak & ribs) & try not to combine protein with carbs (ex-steak & potatoes). Good Luck!
Ok so as the title says I am slightly worried…I have put on some weight even though before and after the op initially the weight was coming off – I have been very careful what I was eating.
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This is not vanity speaking but after my first little boy and the initial horrifying weight loss I have battled with my weight> However, since Feb it has been coming off and I have been the closest to my "normal" weight in 4 years (just 1 stone = 14lbs to go). Now it is creeping on. Is there anything I can do? Or is this a loosing battle regardless of what I eat? Look, getting this into perspective it is NOT the most important part of my recovery so I can "learn" to live with it but I just couldn’t face going over my heaviest the last time (nearly 12 stone
” title=”Confused” /> ) all the while dieting and gaining weight.
I would interested to hear others stories and wondering if now is the time to join a diet class after all they initiate healthy eating – should I choose a diet plan which has a low carb intake?
Thanks again friends xxx
Hi Hyperm! I am in exactly the same place as you, it seems. Can’t seem to stop this weight from packing on. I had rai 3 wks ago and am still feeling somewhat hyper (though better than before) but I am slowly gaining. And I count calories plus am putting in 6-8 miles a day walking and slow jogging. I only "lost" 3 pounds while I was hyper and have since gained all of that back plus another couple. I think a stone is 14 pounds? Anyways, I’m writing down everything I eat and exercising as much as I can and there is just no way this makes sense. I’m pretty small to start with and 3 pounds makes a big difference- my clothes are getting tight and there is a layer of fat over the muscle. I don’t know the answer, but am hoping that once my levels are regulated I will at least be able to do hard exercise and maybe that will fix this. I’m also trying to cut out crap food- which I was accustomed to eating a lot of since when I was running and slowly going hyper I was eating over 3000 calories a day and not gaining weight. Lol, I thought I was a lean, mean, calorie burning machine but here all along I was just getting Graves’! Now I feel like a slug- moving slower and packing it on.
Hi its so frustrating isn’t it!
I think you are right that if you eat three low fat meals a day then it should help but for me in the past even while being hyper (reverse symptoms – great fun) it never helped. Interesting about the meat – I am veggie but I have a friend who is trying to loose wait and is a meat eater – will pass on the tip
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Runlacie – give me some of that energy. I am managing no exercise but to be honest my scar is still healing so think it may be a while I did go for a VERY short walk today. Got out the old weight watcher diet book and you know I am a healthy eater and most of my staples are in the free core section – I think I will just need to try and stick to it and cut out all the good stuff like chocolate ( not been eating a lot – honest
) for just now and see what happens. I remember before though how frustrating and heartbreaking it is. It must be terrible for you to know that you are really exercising hard and its still going on – thats when you know this weight issue /thyroid thing is NOT in your head!
In the meantime I am thinking myself thin – will let you know how it goes
xxxlol, Hyperm- sending thin thoughts your way! I lost some weight on Nutrisystem a couple years ago and have considered doing that again just long enough to rid myself of my bad junk food habits, but it’s so darn expensive! I actually think the expense was what made it work for me though, since I couldn’t stand to pay all the money and have it not work. If I keep gaining I will have to do something soon!
Hyperm…I’ve packed on an addl. 20 lbs. with the tapazole and desperately went and bought "The Thyroid Diet" by Mary Shomon, the same woman that wrote "Living Well with Hyperthyroidism" (which is a book I read cover to cover and LOVE). It talks more about managing a sick thyroid and how sometimes, it’s just not our fault when we start gaining weight, but also has resolutions on what to do too. Let me know your thoughts about the book, if you find it to read!! I’m here with you on the weight…it’s a STRUGGLE every day. I used to wear low-rider jeans and now I’m in elastic band pants for comfort…sad, but true!!
I love you guys – you are all so funny! I have resisted the chocolate bar which my hubby brought along with my cup of tea and it was noodles and tofu for dinner – which I love. It is rather depressing… Sue I know what you mean – I used to be hip and happening, well now its my hips that are happening
They should change the Encourage educate empower too Graves Disease foundation, "mood swingers", "weight gainers" and "super worried folk" – Welcome
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Should we start a weekly weigh in? See how we are all getting on or would that be too depressing?
hyperm wrote: Should we start a weekly weigh in? See how we are all getting on or would that be too depressing?xxxx
Hey, I’d sign up for that! Or maybe a daily/weekly posting of our food plan. Back in June, I actually got back to my goal weight for the first time in a YEAR. Then packed on 6 pounds while on vacation…and have added another two since I got back. I’m a Weight Watchers lifetime member, and I’m expecting that this weekend’s weigh-in is going to be even worse.
