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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Well it was certainly nice to find this bulletin board. Last year I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, however, I seem to be an exceptional
    case. I was told that I am very sensitive to thyroid hormone. Anyway
    had the RAI and started to feel fine all last winter. By June, my endo
    tells me my bloodwork is definetely hypo, however, I felt ok. Anway
    started taking synthroid and and kept being increased. Seemed to be
    coming along fine but now I feel nervous at times and don’t have a great appetite. The endo says definetely not your thyroid because
    you are still hypo. Meanwhile I am supposed to be so sensitive to the
    thyroid hormone, I’m thinking it’s my body adjusting to the increased
    synthroid. Anybody else out there ever experience such. I did talk
    to one friend who said it took her a while to get settled on the increased
    dosages of synthroid. I hate Graves Disease but it is so nice to see
    that I am not alone. Believe me I’ve been there, I know all about the
    many sleepless nights, panic attacks, etc.

    Thanks for listening.


    Post count: 93172

    I had the RAI back in Aug.After 2 mths. I went hypo.I am now on .125 of synthroid and seem to be almost regulated.How long before your thyroid stops dying out from the left over radiation and how long after you get regulated on synthroid does it take for any hair that broke of or thinned to return?

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