Kimberly – I was not very thrilled with the leader of this meeting location but I liked the other people working there and the people at the meeting, plus it was close to home. I am thinking about going back, if nothing else getting my books out and trying to start on my own. I have to start something because I know some of my issues are because of my weight.
About a month ago I started to see an Endo (05/06) because only my family doctor was treating me for Graves up to that point and I just got sick & tired of being just that, sick & tired. Once I went to the Edno they had my lab work from the previous week (4/29) and all the paperwork in regards to medical history and family history. I saw the nurse practioner, who I just loved, we went over everything and I answered some questions for her. She had me stop my Tapazole completely that day because my TSH was at 8, I had been taking 10mg, 5mg, 10mg up to that point.
I had to have a complete CBC & thyroid blood work, a bone density & an ultrasound of my thyroid done before going back to the doctor. Since that day I’ve been back to see the Edno Dr. and all of my thryroid levels were within the normal ranges, he is hoping I am in remission and all will be fine. No news yet on my bone density and my ulstrasound showed I have a 6 mm mass on my thyroid but the doctor wasn’t too concerned about that yet, only if it gets larger.
I have had more energy on some days since stopping the Tapazole and I feel OK but I still have my days were I swear if I could I would sleep all day but I can’t because of my children and work. Somedays I over exert myself and them pay for it the next day, where I can’t do much at all.
I’m hoping something gives somewhere sometime soon.
This may not sound very "right" at this time, but it has been since 2004 that I started this mess. After tapazole, then two eye surgeries, then radio active iodine, I have HAD it! The weight is the big thing with me, especially now. This is how big I was when I delivered my kids and I am at the end of my rope. My MD has changed me to a new endo, and I see her the 16th of June, but I am issuing ultimatums this time, and I swear I will stop doctoring altogether and I don’t care what happens at this point. Everyone wants me to stop worrying with the weight, but my WEIGHT is my issue!!! The MD wants me to use antidepressants. Wouldn’t be depressed if I wasn’t so FREAKING FAT!! I exercise my *** off, not a day goes by without exercise, and I have not been able to eat right since 2004. Then when I do eat, I feel sick, hot, sweaty, nauseous right after and am ashamed to have eaten. I don’t eat JUNK food, I eat healthy and I am SICK OF THE WHOLE THING. I WANT MY LIFE BACK OR ELSE…it is miserable to have to exist this way, and I don’t want to do it anymore. No sleep, no relaxation, metabolism going full bore 24/7 and still no weight comes off! I am totally sick of this whole mess. Thanks for letting me vent. I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way…my Graves will kill me one way or the other is the way I look at it, either treated or untreated, I don’t care. Treatment sure as heck hasn’t worked so far…
Peggy……….I’m just in the beginning but found out my thyroid was off because of blood work requested from a weight control doctor in my area. I called them this week after my confirmed diagnosis and they told me to do the RAI, get myself leveled off and then about a year from now come back to them and they will be able to help me!! That was very encouraging but they highly cautioned me that when trying to adjust my levels it will be extremely easy to gain weight and they wont me to go on the diet program they use which is no more than 60 grams of carbs a day. That way I can hopefully hold my weight where it is at currently then go back about a year from now to help lose the other 25………but they told me to walk 30 mins daily also. So I will try these things in the next year and hope and pray that I can maintain my weight then get some diet meds to help with the last 25 lbs.
I just wanted to tell you that if you want to go that route because your are so sick of it……..you might want to find a doctor and go for a consult!
Good Luck……and don’t give up!!
I have successfully used weight watchers in the past and just started up again on my own at home. Just make some sheets on the computer that you can use to mark down your points and water/drinks etc.. I am four weeks post RAI. I’ve lost three pounds this week by just upping my water and writing down what I eat. I am moving more and that helps too. Mentally is a good step to feel like you are doing something to make a change. I know that next week I won’t lose three pounds but I don’t want that three back! so I’ll keep on writing things down.
Good luck with things and remember to treat yourself well. You aren’t a bad person because you weigh more than you used to. Graves knocked you down and you can get back up. You’ve made it this far right?
Hi, and welcome, Miranda Rose. I’m in total shock. I didn’t know that you could gain as well as lose. I’m short, too, about 130 now, from 170. I confess, I kinda saw it as a good thing. But since you brought this up, I’m wondering if my two daughters have thyroid probs too. They are as heavy as I am thin. And it seems diet doesn’t play a big part for them. Hmmmm?