I’ve really been having sweet cravings…and the stress I’m going through at work (major layoffs coming) is NOT helping. I bought some of those 100-calorie snacks…but when you have 8 servings in one sitting, sadly, it’s no longer a 100-calorie snack…
Hi all.
I’ve never worried a huge amount about weight. I’ve never been super skinny or overweight – just kind of average and that’s been OK with me. I am not a consistent exerciser, but we lead active lifestyles (biking, hiking, playing in the yeard.) I did lose weight when I was hyper and now that I am "normal" on tapazole I am gaining a little – don’t know how much, we don’t even have a scale. I can just tell by how my clothes fit. It is frustrating.
I try to eat small portions and frequently. During the day I am really good – because my kids are watching.
” title=”Smile” /> We eat low-fat dairy, lots of fruits and some vegetables, whole grains, nuts, etc. My downfall is nighttime – when they are sleeping. Don’t I deserve a bowl of ice cream after making it through a long day?
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Oh well,
EmilyOh My-
This is too funny. Im telling ya. I have gained 20lbs on RAI. I lost five since I have been on the synthroid but obviously have a good amount to go.
Lacie- seriously, are YOU complaing about 5-6 lbs..HAHAHHAHA. You make me laugh sweets… I wish that was my problem. I love you
” title=”Smile” /> Im sure you will loose it all the day you can run again. Hahah.
As for the rest of you, I guess what I heard was really watching carb and sugar intake. My friend is hypo and thats what works best for her out of EVERTHING she went from 120-170 because she ate NORMAL and then went back to the low carb low sugar and is skinnier than ever before. Im going to try that
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Have a great day everyone
KrystalPerhaps it would help to understand some of the issues behind weight gain/loss with Graves. While hyperthyroid we lose muscle mass. For some reason, the excess levels of thyroid cause the body to "eat" muscle. Now, muscle weighs more than other tissues, and therefore, we see weight loss when we lose muscle. (Yes, there can be some loss of "flab" too, but right now, the issue is muscle.) Losing muscle lowers metabolism because muscle burns more calories, even at rest, than other tissues do. So with muscle loss we cannot eat as much as we used to without gaining weight. Some of your weight loss — if you lost weight with Graves — was lost muscle. This is BAD weight loss.
When we get stabilized to normal levels of hormone, muscle gradually comes back. It isn’t strong muscle unless we exercise it. But it comes back. And this can appear as weight gain. But, it is GOOD weight gain because it is raising your metabolic rate, and allowing you to eat more without gaining.
So, obviously, the issues are complicated. Please do not obsess with weight gain to the point where you are not getting good nutrition or are skipping meals. You NEED good nutrition right now because your body has been through the wringer. As long as you are eating properly, the weight issues will normalize. And eating a minimum of three meals a day helps to keep metabolism up as well.
I hope this info helps.
Thanks Bobbi for the full explanation!! I WANT NORMAL LEVELS OF HORMONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Bobbi!
That info was very helpful. I am quite certain I lost muscle mass when I was losing weight while hyper. I could see it in my abdomen- I had a lot of definition in the muscles and then I lost weight and also lost that "cut" look and just had loose skin. I also have to lift a lot at work- and it was noticeable that I couldn’t lift as much as before. Now that I’m gaining, I do think some of it is hopefully the return of strong muscles. But some of it IS fat. I can tell when I do plank exercises and look at my stomach that there is a lot more hanging down. Another thought I had is that I seem to be retaining more water. I bet being hyper actually also made me dehydrate and now a more normal state is returning.
Krystal- I’m old and I have to complain about 5 pounds! It is hard to lose it again for us old folks. And once I start going in the wrong direction it’s hard to stop the runaway eating train. Good job on losing 5 pounds! That is great and gives me mucho hope that once I’m normal again it won’t be so difficult!
If I could just cut out the junk and eat healthy I’d be okay. And Emily, night time is my downfall also. I can be good all day long and BAM, night rolls around and I eat like a mad woman.
hyperm- we could have a weight support thread and cheer each other on and include a weekly weigh-in or something if you all want to? That’d be fun.
Well, I did my exercise and had yogurt with a sprinkle of granola for breakfast. I’ll try and stay strong. Today I have been feeling hyper and my heart rate is back up again. Getting discouraged. Hope it’s just a short set-back.
A weekly weigh in could be a good idea! Lets start next week as I just had a Chinese takeaway as hubby and I were too tired to cook tonight
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” title=”Very Happy” /> the only thing better than Chinese take-away is the Chinese all you can eat buffet!!! I could sure put away some food there when I was hyper. All of the large people would stare at the little me loading up plate after plate. I easily out-ate my DH and he is double my weight.
Guess those days are over for me now. OK, we can start Monday???
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