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    Post count: 1569

    The responses you get may be interesting, but I can tell you that there are people who used ATDs who have gained no weight, people who used RAI who have gained no weight, and people who have used either of the two and have gained weight, in varying amounts. What I’m trying to say is that there is no direct relationship between what other people have experienced and what YOU will experience under the same circumstances. We all have different habits, different reactions to both the condition and treatment for the condition ~ everyone is very unique, with Graves’.

    Personally, I tried methimazole and seemed to gain weight every time I walked through a room. I finally had a successful RAI treatment, and I think I may have gained a total of 20 pounds afterward, but it wasn’t very quickly, and overall it didn’t really change much as far as the clothes I wore ~ I think it was the lost muscle mass returning to my body, which is a GOOD weight gain, and it happens to everyone after our levels return to normal. You need that muscle mass, because it burns calories even at rest. After it’s strengthened, you have a better chance of feeling like you did prior to treatment.

    Post count: 2

    Hi All,

    I am researching treatment options. Its either ADT or RAI. Has anyone experienced severe weight gain on either. I am currently 5’1 at 105lbs. My family and I have always been on the smaller side. I have a small build so carrying extra weight will actually hurt me i.e. back ( i have back issues). Anyone who can give me their results would be great.

    Post count: 292

    I know you want people to give THEIR experiences and that’s great–and I’ve already told you about the studies you can find on PubMed on the subject, but I forgot to mention that some of the studies concluded that people who were overweight before Graves’ were more likely to gain weight following treatment than people who were of normal weight, if that helps.

    Post count: 6

    Hi, Dianne: Please tell me what topic to search under and/or where in PubMed I can find the articles about RAI and weight gain? Thanks.

    DianneW wrote:I know you want people to give THEIR experiences and that’s great–and I’ve already told you about the studies you can find on PubMed on the subject, but I forgot to mention that some of the studies concluded that people who were overweight before Graves’ were more likely to gain weight following treatment than people who were of normal weight, if that helps.
    Post count: 6

    I’m not sure if you have lost weight or not, but I lost a lot of weight before I received treatment. I am 5′ 4" prior to GD I ran 2 miles a day and weighed about 119, then I got sick, quick running (no energy) and weighed in at 105. Then I had the RAI treatment and got my weight back up to 120 a much more healthy weight. I had the treatment twenty years ago and maintained my weight up until last year. I put on 10lbs, but I made a life style change, I quit my highly stressful job and started to enjoy life for the first time in a long run. I guess I enjoyed life a little too much and never realized how much stress could effect your weight. I thought that I would have no problem loosing the weight, but surprise, surprise I didn’t. Until I read about "Living with GD" on the home page of GD Foundation, did I find out how strict I had to be with myself on watching calories and fat consumption. Now I record my calories and keep it between 1200 – 1300 and exercise for 55 minutes on the treadmill (alternating in speed and incline), finally I am loosing weight.

    I guess what I am saying is for me I watched and maintained my weight and had no problems, but once I let go and did nothing, I put on weight. I learned to read every lable to watch what I put in my mouth (I still have days where I spluge, can’t deny myself what I enjoy), I am very careful on my sodium intake, I blow up like a whale if I don’t. I drink a lot of water and exercise with a good cardio at least 5 days a week. This week I am going to introduce a yoga program. I am also a big believer in organic foods, we put enough chemicals in our body.

    Good luck on your decision on a treatment – just remember we are here for you if you need support and you are never alone! There is a great group of members here and chances are someone has or is expierencing the samething you are.

    Post count: 484

    Yeppers SKI is right…there are a slew of us here with different situations.
    I have always been thin. At one point I was skinny due to a different problem. I was able to gain weight back from that. I was about 140-145 lbs when I was diagnosed with Graves’ while trying to get pregnant with my 2nd child. (1st child had been about 5 years prior). I have had 3 children in the last 6 years and gained almost 50 lbs with each pregnancy except for 1st (that was 70lbs, dr was peeved at me on that one lol). I am now 35 and 150-152 lbs depending on when I weight myself. My youngest is almost 3 years old and I have been in remission for almost two years.

    There are so many different stories out there and everyone body is different and will take the medicine differently. Eat well and don’t let the stress of this get to you. Keep an open mind with things and pick your fights, know that some things just aren’t worth arguing about.

    Good for you for researching this before anything else. I did that and opted for PTU to try first and it did help and I am greatful. Everyone is different though so take what you learn and find a good ENdo that will be willing to treat you with RAI or Oral medicine and is willing to listen to what you have to say. A dr. that says I wont do anything but RAI or I wont do anything but oral meds and isn’t willing to listen to you probably isn’t the dr. you want to stay with.

    We’re here for ya

    Post count: 84

    Before I had my RAI in Dec 2008, I had lost 20 lbs from being hyper. Once I had the RAI and about a month later, the weight started coming back on.

    I’ve been on the Atkins diet (low carb) for 2.5 weeks now and so far have lost about 6 lbs. So it IS possible to lose weight while hypo. I’ve also been on Synthroid for 3.5 weeks too.

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