But back to your problem. What’s your diet like? Are you avoiding red meats and eating chicken, fish, and lean pork and turkey? Someone here also said to avoid processed foods, use fresh veg and fruit whenever possible. water down fruit juices a little, they do have a lot of sugar. Avoid diet sodas. The make you crave real sugar! There are lots of goodies you can have, though. One of my faves is a ripe canteloupe, cut in half, seeds removed. Fill the cavity with lite whipped cream. It subs for ice cream w/o so many calories. And don’t forget to keep your potassium, vitamin D, and calcium levels up. Graves’ can apparently cause bone problems. SKIM MILK, ok? If you are lactose intolerant, as many of us are, use walmart brand lactaid. It has the same vitamins as milk.
Hope all this helps a LITTLE! Best of luck, and remember, you can ask this forum anything.ewmb – Sounds like you are on the right track…keep up the great work!
Brenda – Wow, no wonder you were exhausted! Are you getting your Free T3 and Free T4 tested now? I find that doctors who base dosing solely from TSH don’t reduce our ATD dose quickly enough, as TSH is a lagging indicator. This sends us plummeting towards (or into) hypo territory. While it’s more expensive to test the "Frees", they are MUCH better markers to determine proper dosing. Hopefully, you will start to see your energy rebound without the meds. Keep an eye out for hyper symptoms, though…some folks will see their levels creep up again when the meds are suddenly reduced.
Peggy – You didn’t mention if you were currently hyper or hypo. I *totally* understand about the weight frustrations, but either way, it’s critical that you get your thyroid levels regulated. If you are unhappy with your doctor’s advice, speak up, ask questions, and negotiate until you end up with a treatment plan that you believe in. Once your levels are under control, the weight loss should be at least a little easier.
Michelle – Since you have given yourself a year or so before pursuing the medically assisted weight loss again, you might consider some additional research on whether that is the right approach for you at this point in your life. A few questions I would research (or ask the doctor’s office) are:
1. Graves is not just a thyroid disorder, but an autoimmune disease. We are genetically predisposed to getting an autoimmune disease, but some sort of "trigger" generally sets it off. The "trigger" can be a number of things, including physical injury, emotional stress, or something in the environment. Has the medically assisted weight loss program been used on anyone else with an autoimmune condition? Some of us can speculate on what our "trigger" was, but others will never know for sure. My personal approach is to err on the safe side and try not to bring any extra chemicals into my system (food, meds, etc.) unless it’s absolutely necessary.
2. Does the program assist with habits and emotional/behavioral issues surrounding food? I know people who have had "quick fixes" with a number of different weight loss programs, but if we return to old habits, the weight tends to return as well.
3. Does the program have a maintenance plan to help you switch from "losing" mode to "maintenance" mode — and figure out approximately how much food or how many calories you will need to maintain your weight?
You are 100% correct in focusing first on getting your thyroid levels stabilized…these are just a few more things to think about with everything else on your plate.
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I had another "at goal" weigh in at my Weight Watchers meeting this week. YAY! However, I am heading to Europe soon for a 3 week vacation…so I’m sure I will be fighting the battle again as soon as I get back. I find that I put on weight MUCH quicker now…and I plan to indulge in some gelato, tiramisu, pasta, fish & chips, sachertorte, and strawberries & cream. My goal is to try a little of everything, but NOT eat until I am stuffed…otherwise, I know I will pay dearly when I get back home.
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Hi there,
I’ve just been reading through the posts here and it’s encouraging to find others who know what it’s like to go through Graves’ Disease and the problems of weight gain after treatement. I was diagnosed with Graves’ a little over a year ago and since starting medication (Thiamazol), my weight has been climbing steadily – despite a sustained effort to exericse more and eat less food but healthy food (fruit, veg, pulses etc). In the past this would work to keep off the kilos/pounds but now I just seem to put on more weight and my body seems to do whatever it wants. I can suddenly gain several kilos in one weekend but it doesn’t drop off as easily. I have gained 16 kilos (35lbs) since I was a healthy, slim, active pre-Graves person. Probably the most frustrating thing of all is the response from my doctors who tell me that my thyroid levels are normal and that everyone has trouble losing weight. I know, however, that my body does not react in the same way to diet and exercise as it did when I was pre-Graves – and it’s comforting at least to find a forum where there are others expressing similar sentiments (it can be a terribly isolating experience). The weight gain is scarey, yes, because I don’t fit into my clothes and I can’t think of myself as "big and beautiful" – but it’s also scarey because I don’t feel healthy and I’m carrying around all this weight everyday, which is exhausting and hard on my heart. And mostly, I seem unable to control it effectively. I’ve read some good tips here (like exercise in the morning and do a little everyday rather than heavy workouts – which I tend to do out of frustrating and determination) and I wish my doctors would offer more recovery support, but as they don’t, it’s good to find it here. Thank you.
