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    Post count: 1569

    When we stop taking beta blockers, it can cause a "rubber band" return of symptoms it’s been masking ~ in other words, you can notice a return of those symptoms at higher levels than when you began taking the beta blockers. That’s why we wean slowly. So yes, it may be because of that, but it should resolve quickly if that’s the only reason for it.

    I am SO glad you found a doctor you like! SO important.

    Post count: 199

    Hi all.

    I saw a new endocrinologist yesterday who I liked very much. She was much more informative and willing to talk through things with me. I SOOOO need that. I know that my other doc contributed some to my anxiety because he left so much unanswered. Anyway, I’m grateful to have found a new endo that I can foresee having a good relationship with.

    She is weaning me from the beta blocker. She thinks it may be causing some of my dizziness since I had low blood pressure to start with. I am glad to give up a med that I don’t need but am wondering if I’ll notice anything while weaning off. I did notice more hand tremors today and wondered if that is related or just a coincidence.


    Post count: 484

    Finding a dr. you like …………..PRICELESS!!!!!!!

    Way to go on your appt.ImageImageImageImageImage

    Post count: 14

    Hi Emily,

    I was on a low dose beta blocker for just over 2 months. My BP was always low and once my FT4 came down, my endo wanted me to wean off it. I did it slowly over 2 weeks and took my last dose on April 29th. I felt a little anxious each day that I made a dosage change, but the feeling passed and my body seemed to adjust to the lower dosage. I did check my pulse and it was always fine.

    I have since been seeing a trainer and have been running 3 miles now, 2 to 3 times/week and weight training 3 times/week. My muscle mass is almost back to normal after just 31/2 weeks of this. I am not young (by age), I’m turning 46 soon, but the body has great ability to recover!!

    I was tired of being at home (in Canada) so my husband and I are on vacation for 2 weeks, and enjoying golfing in sunny Arizona at the moment!!!
    Take Care….you will get to the point where you feel well.


    Post count: 199

    Thanks Sharie.

    I’m also weaning slowly and am a little anxious about it. My endo and my regular doc are in agreement that I no longer need it. My heart rate and BP are always fine, it’s the hand tremors that drive me crazy.

    I’m also starting to walk again and do some easy strength training. It feels good to be at this point.

    Enjoy your trip!


    Post count: 34

    Ely & Shari, I am so looking forward to when I can be off the beta blocker & anti thyroid med, and be back to my exercise routine. Congratulations on getting to this point.

    Post count: 14

    Emily, I only had hand tremors for the first month after I was diagnosed, then they just went away. I hope yours goes away soon.
    Knitlit, it was my beta blocker that I weaned off in April. I am still on my Methimazole, but only 5mg daily (at my worst, I was on 30mg). I was told that I would be on this dose for 4 weeks, then will probably be maintained on 2.5mg as my longterm dose (next 2 yrs). It is no problem to take just 1 pill a day!!! I don’t even think about it anymore…’s like taking a vitamin.

    Have a great day!


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