I have a good update!
I am feeling a little better and sleeping better. General Dr. was back today from vacation and wanted an update on me. I spoke with her today and she agrees with the Endo but did explain why the Endo said what she said about the numbers and not doing anything. The fear of coming out of remission out weights the T3 right at this moment. My general dr. said she will monitor it and it is not forgotten. I told her that I am still very tired even after several nights of good resting (8 hours) and we talked more about the demands of the little ones and the big demand being my 14 yr old boy. She said it’s normal and says that it might take a few more weeks before I start to feel better. She said that my body seems to be dealing with the demands of motherhood in these ways and that she wants me to continue with sleeping as many hours as my body will sleep because she doesn’t want the stress to trigger coming out of remission.
She also said that I certainly know my body and know when I don’t feel well and says that although my numbers are "ok" that she knows I know better than a lab and that nipping it now is better and try not to get sick lol. (Note to those who don’t know… Virus is what caused Graves’ to rear it’s ugly head and say hello to me! lol)
She said that sometimes it’s just a case of talking to someone about how you feel and that helps you feel better. She said i should exercise for strengthening my joints and such but not lifting weights(i wouldn’t do anyway been there done that..looked like an amazon woman! LOL).She said "I’ve known you for a long time and care about you and your family and am happy that I am feeling better and know that you weren’t the same person that walked into the office 2 weeks ago. I’m glad that I hear the laughter in your voice again. You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t bouncing all over the place". It was nice that she said that, she truly does care and I am greatful for having her and the other dr. in the practice care so much.
She also told me that her headaches started when her child was a teenager ROFL!!! She said but you at least have 8 yrs between the 1st and 2nd but then you’ll be back in the office because 2nd 3rd and 4th are so close that I’ll surely go bonkers! lol. Ahhhh a great dr. and she’s funny too!
She said tummy and all of the other issues should recovery as the days go by and I keep sleeping properly. She said it’s training so it will take some time. Oh and the exercise is without excuses that I dont have time. She knows I can’t do physical therapy for my back because I can’t do it with the kids being home but she said I can certainly do stuff at home and make time for it. So that is what I’m going to do.
I had enough energy today to do laundry…there is still a lot left but I tackled a lot of it. Slow and steady wins the race! I forget that sometimes but that is what it boils down to.
Thank you all for the support.
Good news Mamabear!
One of the many lessons I’m learning from Graves is to slow down and take care of myself FIRST so that I can take care of my family. It still seems selfish to me when I lay down to rest – it’s taking some getting used to – but I know I need to.
Keep sleeping and eat well.
Hugs to your kids (even the teenager ” title=”Very Happy” /> )
EmilyHi mamabear,
I totally understand the shock of possibly going out of remission. I was in remission for about 4- 5yrs after I was diagnosed on absolutely no meds and then recently about 3mths ago I went through a thyroid storm and I am back on meds again. So it is possible. I just pray that I can go through a period of no meds again. I’m staying prayerful.
Queen Kema
Thank you. I take precautions as I am one of the lucky ones that feels symptoms so quickly. DH is very intuned to me as well. He has known me for a long time and we are best friends and he knows when I am not well. Oh and he has no problems telling me when I am not acting right lol.I feel lucky that PTU was good for me and it didn’t take long to have good levels and then get pregnant and remain euthyroid for a while. I did go out of remission but again was put back into it fairly easily. I watch about getting sick as virus’ tend to trigger me. I’m not paranoid about things but everyone that enters my home washes their hands before they do anything. It’s just because we have 4 kids and you never know. I certainly don’t need the flu going around, there is just so many things ya know.
I would happily take PTU again if i go out of remission but it’s figuring out if it’s really going out of remission or lack of sleep or something else. When you have 4 kids I guess it could be anything. I’m happy I have a dr. who looks at my thyroid first but also knows me so well and sees every thing as a huge picture and knows when it’s just having a lot of kids lol.
I’m glad I have the support here, i am very peppy and when not feeling well I sure need that support.
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