The only thing I’ve heard about walking is you have to be careful while hyper because of your muscles. Ski is a really good one to answer this question. I’m not sure about you or most others, but I had a bone scan done and found out that I have Osteopenia, I’ve read that Osteopenia and Osteoporosis can be common in GD.Now that my levels are falling I am starting to resume walking again also. Only in a pool, because it is easier on the bones.
Hope this helps, Rhonda
Does anyone know if it’s ok to walk while being hyper? I am newly diagnosed but want to restart walking, as for me it’s time alone with my thoughts. I know I will have to walk slower as to not raise my heart rate…….but without it, I feel like a waste. Does it burn calories if I was to walk some…….maybe 30 minutes a day. Or does hyper through the metabolism so out of whack that it wouldn’t help doing this to maintain my weight. As you can probably tell, I have not had the typical lose of weight as many do when hyper……..I have put on 15 pounds in the last few months. I have some of the opposite symptoms.
Thanks for all of everyone’s help,
I really appreciate everything,Michelle
Michelle, all I can tell you is I could not have physically handled walking 30 minutes a day when I was hyper. I couldn’t handle a short walk through the grocery store when I was hyper.
Once I finally got in to see the endocrinologist, she wouldn’t allow me to do simple tasks like running the vacuum, carrying a basket of laundry, or loading/unloading the dishwasher, because my heart rate and BP were so out of whack. (My husband found me on the floor a couple of times while cleaning up after dinner, because the contant up and down motion of loading the diswasher made me pass out.) As you can imagine, I had a hard time with teaching in a 3 story building until my numbers were under control.
I would ask your doctor and get his/her advice. You don’t want to aggravate your condition.
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