JennieI will try everything I can in the next year while they try to level me off……I know how to eat and how in the past I have maintained my weight. It’s just hard now……at least there is an explanation for it. My son is 1 1/2 and with my girls (13 and 9) it wasn’t too hard to get the weight off and keep it off, give or take 5 pounds. I just hope that I’m not going to be this big forever. I hate buying more and more clothes!! It’s just so frustrating for me already, and with the heat now, it’s hard to go for a walk without a rise in heartbeat.
I’ve put on over 25 kilos after having RAI. My stomach is so uncomfortable most of the time, its so similar to being pregnant, my stomach is hard and rounded just like when pregnant. Most of all the weight gain has gone to my stomach! My eating habits havent changed and I’m not losing any weight, in fact I may have put on more weight! Too afraid to check the scales! I’ve been stabilised for the past 3 months which may be a little early to be expecting any changes. I’ve been through the buying fat clothes thing, I’ve put away all of my old clothes so I dont become upset each time I look for something to wear. I have a collection of tracksuits which are the only clothes I feel comfortable in now.
Is anyone else experiencing the same feeling of being bloated with a hard stomach which pushes up into the ribs? Its just like pregnancy, there’s no other way of describing this feeling. All of the weight just accumulates in the stomach area.
Sounds like you might be having some symptoms that aren’t just from weight gain. Are you having constipation? You might really want to have a doctor check you out. I don’t think in all the times that my weight has fluctuated, sometimes over 25 lbs, that I have had a stomach that is hard even though there is extra padding there. I started taking acidophilus tablets when I was hyper and had to deal with the diarrhea and it made a difference for me. It helped my gut get back to some kind of normal. This in one of the good bacteria that you can get in some of the yogurts but I think the tablets contain more than the yogurts.
I’m not sure how "valid" this is, but I found this information on a thyroid site and thought I would share it with you. I’ve gained 20 lbs. myself since last Oct. with my diagnosis. I went from hyper to hypo and now I’m back in "hyper". I know that I’ve experienced fatigue to the point of sleeping 12-14 hrs. a day. Sounds ridiculous, but I have.
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"Weight gain occurs in 10-15 percent of patients with Graves’ disease, usually younger patients. The reasons are unclear but appear to be due to inflammation and to deficiencies of free fatty acids. Sedentary changes related to fatigue may also be responsible."I think it’s particularly telling that they use the words "may" and "unclear." No matter what they suppose, no one knows for sure, unfortunately. It also appears that they’re talking about people who gain while hyperthyroid, which is far rarer than patients regaining pounds they lost while hyperthyroid.
Hi All. Thankyou for your replies. I have been to the doctor about this just last week. The bloated, pregnant look and feel. I dont have constipation at all, in fact I only ever have loose bowel movements which is why I’m concerned. I was reading a book last week about thyroid and the increased chances of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Candida throughout the body, Addisons Disease, Celiac among other nasties which is what prompted me to go back to the GP for further testing. He’s testing for these and alongside another full thyroid count. I feel as though I’ve slipped back into hypo these past few weeks, tiredness, slight dizzyness, lethargy and a feeling of being unwell most of the time.
When I was severly hypo after RAI I had all of the symptoms of myexodeama (spelling?), this can cause thickening of the skin, severe coldness which can lead to hypothermia, slow heart beat, severe swelling of face, torso, hands and feet and even death if symptoms worsen. I was brushed off by the endocrinologist treating me. I, unlike many on this site suffered from psychosis when I was hyper, so my treatment (synthroid meds) was administered extremely slowly in case of another attack. This makes me at a higher risk of contracting/developing further complications like Addisons etc. according to the book I was reading.
Anyway, I’m hoping to get to the bottom of it next week when I see my GP again. I’ll be sure to let you all know what the outcome is and hopefully help someone else on this site.
Thankyou all again for your support!
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PS. I’m from Australia, we dont have a site anything like the one your running! Its fantastic, I’ve referred others to it as its the best on the net! Keep up the good work.When I had really loose bowel movements I started taking acidophilus tablets and they seemed to help get my gut flora back on track. Also I ate one coconut macaroon ( a cookie or biscuit) a day. I don’t know what you have in Australia that is similar but you should have something. I have relatives there and we’ve shared recipes some. The coconut really did help stop the diarrhea. Also heard that blueberries are good for helping stop it too. We have a radio program here called the People’s pharmacy. You can google it and find some really neat home remedies that might help you out.
I am on meds for hyperthyroid/graves. Once on the meds, I began to gain weight. On meds since August, I have gained 20 lbs. I have been steady at my new weight ( as well as having steady levels) since April, so for 3 months.
I have been trying to come to peace with gaining the weight. People that see what I eat each day wonder how I could possibly gain the weight that I have. Since being diagnosed with Graves, I am very aware of the foods that I eat. The weight has been very frustrating and one of the hardest things to accept when you already feel like you are crazy most of the time.
I have tried to just focus on the fact that I am technically healthy, despite my extra 20 lbs.
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